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I reloaded Patreon before and it said "You've been blocked" and so I'm panicking like crazy.

I loaded onto my phone and same thing.

I am now on my VPN and it seems fine so its probably something to do with Australia or something.

I am just letting you guys know incase something happens, or if you have any ideas yourself. 

Remember if there's any issues with Patreon, you can contact me via 

Twitter here: https://twitter.com/AfterShowReacts
& Discord here: https://discord.gg/W7N4b5f



Seems fine on this end.


Probably a bug


it's fine here too (Germany)


All good here (UK)


Seems fine from Canada

Kevin Tran

Lol it would be. Because if it’s a blocking issue it wouldn’t happen to us. Patreon is a US company

Malcolm Wolf

Fine here in New Zealand


It's working again y'all.. No worries.. She's fine now :)

Walter Alcaraz

And yet YouTube, owned by Google, a US company, blocks some videos from US viewers. I know this, because if I use a VPN and choose a Canadian or European server for the IP, I can then view them. Turn it off, going back to my US IP address, they are blocked again.

Walter Alcaraz

Nevertheless.... maybe it was Cayden James that is to blame....

Victor M

Yeah well might help to not post content you don't own just saying

Brandon Wiesner

Interesting how you are a Patron, which means you're paying for her content and yet you're criticizing her for posting that content. I guess someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed.

Victor M

I only pay the min and I’ve cancelled anyway. Also I’m not the one making over $4000 a month off content I don’t own

Brandon Wiesner

The point of being a reactor is to create reactions to whatever show/movie/song or other type of video they are watching. The content is just that, their reaction. If you are watching reactions to watch a show, then you clearly don't understand the concept of reactions in the first place.

Victor M

Yeah well i'm certain the majority of people are here for the free episodes.

Luis Garcia

I don't think that's true. First of all, I think most people here just enjoy watching people's reactions to their favorite shows, that's at least why I'm here. Second of all, it technically isn't free because you're still paying the reactor to have access to the full-length reactions. You could pay for Netflix, or Disney+, or any other streaming service and be able to watch so much more at your own pace.

Victor M

Exactly, you are paying the reactor for something they have no rights to sell

Zach Hershman

Brandon, I am not criticizing Shan as I appreciate her content. That said, her providing entire episodes while getting paid is an easy case for a production company to win if one ever felt like cracking down. A large part of their business model now revolves around streaming rights and many even fight against the 10 minutes used in YouTube reactions. Music producers are much stricter and for that reason most music reactions have to be chopped to hell if they want any chance at making money off of them.

Victor M

Yeah and I’m sure one day the studios will come down hard on Patreon, enjoy it while it lasts.


well given that fair use has alot of gray area noone really knows much about what she can and cant post. always i think patroen is in the clear as they dont have the content on there website just links to another where it is.

Victor M

You kidding? Fair use does not mean she can show the whole episode or movie like she does. Not that much grey area.

Victor M

They are still allowing people to do that which is a problem.

Brandon Wiesner

Ever hear the expression let sleeping dogs lie? Patreon has been going without problems for years now. Unless you actually want the studios to start blocking posts on here, why would you bring it up? I mean, if you are enjoying the content, why would you want it to stop?