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Are you really going to deny Laurel's last wish? That is the reason for Olie to find a new Canary. I'm also surprised there were no reaction on Talia showing up

Tammy L. Faulkner

Oliver doesn't think straight when it comes to Laurel, Felicity knows that. If Diggle wasn't in jail he would more than likely side with Felicity on that. Black Siren Laurel is super manipulative. She plays dirty and hasn't given anyone any reason to think she could change or become BETTER. Now, with that being said... I personally prefer THIS Laurel over that other one, that is why I was 😶 when it came to the cross over. But, with all the crap Team Arrow has gone through Ollie should NOT take be in charge 100%, and as much as I LOVE Felicity, neither should she. If she had talked to Oliver about her plan, that IS a good one, he would have been against it. Neither one is 100% right, neither one is 100% wrong. But, Laurel is the bad guy here and Felicity knows it.


You might recognize the actress shown in the final scene from episode 7 of Constantine

Lina Krouford

You guys really don't understand what this means for us, Laurel fans? Firstly Marc Guggensuck killed our favourite character. Because "Black Canary wasn't important". But after the fandom's backlash he still refused to admit his mistake. So now, apparently Black Canary IS important but as long as she is not Laurel Lance. He had a great opportunity to fix his season 4 mess - the Flash writers gave Arrowverse a gift in the form of a Flashpoint. But nope, instead he just went there. With this "the new Black Canary" nonsense. It's really annoying.


For the questions posed at 12:52: 1) Prometheus didn't trip any alarms 2) We don't know who Prometheus knows or who he is so we can't know exactly how he knows; however, knowing about the Waverider and Laurel having reviving Sara is all information Evelyn probably told him


your obsession with Laurel clouds your judgement and decisions that black siren chooses to do aka trying to kill Felicity for real and you don't care when we all know u do like felicity lol :) and Black siren can take a weak punch from her its not a big deal lol of course we want her to redeem herself and become the new laurel for us and join the team. She will never be the black canary but she can be just the Canary. BUT for her to get there she needs to stop all this bullshit of i can't change and actually try and stop hurting our team. and also Oliver is NOT the leader. he hasn't been since he left in season 3 and the team was on their own during that time and they even say it in an episode that "your not the leader anymore we don't take orders from you, we make decisions as a team now" but i do agree that felicity sometimes gets very heated and makes bad choices(so does everyone even laurel ) but that's just felicity.. u either love her or hate her but she is the one who holds the whole team together. anyways can't wait to see ur reaction to her character later on :)


Also i understand that your mad about the new "black canary" but shes not taking anyone's "place" it was Laurel's DYING WISH that her legacy live on! she told Oliver to make sure that there would be more than 1 canary.. not just this new girl they introduced but she wanted other girls, hundreds to continue her legacy and continue inspiring other young girls that they are not alone! so you need to look at it through laurels eyes! and don't hate on this new girl just because she has a scream , she hasn't done anything to you or anyone else so just give her a chance instead of talking over her scenes and saying"nope its not laurel i don't like her ect etc" she ends up being one of my favorites in the end and wish i could tell u more so u will give her a chance but it will spoil stuff for u. just please don't hate on her, the actress is AMAZING<3


Thank you for aggreeing with me


This version of Laurel is not the same person, just like H.R is not Harry. You said it yourself when he was first introduced, it's not Wells. They are different characters. They have different personalities and different memories, they just look the same. You can't replace one with the other.


wait what ? no reaction when she said "my name is talia ? you know who "Talia" is right ? x) that's weird xD


I was very confused by your comparison of Laurel and Wells. You asked if just because Harry is from Earth-2 that I wouldn’t consider him to really be Wells. And... obviously not? Because he’s not Earth-1 Harrison Wells. You mentioned when H.R. was introduced that he’s not the same character as Harry or Thawne. There’s nothing to suggest that this Laurel has any kind of redeeming qualities in her; in fact, quite the opposite. I understand that the Laurel thing is a big point of contention for a lot of people, whether they think it was good that she died or that it was outrageously stupid that she died. I haven’t met many people who are in the middle. Personally, I think killing Laurel is the best thing this show has done up to this point, as the character was written horribly and just made the show aggravating to watch. I am, however, super stoked that Katy Cassidy still gets to be on the show. Although your focused obsession with the comic-way is going to drag your enjoyment of this show down, I think.

Paul Gibson

Just to let you know Shan us not reading the comnents for this episode due to the number of spoilery comments, please think about what you post

Paul Gibson

Ever feel like you are talking to yourself?

David Brown

Shan, you were so excited when you originally thought Nyssa was going to be Talia. But when Talia finally does show up - NOTHING!

David Brown

In her reactions for 2X5: League of Assassins and 2X13: Heir to the Demon, Shan thought Nyssa was going to be Talia. I was disappointed too that there was no reaction here.

Mac Muscara

Dinah Drake has just as much of a claim to the Black Canary title as Dinah Laurel Lance. Hopefully you'll give her a chance

David Brown

Remove your comment. They have not revealed her name yet where Shan is at. Also, Dinah Drake is Dinah Laurel Lance's mother. They certainly would not be around the same age. In her occasional appearances, Quentin has addressed Laurel and Sara's mother as Dinah and sometimes "D". Laurel and Sara's mother would have been the Dinah Drake of your comment. Don't get me wrong, I like the "new" Black Canary (neither more nor less than Laurel). They just shouldn't have called her Dinah Drake.


Laurel is dead. Really sorry, but you're gonna have to move on or it's gonna ruin your enjoyment of the show. As a side question, did you REALLY like that terribly written version of Laurel from the earlier seasons so much that it's worth getting constantly frustrated and annoyed about her not being in the show?