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Mark Chrisco

The title is a play on a well received DC Comics series revolving around the return of King Arthur and his Knights in the year 3000 when they were needed again.


Who cares about who pulled it from the stone, if the sword wasn't a real deal, it was 3/4 of some lame ass sword and a Spear of Destiny's blade on the edge. It was just something that Stargirl made. And if wasn't even the real Camelot from the legends, Stargirl said that the fashioned the land in the image of the Arthurian Tales to protect her piece. So as I see it any and all changes are fair game)

Angela Colon

I love this episode. I get not liking the lack of Arthur, but I think it is clever explaining the historical legend with modern technology and also Ray becoming a legend is cool too.


I’m gonna try to be as respectful as possible out of respect to you Shan. But we are really not about to have the conversation about how gender-flipping is ok but whitewashing is not. I disagree completely. If your argument is the fact that it messes with canon that tends to be most people’s argument towards why they’re similar. However this is due to the blissful ignorance of the historical context behind whitewashing in Hollywood. It hurts way more when you whitewash a character that is a person of color because Hollywood has a tendency to not care about people of color. They excluded people from certain roles over the color of their skin and also justified these claims by saying they simply didn’t have the star power to be cast in these roles. It’s gotten better today because times are changing but no genderflipping a male character to a female doesn’t compare. One has a racist connotation towards it the other is just messing with canon.

Brandon Wiesner

I think you're taking offense where there was none intended. She is simply looking at it from a logical stance. If whitewashing is not ok, why is gender flipping any different? Her argument makes sense from that point of view. Plus, her point was, both are bad, which obviously you agree on. Not everyone is up on the history of Hollywood and racism and people's attitudes toward POC. You have to remember, where she's from, POC are commonplace and are not looked at any differently than anyone else with pale skin. It's pretty much always been like that there. Sure, she is aware that racism used to be a big problem (and still is in some parts) but she was born into a generation that was more accepting and tolerant. So, she likely hasn't experienced it first hand.


I’m sorry but that’s just tone deaf. Australia is not some post-racial society. I get that. I get that things have been better which is why she likely hasn’t experienced racism (she wouldn’t anyway she’s white) so she’s not likely to personally understand what it means. She’s not American. The topic of race is different in America I also get that. That is why I’m not here to insult her but to let her know she shouldn’t compare whitewashing to her being upset at genderflipping. I’m just pointing out whitewashing has a deeper meaning that makes it more offensive than just the fact that it messes with canon. Nobody who is upset with whitewashing is upset simply because it messes with canon but because whitewashing has a racist connotation towards it. That’s all I’m trying to do is point it out to Shan who might not get it because she’s not well versed in that Hollywood history and is probably removed from racism. We don’t live in a post-racial society anywhere. People want to think that but we don’t and that’s just it.

Brandon Wiesner

What I meant by hasn't experienced it, was that she hasn't witnessed it. I understand where you're coming from and the tone is different in different parts of the world. No, we don't live in a post-racial society. Not quite yet anyway but we have come far.


Thank you for acknowledging my point of view. Again I wasn’t trying to attack Shan I get she might not understand or be aware. She’s pointed out many times politics and history aren’t her favorite topics or stuff she’s very informed about. Which is why I was simply trying to let her know I get where she’s coming from but comparing the two isn’t fair when they don’t have the same level of offense.



David Brown

Wyatt, IT IS NOT CONNECTED to the rest of the Arrowverse. It is only as connected as much as Titans and Doom Patrol are, and she has already watched those. You would know this if you watched the episodes yourself, and PAID ATTENTION!!! And if you are up to date on the rest of the current Arrowverse shows. It takes place in the present. Arrowverse Stargirl is in the 1940s and 1950s.

BJ Stephens

Sigh... humanity at it's finest, indulging in it's favorite inborn flaw, hypocrisy. Those with the political and social clout deciding they get to say what is and isn't ok. Oh what's that, you don't agree and think a genderflip is as bad as whitewashing? well I say you're wrong and my subjective morality is better than yours. If you say I'm wrong I'm going to play the (insert popular trump card i.e. race/sex/etc) and negate anything you have to say.


If you're talking about her stating her own opinion about whitewashing and gender flipping saying she's using her "clout" or whatever as a way to influence others. You couldn't be more wrong. I've known her for quite some time and she's one of the most humble person I've ever met. She doesn't consider herself any more special than the rest of us. What she stated in this reaction was simply her own unfiltered thoughts on the matter. So you are wrong. And yeah you can play whatever card you want. In the end you'll still be wrong about her.

Brandon Wiesner

Tony, I'm pretty sure they were referring to the comment thread above this one.


If that was what the person above meant then I'm sorry I missunderstood


Yeah, there's quite a bit of hypocrisy from the SJW crowd when it comes to gender-flipping and race-flipping roles, and so-called white-washing. Question any of it, or question them, and they immediately try to brand you as racist or sexist.


You know you could’ve spent more time debating about why you think I’m wrong than telling me I’m being hypocritical. But you’re telling me I’m wrong for saying she shouldn’t compare genderflipping and whitewashing because one is actually much worse? I never said she had no right to her opinion and she has every right to share what she feels. I didn’t even call her a racist. I simply stated whitewashing is very racist and is a hugely oppressive act used in the past and is still done today that comparing it to genderflipping is unfair. But go ahead call me an SJW and call me a hypocrite. In the end I know where my values lie and I shared it case in point. And those without values will always use their holier than thou attitude to cry foul. So maybe look in the mirror and take your own advice before criticizing my point of view without merit


I was talking to BJ Stephens... It wasn't until Brandon clued me in that BJ might have been talking about your conversation. I have no issue with you


Tony I am aware. Sorry for the misunderstanding but I was replying to BJ Stephens as well. I have no issue with what you said either


She asked not to answer her questions regarding Stargirl. She's been informed not to read the comments.

David Brown

Tony, please don't do that on my account. Leave another reply to let me know you read this one. Then I will delete my original comment.


Please delete

David Brown

Tony, I mean she already watched Titans and Doom Patrol! If she had watched them like they were part of the Arrowverse, she wouldn't have even gotten to them yet. But, whatever.


I am not debating this due to obvious reasons. She specifically asked to please not answer her questions about Stargirl. So please remove this post so she can read the comments.

David Brown

WOW!! What obvious reasons? Anyway, I am about to delete.

David Brown

Wyatt, I stand by what I said. But, I have taken my comment down. Having your's up no longer makes sense. It still might hinder Tony from telling Shan that it is okay to read the comments.

Zach Hershman

I'm a little late to this but did you (Brandon) just say that POC are not looked at differently in Australia? Are you trying to suggest there isn't racism there? Because if so you'd be so completely off base. There are a lot of people who will say that face relations are worse there than in America and that's not even factoring in the feelings of the indigenous people and how they have been treated. Racism is still rampant all over the world and that is why you are seeing protests right now in many countries. Australia being one of them. Now it's quite possible Shan is ignorant to this going on around her (please don't take the use of the word ignorant as an insult), but it definitely is.

Paul Gibson

Brandon I think you might have fallen into a bit of a trap yourself here Australian racial history is almost as complicated as the US. "Official government estimates are that in certain regions between one in ten and one in three Indigenous Australian children were forcibly taken from their families and communities between 1910 and 1970".