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Seeing as how nora was my favorite of the heretics, you can understand my disappointed when they killed her off with Mary Louise. Now, I understand why they killed Malcolm because if you were to compare the heretics with the mikaelsons, Malcolm would be the finn of the group and oskar became a casuality to establish the rules of the Phoenix stone, but if the show hadn't decided to kill off beau, nora and Mary Louise leaving only valerie left alive, I would've loved to see a heretics spinoff becuase that's what I thought they were leading up to. Granted, they would've had to figure out how to deal with beau's lack of voice, but i'd be content with crossing that bridge if we came to it. Or they could've just moved some of the heretics to the originals to see how well they play off of the mikaelsons

Fly on the Wall

Rayna's motivation was explained when Rayna told Stefan that it is the Phoenix Stone itself that speaks to her and drives her. We already knew that the Phoenix Stone's message to him when he was in hell was he needed to let Damon go. So even though she marked him, with her connection to him, and the stone, she was able to get a deeper understanding of what the stone was trying to teach Stefan and the stone didn't actually want him. It wants to save him. As for destroying the stone, I assume that was just something they just thought of because their life was in danger and she was already dying. As we saw it took so much energy to destroy it killed them both. The armory were also the ones who had her and the Heretics, so they didn't have a choice to try it, anyway. Your hatred of Matt continues to be a staple brand. Even when his girls dies, you're so over it. I love it.


Yeah, the mark is overriding every other desire or motivation that Rayna has. Whoever has her mark, she needs to kill. That's why she doesn't give a damn about any other vampires while hunting Stefan, though on a conscious level she doesn't want to kill him because of her "emotional" connection to him. Hence, why she agrees to the idea of moving the mark to Damon, who she has no positive attachment to. Yeah, the sword thing was always odd to me, too, but you have a point. Destroying it killed them, and I guess none of the heretics ever felt the need to kill themselves before.


I will never be not upset about Nora's death. It was dumb and unneccessary and she was by faaaaaaaaaaar the best of the heretics (and I also shipped her with Bonnie, but then again, I ship everybody with Bonnie). I also didn't really dig the whole "Oh, Stefan is the good brother, Damon is the bad brother" thing being repeated for the 1523264th time. Reyna is a really cool character and I think all this bla bla about wanting to save Stefan weakens her character. They explained why she doesn't focus on killing other vampires while hunting those she marked, but I don't really think it works for the story or the character (just like her killing Caroline's human assistant made no sense).


The thing that irritates me the most about the "Stefan is the good brother, Damon is the bad brother" thing in this episode in particular is that clearly this is STEFAN'S opinion. Valerie has spent virtually no time with Damon, the only way she could have come to that conclusion is based on things Stefan has told her. Pretty much the same goes for Rayna. She has a psychic connection with Stefan because he bears the scar. She doesn't have anything like that with Damon, which means her opinion of Damon being the one who "deserves" to be her target came from her psychic connection to Stefan. Throw in the fact that even so much as a tiny part of Stefan expected Damon to take the scar (something Damon would have never even considered asking of Stefan if their roles had been reversed) and you can probably guess my opinion on which brother is actually the "bad" brother, and it ain't Damon. Also, I just love the complete nonsense of the way people are acting over Damon choosing to endure the excruciatingly painful process of desiccating rather than continuing to hurt the people he cares about. I mean, Stefan's attitude seems to be "I hate you for doing it, I was better off without you"... um... if you were better off without him, doesn't that mean he made the right choice?