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Please don't ask me about x show. Everything you want to know is listed below if you just look at the specific show you want to know about.


Legacies - 2 more episodes of Legacies this week.

Daredevil/Netflixverse - 2 more episodes of Daredevil. I've finished the binge of Daredevil season 1.

Supernatural - Back to the normal schedule. 2 Episodes this week of Supernatural, we're almost there. Almost at the end. It's surreal... but maybe, just maybe... we can carry on. 

Once Upon A Time / In Wonderland - 2 more episodes of Once Upon A Time.

Arrowverse - I know normally we have 4 Arrowverse a week, but this is the way the schedule is. 2 Episodes of Freedom fighters which I believe is a continuation of the Crisis On Earth-X storyline? I'm not sure. 

Patreon Pilots - I have 4 left to do out of all of them. I apologize for them again, being late. Hopefully they'll be out by the end of this week.


Legacies - 2 more episodes of Legacies this week!

Daredevil/Netflixverse - 2 more episodes of Daredevil this week.

Supernatural - 2 more episodes of Supernatural. Most episodes are filler episodes and I've just about managed to catch up on season 15 and it's gonna take a long time to catch up with YouTube so we're only editing essential episodes for YouTube. Also, I'm attempting to catch up so I can react to the series finale live. If you're curious about what episodes are being edited this season the list is here: 11x09, 11x10, 11x17, 11x18, 11x20, 11x21, 11x22 & 11x23.

Once Upon A Time / In Wonderland -  2 more episodes of Once Upon A Time. I hope I don't offend anyone with episode 14. I had a bit to say and I'm not sure I said it right D:

Arrowverse - A mix of shows this week, Supergirl, Arrow & 2 Flash!




What will replace the TVDverse stuff? There are only 3 more weeks of that


While Legacies goes on break until January, There are some plans in motion for other things to watch. But rather than make false promises and in an effort to avoid disappointment I am going to have to answer this with wait and see 😌✌

Andrew Polinski

Some day hopefully someone in the patreon pilots will request which is too date the best vampire TV series ever grace the TV screnes "Forever Knight". (showing my age there :P)