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Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/2oqdmd9qcofk7yf/Supernatural%20S11E18%20-%20Hell%27s%20Angel%20FULL%20REACTION.mp4?dl=0

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Jason Veevaert

So, being possessed by Angels is like being put in front of the tv, that makes sense


I just wanted to highlight a couple of classic Lucifer lines..."...or did Josipel disintegrate himself?" and "He who hesitates, disintegrates!" Ya, pretty sure Misha enjoys playing a different character and getting to use a different voice than the standard Cas.

Patrick - Excelsior

This episode was a very strong episode for Misha Collins' improvisation. There's a scene in which Collins, playing Lucifer, sits on an angels lap when talking about God's love for mankind. This moment was improvised and some of the extras can be seen laughing in the background.


Clarification - an angel being possessed by an archangel is like being put in from of the tv. lol


This episode is pretty good. Another one where we get all our favorite characters in the same episode, and the chemistry between them all, and their talents make it really enjoyable - even if bad crap is happening. I really can't answer any of your questions without possibly saying too much.