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Jason Veevaert

Well now we know who would win in a fight between the Archangel and the Devil


In that world we do, but don't think we can say it would be the same. There's a different Michael, so things are already different.


You're not the only one to see Asmo as Colonel Sanders from KFC. Given what Asmo said about Lucifer not wanting the shedeen (sp?) let loose, it seemed stupid that he was try to have Jack let them out. Good point about the shadeen. They should have been put in purgatory. Odd I kind of like alternate universe (AU) Michael. He's kind of hot. But why he have to go and destroy everything in his universe? What happened with Paradise? That's what it was all about. Have the apocolypse, Michael kill Lucifer and then Paradise. pfft Angels are jerks. But we finally got a Lucifer and Michael fight. Dean and Jack is tricky. Dean can still be very black and white with things. Jack is apparently a very powerful being and his father is Lucifer, who's very evil, so Dean sees it all as just too much potential badness. Get rid of the powerful evil spawn as fast as possible. And, knowing Dean, he's not going to want to think of Jack as a Kid. That would make what he thinks he has to do too hard. So he's setting his mind to the surity that Jack is going to have to be dealt with to save the world, to protect people from Jack. Getting to know Jack and looking at him as anything other than bad would make it even harder. I think he also blames Jack for everything that happened. Cas, Mary, Crowley.


Jason please remove comment... Shannan has been notified not to look at these comments until removed


Please remove, This is a expectation spoiler

Brandon Wiesner

I hope someone told Shan not to check these comments. I mean seriously, how do people not know by now not to spoil her about upcoming eps?!


No worries I've already informed her


No it's not. It was revealed to be an episode for season 13 during SDCC before the season began.


And she has not seen anything from SDCC.. She has been told not to read the comments unless this is removed :)


I don't care if it was published on the front page of the New York Times, Shan does everything she can to avoid finding out any details of any episode before she sees it. Even the tiniest detail of any episode Shan hasn't seen yet is a spoiler.


If Shannan has not seen the episode it is a spoiler. It is that simple! Please remove the comment.


But she's got the season 13 dvd set, the name of the episode is on there...not seeing how saying said title is a "spoiler".


She has the DVD set to display in the background, She doesn't try to look at the box because even that might spoil her. Plus, She's watching the show through a streaming service. Please remove the comment so that she can read peoples thoughts :)


Also, it's not just the name that's a spoiler, it's the "It's AWESOME!!!" part. Shan has told people about 10,000 times that even saying "episode X is great/episode X sucks" is a spoiler to her. She wants to watch each episode with no prior expectations at all about what she's going to see. Not just about the details of the story, but about whether she should expect to enjoy it.


Still don't see how it's a spoiler, but if it bothers y'all that much...I'll remove it...sheesh.


Thanks :)