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It is such a good episode, poor teary Shannan 🤗


Everyone please remember no expecations or spoilers for the next season. Hope everyone has enjoyed this season reactions as much as I have. Can't wait for the next seasons reactions Shannan. xx

Brandon Wiesner

Ok, so it's been awhile since you watched the season and it's possible, or likely that you already figured this out but the deal with Fitz is this. The one that died in this ep is the one that froze himself, met up with them in the future and came back. However, there still is the other Fitz that is still frozen in their present time and Gemma intends to find him.


"Did they just Cordelia Chase me??" BEST THING you've ever said in a review lmao.....also, and I'm sure you've been told, but the show runners weren't sure if they were getting a Season 6, so they decided they wanted a real finale, rather than take a chance on a cliff-hanger like they have in the past. Luckily, ABC/Disney were feeling magnanimous with the success of Infinity War and Captain Marvel, so they signed AoS for 2 more "half-seasons" after he fact. Can't wait til you're caught up!

Christopher simeon

Great reaction. This season dealt a lot with morality and Making hard choices and the online debate that is caused is why it’s my favorite season after 4(which is my favorite) This season had a lot working against it with Ian being out, Ming being injured, the budget cuts and then wrapping up as much loose ends as possible (Vijay sadly still remains at the bottom of the ocean) Because it was written as a finale season. The next two seasons I consider them AOS movies because this was a perfect end to the series. My question to you Shan is did you like how all those hard choices played out.


That was a pretty good storytelling trick. And the best way to find a frozen Fitz in space, is to spend most/part of the next season in space. Season 1 didn't have the budget for spaceships, guess they got extra money as the years went on...

BJ Stephens

Overall a really great season, one of my favorites, but my one big issue is I think they did Talbot dirty ;P


It's kind of selfish talking about what May has lost. Coulson is the one dying. May made a selfish decision. Every single person on the team has lost something, not just her.


The reason there was no after credit scene is because up until the last episode aired, this was going to be the series finale but then something like a week before it aired ABC was like “guess what? You can have 2 more seasons”


Right around where Robin says "something's different" through to the end of the episode is some of my favorite AOS ever. Great reaction!

Christopher simeon

This season is about hard choices and made her choice. If she didn’t they would have used the odium. At least she didn’t force him to take it

Christopher simeon

It wouldn’t be a hard choice if it wasn’t someone we know. That we care about. It would just be another villain.


I liked how every thing about the season is on the fridge and kitchen table in Enoch's kitchen, in the first episode!


ie Robin's drawings!


The Fitz's story teaches us about the importance of backups =)

Chris (darkwater)

I would love a lemon. Thank you. <3

David Boyd

Two recommendations: First, rewatch the beginning of Ep 5x01. The first Robin drawing which is seen better during a shot later in the episode depicts the final scene in ep 5x22. Second, rewatch ep 5x05 paying particular attention to how Fitz travels to the future. The information needed to clear up your confusion about Fitz lies in that part of the story.

David Boyd

While I enjoyed this season of AOS, I can't help being passed off at the character of Yo-yo. The best advice that her future self chose to give her current self was some cryptic warning that seemed to imply that saving Coulson is what led to the end of the world. Why not warn her younger self about Talbot and the gravitonium? I understand why the story had to be written that way, but still... If you're caught in a time loop and get the chance to offer your younger self advice that could help you break the loop, actually give yourself useful information.

Christopher simeon

Future yo-yo warned her about the only part that matters. One clear objective that stops everything else and even that she wasn’t 100% on. Yoyo explained it in 5x19 trying to save coulson leads to everything else so you just have to stop that then everything else is stopped. Future yo-yo said exactly what needed to be said. No trying to get coulson, getting Talbot no dead ruby. No serum or Alien attack. If you warn her about Talbot then ruby might have become the destroyer instead then that changes everything and that finale moment were the decision needs to happen may not even happen so any advice wouldnt help and the world would still be destroyed possibly. She would also have to stop daisy if they stop who destroys the world because daisy is half the cause along with Talbot. Future yo-yo learned her lesson not to assume who they think is the destroyer is actually the destroyer. Not only that yo-yo didn’t remember events clearly just what she felt. She also knows that knowing the future can cause issues. So she tried to say as little as possible and say the most important thing that would fix all the other problems.