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yeah Daylight rings work only for the people they've been spelled for. Like, Stefans bestfriend, made the comment, "Change for it" and Stefan said" you know this is not how they work" . So, yes, they unfortunately just don't work this way. -.-

James jackson

A nexus vortii is required and while doppelganger blood works, so does tribrid blood.

Chantelle Miles

Yeah u should know by now that u cant just take someone elses daylight ring lol, doesnt work like that. R.I.P Hayley Marshall/Little Wolf...I honestly hated Elijah after this episode and blamed him for her death because even if he has no feelings for them, he still knows they are family and he was in love with Hayley and he just left her to die. He has the facts but none of his emotions/feelings for them but it's just not an excuse to me because he could of helped hayley and Roman and then asked questions like "Greta...why is Hayley here and my niece on the floor, it didn't look like Roman was in trouble at all. What really made my heart melt was how much Klaus loves the mother of his child and how he tried so hard to save her, their relationship was beautiful and had grown so much, from s1 when Klaus didnt care of she lived or died so long as his child was safe. Try not to moan so much during scenes please,I enjoy your reaction but u were shouting about the daylight rings instead of paying attention also the end was in slow motion that's why Kaus didnt help in time and YES Elijah is responsible to me too even without his feelings. And NO plenty times Hayley has kicked ASS it's just recently she was beat also she was taken by HOPE first so she wont attack her or the kid hope sired...also the great followers would of beat hayley too because she was weak in box and we dont know how many followers she has, which may be many. I was angry too but dont put down hayley, she was very strong and fierce but also a mother and had changed alot, she was a role model to Hope and set a great example for her. Klaus is ruthless enough for both parents.

Emma Baldwin

Did Hayley flip her switch before running outside? They did the slow-mo look at her family thing.. then she closed her eyes/rolled them/opened/looked calmer. Couldn’t tell if she accepted what was going to happen or turned off her humanity?


Sadly its always been the way since the start of TVD that the rings are spelled for each individual vampire. But i completely share your anger. I hated Hayleys death so so so much. The season is littered with plot holes and it sucks. This is the only season of TO i never rewatched, my first rewatch is your reactions and all the anger is flooding back to me. Legacies is the only thing that matters to me after this season of TO.


to be honest wasn't looking foward to this one, it sucks :(

james hghg

for someone telling her to pay attention you're doing a very bad job of it. yes it is elijah's fault but that is not the elijah we know, he got rid of his memories because they were a torment to him. when he finds his "memories" they are littered with destruction and death, so why would this elijah want to go back to a place of pain., he does not know hayley or hope or even klaus, all he knows is the stories about what he did with his memories and the people he killed for always and forever. people ned to stop with this thing that elijah should have known better, when he literally can't know better because he has no memory of the love he had for his family.

james hghg

by that logic hayley is also at fault for sleeping with klaus. see how dumb that sounds? completely idiotic.

Chantelle Miles (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-09 11:16:05 Erm actually I DO pay attention and I can clearly see it's not old Elijah...but NO he got rid of his memories because he knew he wouldnt be able to stay away from his baby bro if he was needed. And he may not have all his memories but he has enough to at least try to help when someone he KNOWS is family is about to die. Also the stories hes heard is NO excuse. He at least knows HOPE is a child, his niece so no BAD stories about her or Hayley really so he should of helped once he was in the room. I dont love or know some of my family but I wouldnt just stand there not giving a damn at all if they were about to die. At least get the facts. & again ur the one not paying attention saying he doesnt want to remember again because of him fearing the pain, Nope wrong, that's not the case, not yet anyways, he simply is blinded by his so called love for Antoinette. So u stop saying he doesnt know any better, erm yes he does, even Elena's humanity came back for Matt, an old friendship. He knew enough to at least help some of his family, he knew he went away to save and protect his niece and was desperate to keep it that way. His emotions not being there isnt enough because he has a brain and was so stupid and he is to blame.
2020-06-23 01:35:36 Erm actually I DO pay attention and I can clearly see it's not old Elijah...but NO he got rid of his memories because he knew he wouldnt be able to stay away from his baby bro if he was needed. And he may not have all his memories but he has enough to at least try to help when someone he KNOWS is family is about to die. Also the stories hes heard is NO excuse. He at least knows HOPE is a child, his niece so no BAD stories about her or Hayley really so he should of helped once he was in the room. I dont love or know some of my family but I wouldnt just stand there not giving a damn at all if they were about to die. At least get the facts. & again ur the one not paying attention saying he doesnt want to remember again because of him fearing the pain, Nope wrong, that's not the case, not yet anyways, he simply is blinded by his so called love for Antoinette. So u stop saying he doesnt know any better, erm yes he does, even Elena's humanity came back for Matt, an old friendship. He knew enough to at least help some of his family, he knew he went away to save and protect his niece and was desperate to keep it that way. His emotions not being there isnt enough because he has a brain and was so stupid and he is to blame.

Erm actually I DO pay attention and I can clearly see it's not old Elijah...but NO he got rid of his memories because he knew he wouldnt be able to stay away from his baby bro if he was needed. And he may not have all his memories but he has enough to at least try to help when someone he KNOWS is family is about to die. Also the stories hes heard is NO excuse. He at least knows HOPE is a child, his niece so no BAD stories about her or Hayley really so he should of helped once he was in the room. I dont love or know some of my family but I wouldnt just stand there not giving a damn at all if they were about to die. At least get the facts. & again ur the one not paying attention saying he doesnt want to remember again because of him fearing the pain, Nope wrong, that's not the case, not yet anyways, he simply is blinded by his so called love for Antoinette. So u stop saying he doesnt know any better, erm yes he does, even Elena's humanity came back for Matt, an old friendship. He knew enough to at least help some of his family, he knew he went away to save and protect his niece and was desperate to keep it that way. His emotions not being there isnt enough because he has a brain and was so stupid and he is to blame.

james hghg

being the fact you can't even comprehend on how to reply to your original comment i have a hard time believing you do pay attention. these facts you speak of, they literally have no base to being even remotely correct. elijahs season 4 was literally about him doing everything for his family and him beating himself up about his actions every time and the ending was him getting rid of that pain then he references that same pain when he mentions how much trouble the mikaelson family is.

Chantelle Miles

Whatever....he also clearly mentions his love for his brother/family and inability to let him go & not be there for him. So it got rid of them for love not pain. To ensure Hope's safety & keep his word to Klaus about letting him go...I'm sure the pain was a factor but like u said, he did everything for his family. Either way though doesnt change the facts he did know enough to save hayley & help Hope end of, so I blame him. He also could of let Klaus save her but no. I replied to your comment and if u dont like people blaming him fine, don't read it but it's TRUE he did it for love and then screwed up big time.

james hghg

if hope wasn't born they would have never shut the ancestors off because klaus would have no reason to be in the place he was that made vincent release the hollow. your logic to why vincent is a piece of shit is completely idiotic and you're too dumb to see it.

james hghg

once again not paying attention, i never said it wasn't elijahs fault, i literally said it was. your comparison to the situation is completely irrelevant, you're comparing a normal day circumstance to and extraordinary one and not to mention a fictional story, you're not an 1000 year old vampire and killed over thousands of people... sorry but if your family member murdered people and were trying to hurt the closest person next you, you would not help them.

Andrew Polinski

Yeah throughout the shows they have not ever directly said that they spelled to each vampire but they have implied it multiple times.