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I always enjoy seeing Shan happy over mini-crossovers and big crossovers :)

Walter Alcaraz

So, Black Flash/ Hunter Zolomon, Eddie, Ronnie, and Snart make appearances as entities in the Speed Force. Also, the *REAL* Jay Garrick shows up to help Barry out, and Jessie discovers that Savitar, as H.R. says, "is just a man, baby."

John Boehmer

I think yours and many others dislike of the romantic sub-plot comes from a fundamental misunderstanding of what you are watching. Most people assume that The Flash, and really the entire Arrowverse, is a science fiction action adventure show. That’s NOT what it is. It is a soap opera. Think about the tried and true tropes of the genre: romantic melodrama (Barry and Iris, Oliver and Felicity), long lost relatives (Wally), ulterior motives with sinister intent (Eobard, Adrian), characters killed off and quickly replaced by someone who fills the same role (Black Canary), dead characters returned to life miraculously (Sara, Slade). I could go on but hopefully you get the point. The characters act in ways that defy simple logic quite frequently because it’s what the form demands. If you start watching these shows the same way you would a soap opera you will be much happier.

Brandon Wiesner

I think you're misinterpreting her response to the break up. She just thought the reason was silly. But she has been shipping them from the beginning. Also, your characterization of the show is way off mark. It is in fact a comic adventure action show that happens to have romantic sub-plots. I mean, it's part of a prime time TV show to have that element, to bring in a wider audience. That doesn't take away from the show's main focus, which is the battle of good vs evil.

Brandon Wiesner

Clearly, Iris wanted Barry to propose when he felt they were both ready, not in the midst of a crisis that he thought he could avert by popping the question. I mean sure, he has other reasons, like he loves her and it makes sense, because they were clearly meant to be together but the stigma of the proposal would be a hard one to get over. The way you start an engagement is indicative of how the marriage will go. She does not want to be his damsel in distress, rather his partner. So, it's not completely unreasonable to hold out until it doesn't feel like the world is collapsing to plan and carry out a more meaningful proposal.

Christopher simeon

Like for example pretend your boyfriend found out you were pregnant then your boyfriend proposed. Now you will never be sure if he did it because he was always going to or because of the baby.


i totally get where she's coming from. i mean, when the story naturally leads to a painful realization that changes a relationship forever, the whole audience feels that. it makes some of the best tv there's ever been. sometimes, it just feels like the writers needed to get to the "primary ship needs obstacles" episode, so that's where this one fits in. the last episode was iris feeling the proposal was tainted, so barry jumps into the speedforce to save her brother, then he does so, she goes home, sets his engagement ring on the table, just to tell him she forgives him, then he suddenly thinks they need "space" if he's going to beat the guy who's about to kill the woman he can't spend a moment without? he needs space? it's just weak writing. this can be done way better, it has been on this show, this time around it just really feels like a TV script thing, not a natural story evolution.

Stefan suchy

Nice that you mention it. For me it was 2 silly excuses. By that I mean Jesse and the break.