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Monthly pollpoll  time!

How do you prefer I post the pilots each month?


Christopher simeon

When you have time. Don’t really care for most pilots.


I rarely watch them as and when they are posted, and fit them in when Im in the mood, so post them when its convenient.


Surprise! is all, the path to eternal life, the joy of existence, the waking moment and it will set us free. In case you didn't know I voted Randomly. :-)


Surprise pilots are my fav. Randomly here and there in the month, or sometimes all in one day. Whatevs.


Waiting is torture...but when a batch drop out of the blue it's a treat!


No rush, Whenever you have time to release one or two, It's a special thing, But let it be a surprise... Don't put a specific day on it

Dev Bhavsar

Whatever is most convenient for you. There's no point in getting pilot reactions if it causes you to get thrown off your normal schedule, which you then feel guilty about.

Eric Haefele

Space them out and add to the 15 over time. No hurry. Something to continue looking forward to.


I guess I don’t know what to vote for, because I honestly feel you should do whatever works best for you, and I don’t know which that is.


Random means never late, kinda dig that. I also like seeing what pilots the Patreons, I "discovered" a few "new" shows that. I feel like Columbus, discovering something that a million people already knew about. :) I'm always puzzled that the sing-along blog isn't on the list. Someday you'll get to that and it will be the best day ever.


Whatever works for you

Tom Tattershall

I prefer 3,4, or 5 pilots being released on a specific day of the week as it was when I became a patron a year ago. And I miss having the pilot lists posted monthly. However, you need to do it the way it works best for you. Just let us know the plan.

Tom Tattershall

I voted for 4 per week. But thinking about it while writing my above post, I did really like getting all the pilots at once last month.


space it out. Don't want a block of 5 or so at once. 2 a day or so every now and then seems good to me.

Brandon Wiesner

I voted for the first one but it's just a personal preference. Really though, any way you do it that is most convenient for you is fine in my book.


In the cockpit... ugh sorry


What works best for you. Random is fine.

Patrick Sullivan

As others have said, what works best for you. Hitting an arbitrary number seems silly. If you are, for example, running low on pilots to watch to hit 4 per week I don't think we want to see you sit through the pilot episode of "Here Comes Honey Boo-Boo" or "Duck Dynasty."


While whatever works best for you is the way you should do them, and I don't need x per week, I will say I appreciate them more when they're spread out over the month as opposed to the big batch all at once like last month. If a big batch all at once is what's most convenient, then do that, but I'll likely just watch a few at a time until I've watched all the ones I want to watch.


I'm in favor of you watching and posting them at your own discretion. You already have a pretty tight schedule with your full series programs. I'd look at them as a break when you want to clear your head from the storylines you're trying to follow and just get a taste of something new and different. Anyway, here's hoping 'Burn Notice' makes it onto your list someday. Never seen anyone do a reaction for it and that show totally deserves a look. Take care.


I voted for "Random", but all the above options have advantages, so I'll agree with the people that suggest you do whatever works best for you.


Honey Boo Boo? Don't do that. The reaction wouldn't be boring, just painful.

BJ Stephens

Honestly I'd enjoy having a couple to watch each week, so I voted for the first one, but 4 seems excessive to me, but that's just imho.

Clara V.

Honestly, whatever works best for you. I don't usually "wait" for the pilots the same way I would for a weekly show, they're there when they're there and I'l watch them when I watch them. So I voted randomly because that seemed like the most open one, but if it was me I would probably take the 4 per week as like a baseline, but not have it as a hard rule so it doesn't matter if some get pushed back or forward depending on whatever.


Has anyone asked for Babylon 5, or The Americans, or Humans, or Ren And Stimpy?