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I forgot that this is when they imtroduced Diggneto's helmet

Walter Alcaraz

Now who's grave could that be? Hmmm..... Also, nice cameo by Barry at the end.... ;)


John and his pity party....I wanted to slap him. It had nothing to do with trust. I started calling him John the Judge....uuug.


You missed the Green Lantern moment, When Oliver and Waller were in the bar in coast city there was a guy in a flight jacket with the name Jordan on it...


Ah yes, the AoS Season 3 hook, back again. I never liked this whole "Who's gonna be the one to die?" trope, it takes the viewer out of the story by setting up this expectation that there's gonna be clues to tell you who it's gonna be instead of just letting you experience it linearly and be shocked when the death happens. Love the introduction of Damien though, Ras was such a boring villain that anyone with more character is a step in the right direction. Damien's whole "upbeat car salesman who might slit your throat" schtick reminds me alot of the Mayor from Buffy, and he's honestly one of my favorite characters in the Arrowverse.

Brandon Wiesner

Please do not talk about any part of the season beyond the first episode. Shan talked about this in the Supergirl pilot.


Great reaction, wasn't a fan of this eps. But at least we got Barry for like 5 seconds.

Angel Garcia

Interestingly enough however it works for how to get away with murder

Jared Scoggin

I know season 4 gets a lot of hate, but I actually dislike season 3 more than season 4. First of all, Ra’s al Ghul was a huge letdown as the Big Bad. He wasn’t very intimidating IMO. No offense to the actor, but I just didn’t think he fit the part. He didn’t have the gravitas that I think Ra’s should have. The Hong Kong flashbacks of season 3 are so uninteresting that I wanted to skip through them every time they came on, even during the reactions I’ve watched to that season. I’ve only watched those scenes twice. The first was my initial viewing of the season, and the second was with Shan. Oliver teaming up with Malcolm was just stupid and contrived. And they handled Laurel’s transition into Black Canary very badly. Oliver’s constant bitching about how she’s not ready and she’s going to get herself killed bugged me. Like, train her if you feel that way because she clearly wasn’t going to stop.


Anyone have a link of the watch order shes using?


I believe a copy of the watch order is on discord. The watch order was done in this order for a number of reasons. We do not want to discuss the watch order in any detail that might create expectations or risk spoilers. I would suggest joining the free discord and discussing it in the spoiler chat.

Tammy L. Faulkner

I usually hear ppl saying more possitive thsn negative things of this season... One guy I know from work says the show should've ended in season 3. I totally disagree of course.


And I can’t refute that without talking about Season 4 spoilers... well played


I think it's kinda of disappointing that you don't like spoilers but people already hated on the season for you and you were going into with that in mind. While not my fav season and some things could be better there's a lot I did like.


you may have missed it in the flash back with waller at the bar it showed a guy in a jacket that said Jordan