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Kuasa was given by name back in 3x02. The ending scene of that episode had a cloaked figure bring her back and say "Welcome back, Kuasa"


This is rude and mean. You accuse people of spoiling you something, when it's you who didn't catch a name that you were supposed to catch. Like Disney said, she was called by name in 3x02. And also in 3x03, Ray said that he fought someone with the same powers already (meaning the time when he actually fought Kuasa in the Vixen animated series). And Kuasa said that if she would kill Amaya, she would just be killing herself (meaning that she is Amaya's descendant). It was laid out perfectily, you were probably talking over the dialogue or not paying attention. And now you're blaming your fans, who just pointed out what you should've caught on your own. If you were not supposed to catch that, they wouldn't have put it in the episodes, and she would've been a mystery until this episode, but she was not a mystery!

David Brown

Your comment is rude and mean. Her editors might tell her to stay away from the comments for this episode. You should probably edit or delete your comment. Find a nice way to get your point across.


I was waiting for the reaction to Themyscira at the end of this episode, and you didn't disappoint, not my favorite legends of tomorrow episode but I do like this reference at the end of it :)

David Brown

Shan, it was important for you to know who Kuasa is going into this episode so you knew who she was when Ray recognized hearing her name. When Kuasa came out of the lake in her first appearance her name was mentioned in the show with the intention for people to recognize her. She has the water totem that she got in the animated series. She told Amaya, "I would kill you, but I'd just be killing myself". By saying these things, and her having the water powers, the show itself was "spoiling" it for you. We didn't spoil it, it was already laid out in the show. It was never intended and not supposed to be a big reveal in this episode.

Jason Veevaert

So I'm guessing that Helen's appeal is magically induced, if men are unanimously enamored with her, when you think about how a certain number of men wouldn't care about how hot this woman is.

Jon Dub

ForeverLannister, you are right, but you really should find a nicer way of making your point. Shan wasnt outraged or being nasty about it.

Luis Garcia

In my opinion, I think that technically it doesn't count as a spoiler when it comes to Kuasa, but I do think that people should have let you find out in this episode. Sometimes, when someone doesn't pick up on something small, it can lead to a great reaction.

David Brown

Yes Shan, she is Damien Darhk's daughter from Arrow Season 4. Damien mentioned that she saw him "die at the hands of one self-righteous hero", meaning Oliver. And he called her by name here, Nora, which was the little girl's name in Arrow Season 4. The concept of this show is time travel, after all. Remember that Zari is from the future. This episode takes place in 1937, Superman debuted the following year in 1938. Kuasa's last appearance in the animated series was aired 11 months, just under 1 year, before she was brought on to Legends of Tomorrow. It actually aired during Season 2 of Legends, so it was a little fresher in audience memories when this originally aired.


For those who thought it wasn’t a spoiler, think about it like this. If you didn’t tell her, she would have found out at the end of this episode and either put it together herself or you could have explained it after this episode. Instead you told her before and not only made her mad throughout the episode but robbed everyone else of seeing her reaction to that. What about the people who didn’t see Vixen? When I first saw this episode, I hadn’t seen Vixen so you definitely spoiled it for those people.


Sure there were clues in the show; however, as someone who hadn’t seen Vixen when I first saw this episode, those clues meant nothing to me. As she said it has been a long time since she saw Vixen and didn’t remember. So why would those clues mean anything to her if she didn’t remember who Kuasa was?

David Brown

Regarding those who didn't see Vixen, really should have been watching all of Shan's Arrowverse reactions before getting to this reaction. Before the actual so-called "reveal" toward the end of this episode, there was the moment that Ray recognized Kuasa's name earlier in this episode. Then that hesitant moment at the end of the scene where he was thinking about telling Amaya. The writers weren't hiding who she was, it was never their intention for her identity to be a mystery.

David Brown

Shan had seen it. And even though it was buried deep in her memory, those so-called "clues" were supposed to trigger her memory and bring it to the surface.


Well people apparently do only one show. Second, it was a surprise for the many people who didn’t watch Vixen. I mean if it wasn’t to be, Ray would have immediately said to anyone besides Amaya that he had fought her before. If it wasn’t a surprise the would have at some point outright said it many times before. They were all nods to the people who knew what was going on. Put it this way. If by watching the show it isn’t explicitly confirmed, it is a spoiler period.

David Brown

They say her name, Kuasa. She has water powers, just like Vixen's sister. And most importantly, killing Amaya would kill her. Confirmed. Period.


They didn’t say the words Kuasa is your Amaya’s granddaughter and she has the water totem. Once again, it is not explicitly said until this episode.

David Brown

I refer you to my reply of your reply to my comment after MagnusVD.


I've never seen Vixen, And I don't intend to watch it either. The fact people are telling her that she wasn't spoiled is wrong. I'm not entirely blameless as I too made a reference to Kuasa in my notes to her after seeing her reaction. When I first saw 3x02, I had no idea who Kuasa was. When I then saw 3x03 and Ray mentioned having fought her before. I shrugged it off as maybe it being a villain I had just forgotten. Then Kuasa mentioned that if she killed Amaya she'd kill herself. Things started to clear up. But it wasn't until this episode that the reveal took place for me. This is the experience we robbed Shannan of. And like I said I am not completely blameless. Lets try to do better in the future and keep her unspoiled. :)


yeah in this episode I think I believe her saying she was cursed by the gods

David Brown

Fair point, Tony. After what Shan said during her reaction, if I had it to do over again, I wouldn't have said anything. Hindsight is 20/20. I hope others feel the same. Are you still going to let her read the comments for this episode, or tell her to stay away?


I believe she is free to do whatever she wants, I will only warn her to stay away if it concerns spoilers. If people get extremely rude she'll let me know and I will happily tell them off. To this date, That has only happened once. >:D


Wow, some people just need to take a deep breath. Maybe go outside, get some sun.