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The brass knuckles enhanced her strength, which is my guess as to why she could take down both Dean and Cas.

Samantha Bailey

When the boys were talking to John's father he said the men of letters had two parts. Thoughs that documented everything and the hunters that they looked down on. The British Men of Letters should not be comparing them selves to America since the United states is 40 times bigger than the United kingdom. Even when the american chapter was no more they never came over to lend a hand so why come over now to say the boys and every other hunter in the US is doing it wrong.


It makes complete sense to me that she could take them both down, honestly. Sam and Dean aren’t like, peak conditioned expertly trained CQC experts, they’re just pretty good fighters. Plus Cas has his wings clipped. This woman has been shown throughout the episode to be the one who’s in charge of inflicting pain and eliminating problems. I don’t know, it’s just not a stretch to me personally.


Mary didn't recognize Dean because her memory was wiped clean of that memory by Michael in season 5, when Sam and Dean went back after Anna, who was trying to kill Mary and John. I don't like the music they chose for this premier. Ever since Kripke, the music has gone down hill for the show. They don't prioritize music in their budget anymore. It's really weird having Mary back at the age she was when she died. She was younger than Sam and Dean are now when she died, so she's younger than her own sons. Plus, she wasn't there all the years they were growing up. Her boys are still just 4 years old and 6 months old in her mind. Would be really hard to adapt those feelings to the very adult men they are now. No time has passed for her, so she doesn't have any painful memories of loss of them, like they do for her. eek The lady who was fighting dean and cas had some knuckle weapon thingy with symbols on it. She's some kind of special fighter and those give her more power I guess. But still, Dean and Cas should have been way better than her. I think maybe they were just not expecting her to be so good? The british men of letters apparently have special fighters who do the dirty work for them. I think Sam was doing really good overall. Torture still hurts him, but it doesn't make him give up. Not like he could make it stop hurting. So he did well I think, given his injuries and whatever crap the lady shot him up with. But he should know by now to tie someone up and not just assume that they'll stay down! She was probably just faking it.

Nicole Garver

I was looking forward to watching this episode with you, but gave up about 5 minutes in because there was no dialogue coming through from the show. I may be the only one with the issue, but I have noticed the sound from show is getting fainter, while the audio from you has become very loud. Hope it’s just something stupid on my end. Take care.


I'm sorry its because I had to watch via the DVD and the DVD sound didnt pick up very well. My editor tried fixing it but it was all out of sync :(

Patrick - Excelsior

The billboard Castiel crashes into in the beginning of the episode, is an advertisement for an attraction called Mystery Spot which is from an episode in season 3 that revolves around that attraction.


like others have said you could see the brass knuckles glowed with magic runes which was shown specifically to show how she could have added strength against an angel, plus you could see with her fighting style she was good at doing techinques to use the others strength against them and avoid getting hit she blocked and weaved out of the way and then hit them with the brass knuckles which knocked them down and weakened them you just have to pay attention to whats happening. I think if she didn't have the brass knuckles she would have been able maybe avoid a couple of hits but wouldn't have had the strength to beat them.