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I prefer Luciel as a ship name.


Lucifer wouldn't have lost his wings as he was in the cage when the Angels fell and lost their wings...


I remember Casifer being a ship name for him during S11's original run.

Brent Justice

Have you forgotten Lucifer is in Cas, he's taken over the body, and Lucifer is an Ark Angel, much more powerful, so of course Lucifer has the power to time travel easily. It doesn't matter if Cas is depowered or not, Cas aint at home right now, Lucifer is in charge and much more powerful of an Angel. He is fully powered.

Brent Justice

It's too bad your bias of history and stuff like this changes your opinion from the episode, it's a powerful episode, very emotional, you should respect history a little more. Where we come from, our history, learning it, is very important to not make the same mistakes again. History is very important.

Brandon Wiesner

She doesn't like what she doesn't like. It's not like she doesn't know about WWII and other historical events. She just doesn't want to see it in a TV episode, or movie. It's not like they are typically accurate representations anyway.

Brandon Wiesner

I'm surprised you didn't mention the fact that that this episode is taken straight out of an episode of Angel. They are on a sub, during WWII, fighting Nazis. I guess you don't remember that ep too well though, as it was probably as boring as this one for you.

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-09 11:26:52 The only things they have in common are a main character being on a sub & Nazi's being involved...everything else is different.
2020-02-20 16:29:57 The only things they have in common are a main character being on a sub & Nazi's being involved...everything else is different.

The only things they have in common are a main character being on a sub & Nazi's being involved...everything else is different.


But Sam and Dean didn't know about how Lucifer had taken over Castiel at that moment and should have figured out something was up.. I believe that is what she meant

Brandon Wiesner

The plot is different but very similar concept and tone, almost as if some of the same writers were involved. Clearly the SPN writers are influenced by Whedon.


and who wants to be constantly reminded about the "bad guys" of a war that ended before the end of the first half of the last century? Why can't they at least give us other newer and bigger atrocities...there are plenty of them...why always the same one!