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Kevin Tran

I don’t think it really matters that anybody tells you they don’t like Mon-El. Because you were clearly smitten with him from the get go as you say, “It’s Kai Parker” If Mon-El was played by a different actor I could understand. But Chris Wood is the exact type of guy and plays the exact type of character you like. So I don’t think our perception of Mon-El as a character will rub off on you compared to how everyone kept setting your expectations for Arrow Season 4 being bad

Kevin Tran

When Shan has a low opinion of a character she REALLY has a low opinion of them doesn’t she? 😬 Listen I’m not gonna sit here and pretend James is the best written character by any standard. But she has been completely antagonistic towards him from the very beginning and hasn’t really ever given him a fair shot, even in some of his better scenes in season 1 like Truth, Justice, and the American way when he gives Kara that speech on morality. Just in this episode you missed two great scenes between Winn and James who have great chemistry together and completely dismissed him the entire way. Again not defending him as a character because he hasn’t been written very well and the vigilante storyline is a clear sign that the writers have no idea what to do with him. But man it is disheartening to see you rail on a character so much even in his best moments which are again in this episode his two scenes with Winn which were great.

Kevin Tran

One last thing I’d like to add I completely disagree with your comment on Alex and Maxwell Lord. Alex definitely didn’t like him. Lol yes they had chemistry but even the way you described it it was clear it was more one sided than a shared mutual feeling. She used him so Jonn could get into his lab. The date wasn’t even real and it seemed more like he was really into her rather than the other way around, but I digress.


She's fully allowed to have her own opinion on characters. And the fact they completely miscast the character doesn't help. James has his moments sure. But still. This is James Olsen, Not Jimmy Olsen. The writers tried going for Jimmy but botched his character and she is well in her right to call them out on it.

Kevin Tran

I’m not saying she doesn’t have the right to her opinion. I’m just sharing mine. That it’s kinda disheartening to see her so antagonistic even in his best scenes. Especially since she’s never given him a fair shot. It’s just my opinion...


Please do not listen to fans who say they don’t like Mon-El!!!! I love Mon-El, I feel like seeing the shows you react too, you will very well have your own opinion about him. But please don’t listen to your comments from people who don’t like him and form your own opinion. Without giving any spoilers...the Supergirl fandom isn’t exactly the most respectful fandom. So yes please ignore any comments make your own judgement, because I can promise you no everyone has the same opinion about Mon-El, like I said I love him.

Kevin Tran

I think I know what spoilers you’re talking about and I think I know what section of the fandom gives Supergirl a bad rep. It’s gonna be interesting to discuss this and see if Shan picks up on it and sees it for her own


Alright well you're allowed to have your opinion too ofcourse. Just sounded a bit like you were telling her off on hers.

John Boehmer

It's not that we dislike the character it's that we dislike the characterization. Mon-El is a fantastic character that the writers of this show have completely missed the mark with. Imagine that when Superman was introduced he was protrayed as a brash, arrogant jerk. Everybody would hate it and rightfully so. It's the same thing with Mon-El. And this is not meant as a slight towards Chris Wood, I think he does a fantastic job with the material he was given, but Mon-El on this show is a great character, poorly executed.

Lina Krouford

Yeah, when it comes to the characters you don't need to listen to anyone. We all have a different taste. I mean, some people didn't like Laurel Lance, but Shan LOVED her.


First of all Mon-El is not Superman! He’s completely different. You’re basically giving her spoilers without even saying anything so maybe just don’t? I love Mon-El think he’s a great character who has been mistreated by the fandom. Anyways let her make her own opinion, because I can tell you a lot of people have very different opinions about the show when they don’t know the insides of the fandom and are just watching from more on a objective point of view/casual viewer. But yeah I don’t think Shan would want comments like that as she literally says in the video to please not say anything because it makes her have some sort of expectations.

Tammy L. Faulkner

The Alex thing is a lot like the Willow thing. Sure the doppelganger version was bi-like but there was never a Willow being interested in a female until Tera opened her eyes. Yes, there was a little spark with Lord, but she was never intimate with him... Cat was more intimate with him than Alex. As for the Jimmy thing... Anyone can be a heroic person with or with out powers on either earth. Yes the possibility of getting hurt or being killed is a thing, but if they got the courage and heroism than they got it. It is true that rushing things had been an issue with this and many other show in the past, it's a way to get as much into a season as possible. I just like to think that more time has past and with every situation new emotions start up and new thought take over. If this show was supposed to stick with the original ideas they would have made Win the Jimmy Olson since he basically IS the carbon copy of the original Jimmy... bowtie and all.

Emma goldsbrough

great reaction. Mon-El was funny in this eps, Of course he's not going to get everything right, He learning.


so there are two reasons as far as I know why people dont like Mon el and thats either they are a supercorp fan conflicting ships or Mon el as a good guy is to tame and people prefer a villian chris woods. I am the latter though he did grow on he over time.

John Boehmer

In your first post above you say that you love Mon-El. Isn't that also setting expectations? I don't really think so because all you are doing is sharing your opinion. I'm doing the same. Saying I don't like the way the character is written on this show is me sharing my opinion. In her reaction to the season 3 premier of The Flash, Shan says that she was disappointed in how one of her favorite stories was handled. I'm doing the same thing by expressing how disappointing I find the way Mon-El is handled. I've been reading about and been a fan of the character for over 30 years, he's my 3rd favorite character in all of comics. This version is not done well. That's my opinion. If you like him, great. More power to ya.

Zach Hershman

I'm not sure James facing people with alien weapons is much worse than Laurel facing a guy with magic. Or Diggle facing mirakuru soldiers. I don't hate that they went this direction with James as I'm not one who gets upset about them completely changing a character. This isn't supposed to be the Jimmy Olson that is Clark Kent's sidekick (for lack of a better term). This is the earth 38 version of James Olson. The much tougher (much more boring) doppleganger.

Zach Hershman

There are plenty of reasons why people didn't like his character. Just like there are plenty of reasons why people liked him.

Zach Hershman

Also, Alex is out there facing all of these same villains and she's just a human. She may have an entire government organization to back her up, but more often than not she's on her own. As long as James is given proper armor and weapons is he any different than Alex?

Zach Hershman

Alex's sexuality "coming out of nowhere" made sense to me here. This is the story of her actually accepting this about herself. You may be right that they may not have gone with this story had it stayed on CBS. CBS as a network is much more conservative. The CW, on the other hand, is pushing inclusivity and other things along those lines.

Kevin Tran

I think you present a valid argument because an even better comparison is how she feels about the character, James Olsen. Because she’s used to the version that’s in the comics, animated series, Smallville, etc. she has a pre conceived notion of how Jimmy Olsen should be which SETS her expectations for the character and because it doesn’t meet it she is vehemently against this adaptation. Because you like and know Mon-El from the comics you are disappointed with his portrayal in the show because it’s nothing like the comics. If you have a version set in your head already of the character it’s gonna take away a little bit of your opinion because you have expectations that you want met. To sum it up you telling Shan you don’t like Mon-El’s portrayal does no more to set her expectations than her being well versed in a version of a character for example Jimmy Olsen. It’s just unfortunate because in this case Shan doesn’t know who Mon-El is from the comics and has no previous opinion on him so she feels you’re setting her expectations by sharing your opinion


About the comment that Shan made of being confused because last season Alex was attracted to Max Lord, is she aware that bisexual people exist?