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Merry Christmas everyone. I hope you all have a fantastic day. 

Since this week has been a bit all over the place i thought  id just let you guys know, ill be finishing supernatural season 10 this week and uploading the last 3 episodes. It won't be today even though today is supernatural dayday, but at some point this week. Sorry for the lateness and flimsiness, but it's Christmas and apparently I'm busy hahahaha who knew? :P

Enjoy your day everyone xx I hope you all get what you want from today 



Merry Christmas Shannan. There is no rush go and enjoy the holidays you deserve it.

Sean Ellingham

Merry Christmas to you as well - I guess you're about to have Christmas lunch (is that a thing in Australia, or is it just a British thing?)

Jason Short

Marry Christmas shannan


Merry Christmas Shannon. Take your time and enjoy the season. You are worth the wait!

Nancy Nicolai

🎅Merry🎍Christmas 🎄Shan🌟no worries ⛄sweetie 🥳take your time & just relax 🎅says Santa👌

Ron Fehr

Merry Christmas Shan. At least you're already celebrating Christmas day. It's still Christmas eve here.

Imagine Baggins

Merry Christmas. Enjoy the holidays!


Merry Christmas to all. Get out there and build some snowmen :b


Merry Xmas Shan, to you and all the cool Patreon peeps. 🎁

Rob Flynn

Merry Christmas!

Tammy L. Faulkner

Merry Christmas Shannan... hope your having a good one.


Merry Christmas

Brendan O'Connor

Merry Christmas Shan, Have A Wonderful Day!

Eric Bushee

Merry Christmas and enjoy the Boxing Day shopping.

Jason Veevaert

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all!


Merry Christmas, peace and love to all.


Not to bum everybody out but Jim Beavers Niece died this morning at the age of 18, i'm sure we all love Jim and have enjoyed his performance on supernatural and if any of you want to send him some love he is on twitter @Jumblejim


Merry Christmas Shan! Love you!