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OneHub link: https://ws.onehub.com/files/fyuintrd

Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/8iufwvbuvzrib6s/Arrow%20S06E05%20-%20Deathstroke%20Returns%20FULL%20REACTION.mp4?dl=0

Sometimes the video is unavailable to stream as it takes time to process. This means you may have to download it to watch the reaction. Sorry about that!




Anyone else having a problem with watching it?

Jake Hodgson

I do agree with you about Watsons attitude. I know this may come off racially insensitive but to me it comes across as they wrote her character as sassy black woman instead of professional FBI agent. Maybe that was not their intent and that is just how the actress talks, I know I have a situation where it always comes off like I'm yelling when that is not my intent I just have a loud voice and a hearing problem. No disrespect is meant, just in my opinion her attitude doesn't match the character, however I acknowledge this is television and the CW and this happens with a lot of characters.


Its just a troupe. They always have to write black women as strong, sassy, and independent. And the problem is it just creates this stereotype that paints all Black women as aggressive so these white writers end up continuing to write them this way. Not to mention people like Shan will watch this hate the character and in the end you’re not creating a strong and independent Black women you’re writing an unlikable character.


To even further the ridiculousness of this troupe. Here’s another racialized aspect of it. I’m sorry if you’re rolling your eyes. if the character is white and you write them strong sassy and independent the character comes off likable like a Lois Lane. When the character is a black women however they write them in a way that comes off unnecessarily aggressive and makes them unlikable. Personally I don’t really mind Agent Watson. The intent here is an FBI agent that gets her job done. But I understand why people don’t like her and I’m sick of the troupe of writing Black female characters specifically like this. Especially because they aren’t portrayed as likable like a Lois Lane.

Abdiel Gamino

It don’t let me watch the reaction it says generating preview and it’s taking a long time to load the reaction

Brandon Wiesner

A lot of times. even though we see the upload here in Patreon, it is still processing in OneHub. So it won't stream right away and you will need to download it. But I just watched it without any problems on OH.


Sometimes it takes a while to load if it's just been uploaded and sometimes Onehub is just really slow. You can either try again later or download the episode :)

Abdiel Gamino

@Tony Thanks it worked for me like 1 hour ago

Ian Caudillo

I really hate Watson she is just a B in my opinion. I think part of it is how she is trying to bring down a hero who has done more good then she ever could.