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Sometimes the video is unavailable to stream as it takes time to process. This means you may have to download it to watch the reaction. Sorry about that!


This finale and the previous episode had audio sync issues. They've been fixed to the best they can be but this one in particular is still a bit out of sync and can't really be fixed anymore than it has been. (Sometimes I'm reacting to things a bit early in the video than what happens in the episode as its de-synced). I hope it's not too bad.  I want to thank the people that helped fix the issue, You know who you are. 

I want to thank everyone for being so patient with me on this journey. We are finished. The show is done. I am honestly so thankful and so pleased with the community that this show has introduced me to I just can't find the words to express it.

Now that the show is over, I expect a lot of people to leave - and that's fine, I completely understand. I love you all the same. 

Thank you. 




Omg, didn't realise we were getting 2eps today! This should keep me busy after work :)

Ron Fehr

I was one of your Buffy and Angel watchers, but I think I'll stick around for other reaction videos. Probably not as many, but who knows?

Rafael Lemus

Wesley Wyndam-Pryce ❤


It has been a crazy ride. I can't believe you're finished with the Buffyverse. It feels strangely surreal... Thankfully, I've still got your TVD reactions to look forward to! :)


This whole series of reactions to the Buffyverse has significantly improved my life over the last year or so, in more ways than one. I'd like to thank you for that. Much love.


Been with you since the beginning! It has been a privilege to experience Buffy again with you. Thank you. Fortunately, I love your other shows too, so I'll be around. :)


Might have seem really abrupt ending, but Joss wanted character moments for Angel final since Buffy got the major final battle. Joss went and asked for renewal early, didn't go according pan lol hence no season 6


The Wesley/"Fred" scene is in my top 3 scenes of the show, if not my favorite. Incredible acting. Amy Acker is just amazing. And this isnt even her at her best IMO. Her playing Root on Person of Interest was out of this world. I'm glad this show introduced me to her.

Tyrence Purnell

Yeah as far as the ending it was supposed to be another season but leaving off here to me shows that the fight for redemption is never over. It's to keep fight till the end no matter what which is why I love this ending.


Haven't watched the reaction yet but ah that gif of Doyle has just broke me. Once you've watched the buffyverse, you're never ever done. It'll keep finding ways to drag you back in (mostly watching several people react to it the first time for me these days). Thanks for all of your reactions, you've been a star :)

James MacDonald

The ending was intentional. They knew they'd been cancelled by that point. It's absolutely a fitting way to end the show. It's thematically perfect.


Little bit of trivia. The dragon at the end was the same dragon that flew out of one of the dimensions at the end of season 5 Buffy. Also the dragon's name is Cordy. That might be a spoiler for some comic books that are..... meh in quality And the ending was to show that the fight is never over. I kinda like it. Takes a while to get use to but once your there it's great and fits the message of the show. And if you want you can read the comics to finish the story


Welcome to a controvercial ending. This was planned when they knew they were finishing. Its supposed to say its a job. There is no final battle. The battle goes on for ever, so there can be no end. They just keep on working.


"Then let's make them memorable." It ain't easy to come off as the coolest character when Angel, Spike and Illyria are right there, but damn, Gunn, that is an incredible exit line.


Regarding your comment at the end - well, no, Wesley is not with Fred because her soul was destroyed, that's the tragedy of it. Hence Illyrya lying to him at the end... Though, apparently there were plans to expand on Fred inside Illyrya in the next season? RIP, Wes, he has my favourite character arc in the buffyverse.


I feel the same as you about this ending lol. Because they didn't get another season, they had to rush an ending - hence the rush through the black thorn situation. I believe Joss had intended that to be a full storyline for s6, but they had to try their best to wrap it up. In the end, that cliffhanger... its on purpose. Its supposed to be metaphorical, like "let's go to work!" there is always another battle, there is always another fight, its never over. Joss wanted this to be kinda parallel to buffys finale, in the way of, the story isn't over for either, and its up to the viewer to decide how it all ends up and the lives they lead after. I hate it lol. I hate the cliffhanger haha! BUT i love the show and the universe Joss and the team gave us. It's been awesome watching your reaction from start to finish :) FYI, the stories of both are continued in comic form, but i've not really read them. AND you COULD do buffy and angel bloopers, behind the scenes, and fan made videos next - that would be awesome :D xxx


Awesome episode with a strong meaning, keep fighting the battle, the fight sequences like in this episode are way better then the buffy ones, i always find the fight sequences in buffy underwhelming like the tension etc, but in angel it was more serious, and i felt that the budget from angel are way higher then buffy.


Only Joss Whedon would find a way to have Fred die in Wesley's arms and then later have Wesley die in Fred's arms. There's something really painful about Illyria's grief for Wesley. I think this is the only part of Angel that makes me cry. (I cried more than once in almost every season of Buffy.) Thanks, Shan. I'll still be around for the rest of the Whedon-verse. I hope you will watch and enjoy Cabin in the Woods and Much Ado About Nothing... which I consider must-see viewing for any fan of Joss Whedon's shows. You can count on at least one or 2 familiar faces in the cast of both movies.


I know, so , so sad... Wesley truly did have the most incredible arc from start to finish. He was amazing.

Thomas Hansen

It's absolutely not a cliffhanger.


I couldn’t help but laugh at your response to the ending of the show and its ambiguous final moments. ... You probably don’t feel very familiar with me, which is okay. I was somewhat late to the party on YouTube and even later on Patreon. (Season 5 maybe of Buffy? Not sure.) But you may have been the person most responsible for getting me into the idea of watching reactions to television shows and the first person I ever supported on Patreon. Thanks for the ride. I watched Buffy and Angel as they originally aired and getting to watch other people experience the same thing online turns out to be really cool, IF you like the people. (😁) You are easy to like and you make a lot of people want to watch you. It was especially significant for me to watch you watching these shows because they are part of my personal favorite quartet of TV shows along with Hercules and Xena. It was a great run with you here and I ain’t planning to check out. Thanks.

Jason Veevaert

Illyria legitimately mourning the death of Wesley is what convinced me that she simply absorbed Fred instead of killing Her

Andreas Froby

Look at comics for Buffyverse. Have only read some of the Buffy comics, not any Angel yet

Collector of Stuff

I actually like the cut off ending. I also read the comics so it never really bothered me much.

Claire Eyles

Thank you for sharing your Buffyverse journey with us. You're hair looks amazing too by the way. And thank you for sharing your Buffyverse journey with us, just because it bears repeating. <3 xoxox


I think a lot of people have that reaction to the ending initially, but to me, this is the perfect ending for Angel and how it should have ended even if season 6 happened. The fight is never over. The quest for redemption never ends. There would never be a “final battle” and retirement. Angel would always keep fighting the good fight until it killed him. Same for Spike, Gunn and Illyria. My favorite finale to a show ever.


Yes, this. Anyone watching up 'til now knows that when it comes to a brawl, Team Angel always prevails. The real battle of season 5 was for their souls, and they won.


As a few others have pointed out, the ending isn't really supposed to be a "cliffhanger." The ending actually fits the show thematically. They're fighting for redemption, free will, justice, etc. and the fight is never gonna end. Whether or not they win the fight isn't entirely relevant, it's THAT that they fight. A lot of people dislike this finale at first, and then eventually came around to appreciate it more. Direct from the wiki: "Over time however, "Not Fade Away" has come to receive critical acclaim, and is now sometimes referred to as one of the best series finales of all time." So yeah, you might come around. Or not. Some people are still annoyed years later lol.


Great finale reaction. I can't realize you saw the whole Buffyverse :'( I've been there since many months now. You are clearly my favorite reactor. So it's difficult for me to leave. I am not really a fan of the other shows, Angel was the last one. I saw that you will rewatch Friends, but rewatch is not the same ^^ I'd love some TBBT reactions also, but you already watched them. Anyway, I will not leave yet, hoping that a new show I love will come :)


So... Noone told her there's three more seasons or what? Edit: Three more season of Buffy that is, but it integrates Angel, so two more of Angel then...


Also someone's never seen Butch Cassidy and the Sundance kid.


They do continue the story through comic books. Just so you are aware. You know so its not really the end of the buffyverse.


...guess it’s time for me to start an after show reacts Buffyverse rewatch, can’t seem to watch the Buffyverse at all without Shan along as well anymore 😘


Great finale, but just to be a a party pooper; Fred's soul was burnt up when she died so Wesley will NEVER get to be with her again. Wesley knew this and was just happy to die with the lie, so sad. Season 6, Angel conquers the dragon and names her Cordelia :)

Jon Dub

I am one of the few who loved the ending from the start. Still one of the best show finales ever, especially when you consider the show was cancelled mid season and they had only 3 months to wrap this up. Wesley's death still kills me, I loved him so much. This may be my favourite Buffyverse season, ironic since it doesnt actually feature any Buffy. It wasn't perfect, but it's highs were second to none for me. I love Spike and Angel together, especially as they become friends towards the end of this season, which they had never been in the past, despite all their time together......I just love this so much


"If nothing we do matters, then all that matters is what we do. Cuz that's all there is. 𝑾𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒘𝒆 𝒅𝒐, 𝒏𝒐𝒘, 𝒕𝒐𝒅𝒂𝒚." This has always been the theme running through the series. Angel can never achieve redemption with any one act and there is no reward. There's just fighting the good fight, every day, doing your best and trying not to slip. That's exactly where we leave them...the perfect ending.


P.S. Pink hair, pepsi and a f**k ton of chokers. ASR finishing Angel in her inimitable style! P.P.S. ECT: Electroconvulsive Therapy. Positives? Can induce long-term memory loss. Negatives? An incy, teeny, tiny chance of brain damage. No pressure...just think about it is all I'm saying.


I’ve always refused to believe Fred’s soul was destroyed. We never got actual confirmation of it. Dr. Sparrow said it (not a trustworthy guy), and Wesley overheard it. Illyria simply said Fred couldn’t be returned. I refuse to put all my trust into Dr. Sparrow. I know it wasn’t about this situation, but I like to quote Angel from an early Buffy episode: “The demon gets your body, but it doesn’t get your soul. That’s gone.” I believe that either A) Fred’s soul is still inside Illyria, or B) Fred’s soul moved on into the afterlife. (And maybe her and Wesley live in a Black and White Shakespearean afterlife. Who knows?)

Jason Veevaert

Also don't forget I mailed you the first angel comic that comes after the series because whedon does not hate us that much (btw I started watching with Buffy but I'm staying for the rest of your reactions now :)


I can count on one hand the number of great shows that had what I felt were perfect finales. 'Angel' is definitely one of them. In the last two episodes, it perfectly culminated what honor and humanity meant to Angel, that it really wasn't about winning, but rather about making a difference, no matter how small or fleeting. 'Not Fade Away' is one of the best episodes of Angel, and an amazing finale to a series. Btw, Shan, just so you know (and I'm sure people have addressed this, but jic…) Angel's adventures DID continue after the TV series ended. I wanna say - but someone feel free to correct me if I'm wrong - Dark Horse Comics took up the Angel storyline after the show ended, and many die-hards consider those comics as Buffyverse cannon. So maybe check them out if you need more Angel. Great reaction! Thanks!!


We love you Shan! Thank you for letting us tag along the ride of watching the Whedonverse with you. It was so emotionally nostalgic re-watching these episodes with you and I look forward to watching your reactions for future shows. But I super hope you read the comics because the story does continue! <3 <3 <3 Maybe someday you'd consider giving us reviews from some of their future seasons! I'd love to see your take on Buffy season 8-12. <3


Agreed. The episode makes it very clear throughout: they did not survive that fight. They are all dead. But that's not the point. The point is the fight. To always strive and work for a better world.

Aric Heintzelman

I was always kinda' bummed we never got to hear "The Wanton Folly of Me Mum".


Just chiming in that the ending is in no way a cliffhanger. They all die in that alley. (I know there are comics, but meh, I just ignore them. The text of the show is what is important). But the point of the show isn't just to see everyone die. The point is to see everyone fight, as that's the theme of the show. "If nothing we do matters, all that matters is what we do."


Yup, intentional cliffhanger FTW! (more like open-ended really). i really like it, I think it really fits the spirit of the show, the fight never ends. Doesn't matter if they win this, something else will come. Thanks for all these months of joy, Shan, I really enjoyed this ride with you. But, you know, since you finished the Buffyverse, I think I'm gonna leave and... Oh! Oooooh! Dollhouse reaction! I must watch! And I'm really enjoying Gravity Falls, and I'm curious about the September pilots, and... Well, I guess I'll see you on the next one (whatever that is) :D An btw, good job fixing the sync, I barely noticed anything.

Jason Veevaert

You have an interesting opinion, but personally I disagree. Not about the fighting part, but the hard part that comes after, living. As someone deals with addiction and depression issues myself, I can say its about fighting for meaning and purpose continously and finding something to live for instead of dying for "If there is no bigger picture then the smallest act of kindness is the greatest thing".

Chris (darkwater)

Brilliant ending I thought. They don't fade away. :)


Wesley and Cordelia had the best character arcs in the show


There's a little bit more to squeeze out of the whedonverse, how about reacting to Cabin in the Woods :)


The continuation is in the comic books.


I think this is my favourite finale to any show ever. Wes' story through this season is amazing. Honestly his growth through the entire series is perfect. It leaves it open (for the comics) but to me also ends with what the main message of the show was. When nothing you do matters, all that matters is what you do.


Does anyone else get a strong urge to watch Buffy S1 E1 right after finishing this episode?

Scarlett Monrow

Who else is doing a marathon Shannan reactions to Buffy and Angel today? This was an amazing ride! And I hope, in the future, Shannan will rewatch/record some of her reactions to best episodes. It would be interesting to see her reaction to herself, knowing how the story will turn out.


Also I’ll definitely be back if u decide to react to the rest of stranger things


I'd definitely recommend the comics. I read them years ago and was remembering them as being from the show for some reason. As this season went on I kept thinking "Man, I thought took up more of this season. Finally I was like "Wait, did all that happen in the last half of the final episode?!" before it occurred to me that I had read it and not watched it. Also, I'd love to see a Doctor Horrible reaction next. It often gets forgotten (because it's a 45 minute web series) but it's some of Whedon's best, IMO (behind only Buffy and Firefly in my book).

Loves Bitca

And thus we come to the end of this wonderful journey. Once you get settled down and are ready to start a new reaction series, I REALLY suggest Chuck. Great action, Comedy, characters, shipping and many familiar faces guest appearing. You'd love it.

Ray D

In my opinion this episode does not end on a cliffhanger at all. The point of Angel has never been “to win” because you can’t ever truly defeat evil. The point has always been to fight the good fight and help the helpless because it’s the right thing to do. The show is making that point here. All episode they knew going in that it was a given that they would probably all die. They fought anyways. I feel like the series finales of both Buffy and Angel are perfect for their specific shows because the shows have fundamental differences. Even though I love both shows I think Angel is the better show myself. Buffy is basically a superhero show. She has monsters to slay. Whether they were episodic monsters of the week that were metaphors for growing up or the "Big Bad's" of the season, our hero was always there to save the day in the end. The definitive ending that Chosen gave to us felt right to me in that context. The superhero defeats all the monsters and closes the hellmouth. She wins. It's very black and white. I prefer the darker shades of grey that Angel offers. Buffy is a good person and knows it but Angel's inner struggle with the demons of his past and quest for redemption just feels much more interesting and complex to me. Angel's greatest enemy is the struggle within himself. After Angel went dark in season 2 and came out the other side after the elevator ride with Holland Manners in the episode Reprise the show told the audience that it wasn't about winning or losing but fighting the good fight and helping the helpless. You can never truly "win" over evil. It will always exist but fighting on the side of good and helping people is worth it in the end (I’d suggest rewatching that elevator scene with Holland and Angel if you need a reminder. It defines the show going forward). That's why Angel's more ambiguous series ender felt perfect for this particular show and is kind of a microcosm of why I like Angel better overall. I think the journeys that Wesley and Cordy go on through Angel are my favorite two character arcs on either show. And I grew to love Fred as much as any of the supporting characters on Buffy mostly because of Amy Acker. Although I do think that the highs of Buffy are probably higher than the highs of Angel as far as individual episodes. Hush, Once More With Feeling, and The Body all are better than any one episode of Angel. But I like Angel better as a whole. To me that last scene in the alley is perfect and Angels final words capture exactly what the show was always about, “Lets go to work!”

Ray D

Even though I’ve never read them the comic book that continues this storyline I believe right from the moment the finale ends is called, Angel: After the Fall. There is also a “Faith and Angel” comic book series.


Lol I loved seeing you hunt for the "real" ending of the show by trying to watch the DVD! I was expecting a big reaction to this finale and you didn't disappoint. Others in this comment section have articulated the meaning of the ending pretty well; all I will add is that you do actually find out that they won, because their choice to show up in that alley and continue the fight is itself a victory, no matter the outcome of that battle. Their free will, and their drive to help others and stop evil, triumph in the end against a world that tried to corrupt them. (Like I've been saying: the astronauts win!)


Also, your point re: the difference in reactions to Cordelia and Fred's deaths was spot on. I can't say I know for sure why they wrote it that way, but my best guess is that it was due to the bad blood between Joss and Charisma. (I won't get into that here, but suffice to say that whole ordeal permanently soured me on Joss Whedon and his performative brand of feminism.)


One last thing: one of my favorite moments in this episode, and a moment I actually think was necessary, is Angel signing away his Shanshu (which, OK, could've been Spike's all along, but let's be honest it was probably Angel's). This is really important because it signals that all this is truly selfless on Angel's part; he can't be doing this even in part for a reward because there is no reward for him. Ever since "Epiphany" he hasn't really been fighting for the Shanshu, but it nevertheless has always been there in the background. Eliminating it entirely makes it crystal clear why he's really fighting. So it's less that the writers are taking away his hope and more that they're clarifying his mission statement for the audience and showing us that he is a true hero, who doesn't need a reward to do the right thing.


Your reaction to the ending was exactly me when I first saw it. I've since learned to accept and appreciate it a little more. It's sad that you're done but it was a great ride. I'm going to be staying because you are still reacting to a bunch of shows I enjoy. I adore you & your reactions so much. You have always been so genuine and amazing.

Clara V.

Personally, I choose to believe that the circle was lying to Angel when they told him that signing the prophecy would prevent him from becoming human. I mean, lore-wise it doesn't really make sense, a prophecy is about something that will happen, it's not an offer. Are you telling me that if Buffy had signed the prophecy in season 1 in blood then the master wouldn't have killed her? And the circle didn't actually need the prophecy to be anulled, all they really needed was to know that he was willing to go that far, so as long as he believed them it wouldn't matter. So, while this may not be the intended reading, there is canonically a non-zero percent chance that Angel can still become human and the prophecy is still intact, so that's what I'm going with.

Mike Woodcock

"How very touching his meaningless death was," "But this fight was never for mortals." Except for if the mortal made an original old one fall in love with him first. Season 5 Wesley is the new Season 7 Spike.

Brendan O'Connor

I love this episode, it gets better with age. For me the older I get, and the more I rewatch it, the more I can appreciate the final scene. Wesley’s death scene still makes me violently sob. And I can’t express how sad I am when I see Lorne say “Goodnight Folks” because it makes me remember when I first read about Andy Hallett’s passing not long after this episode aired.


The season end of Buffy was awesome because it felt like the end. No more Sunnydale, if there was a season 8, it would be too expensive and would probably focus on new slayers. It wouldn't be "Buffy". All along, Angel is not Buffy - so Angel shouldn't copy Buffy's ending. They found the opposite ending. Or Joss was practicing his troll skills. heh


Read the books/comics... the story goes on...especially the buffy queen of slayers... awesome book.... LA goes to hell... angel follow up comics basically season 6 of the series...=)


All the Buffy and Angel... That was super fun. Thanks Shan.


I kinda like the Angel & Faith miniseries. hey didn't have enough time together in screen.

David Caine

My own cannon....they all died in the end there, that's why it ends abruptly. IF Spike managed to survive, he'd become a human, but hunted down by Wolfram & Hart along with Connor. But if anyone would have survived, it would have been just Illyria. They did manage to stop the Cirlcle's apocalypse. I do like where some of the comics take it.

Brandon Wiesner

See this is one of the big reasons why I continue to watch your reactions on Patreon, because your thoughts and feelings are pretty much in line with mine when I watch the shows for the first time. That ending was ridiculous. I don't care what anyone else says, that it was supposed to end that way, it fits the theme of the show, it's not a cliffhanger and whatever. It absolutely is a cliffhanger and they knew early on that they weren't getting a season 6. They could have easily written a better ending than this. They could have done a 2 hour finale and done the fight in the alley. There are a lot better ways I can think of than "let's go to work" and then credits.

Bruce Trogdon

Thanks for all your time and work, Shan. It's been a lot of fun watching with you.

Matthew Rudolph

Great season... I will be leaving but I'll always be back for the Flash.

Loves Bitca

Though Harmony betrayed Angel, I still wouldn't classify her as "Evil". At most she's evil lite.


And when I say "familiar faces", I really mean "your favourites".

Loves Bitca

Though it's already been covered by others, I'll throw my two copper pieces in. "Did they win?" Not the point. The point is that they fought for what was right, win or lose. Doing what's right, to do what's right. "Let's go to work" because that's what they are doing. Doing the job. If they win, there's another fight around the corner. The fight never ends, but they will still keep fighting still.

Loves Bitca

Well if you look at it from a legal stand point, and WR&H showed the mixture of legality and the supernatural, Angel would be signing over his claim of a reward or payment. The prophecy part of the apocalypse and his part in it could remain the same, but he could sign away any benefit he may gain from a contract which in the mixing of law and supernatural the prophecy would be affected in his benefit side. Whereas the prophecy in Prophecy Girl does not give a benefit to Buffy that she could sign away. That would be like trying to sign away a part of a contract that has your responsibilities side of the contract. Your obligation side of the contract. Like if we had a contract that I was to give you 100 pounds of frimfram and you would pay me a million dollars, you couldn't sign away your obligation to pay the money. Legalities deal in the fact of whether things are a benefit or a penalty with various legalities regarding the differences. You can sign away any future claims you could make against a company. You can not sign away your requirement to pay damages to a party.

Loves Bitca

I don't think Illyria's reaction to "mistress Spanks a Lot" was jealousy, but confusion about what the human was talking about. Though I do believe that she does kind of have residual feelings toward Wes. My belief is That though Fred was destroyed, soul and all, she was fragmented and those fragments still reside in Illyria. Freds Love for Wes being among those fragments that are now a part of Illyria, and somewhat confuse her at the same time.


Just wanted to say thank you Shan for 2 shows worth of awesome reactions! I joined for Buffy, hung around for Angel, but plan on sticking around for many more Shan reactions yet to come!

The Movie Guru

I was right there with you when this episode aired, Wesley was my favorite character in all of the Buffyverse. Not many shows or movies have made me cry in my life, but the line "Would you like me to lie to you now" absolutely kills me everytime! It has to be one of the most tragic and best delivered lines in tv history. I'm pretty sure that I'm here for good. Thanks for the awesome reactions. I look forward to the Arrowverse starting again!

Briony Addey

I liked the ending. Just to be left with, and the fight continues, with it's good days and bad days.... I love your reactions Shan. I humbly suggest BSG would be a great next 'flagship' show. It's one of the greatest TV shows, I'd also love to see you react to The Leftovers.


The fight never ends. That doesn't make it pointless. :')


Now you need to check out the comics (graphic novels) for both Buffy and Angel. They are written by Joss and they continue both stories from where the respective TV shows left off. So if you really need to know what happened after ...you can scratch that itch there...


Great reaction & thanks for all the fun with the Buffyverse. Slight fun fact is that david boreanaz recommended Adam Baldwin for a part in his next TV show "Bones"


So sad that it's over. Not sure why I never noticed that alley way is the same one from the first episode/the intro to the show.. I think right? I remembering hearing there's an Angel comic book where they continue this story so maybe you could check it out for some closure... not sure though, I never read it or looked into it, was just something I heard.


Also thanks for reacting to both Buffy and Angel, was a lot of fun re-watching with you! Much appreciated! :)


I highly recommend that anybody who wants to know how the story of Buffy and Angel continue check out the Joss Whedon scripted comic book continuations which are available in trade paperback. They both went on for several seasons and I think wrapped up those stories in a more satisfying way with better finality to the characters. Joss has stated that these comic stories are indeed Canon and they are basically how he would have continued the stories had the shows gone on.


I would argue Faith as well, but those arcs is what makes me love these shows.

raymond julien

Yes it went out on a high...'I, well personally I want to slay the dragon'. THE DRAGON! The story continues in the comics.


I just love how NFA and Chosen parrallel each other. As PotN once said "Buffy is a show about growing up, Angel is a show about being an adult". Chosen ends with Buffy and the scoobies standing looking at the ruins of their childhood home. The sun is shining, its a beautiful day and Buffy has a smile on her face. They have the whole world ahead of them. NFA ends with Angel's gang in a dark alley. Its raining and they're about to fight an unwinnable battle. There's seemingly no hope in sight but they're going to do it anyway "If nothing you do matters, all that matters is what you do"


Also - if you're looking for another big TV universe to get into at some point...I'd recommend Stargate.


A lot of ppl have already said it... but this is, without a shadow of a doubt, my favorite ending to ANY show ever. "The Good Fight, yea?"


If nothing we do matters, then all that matters is what we do!

Alexis Cardarella

One of my favorite seasons, and one of my favorite finales. I deeply agree with what you were saying about Cordelia.. how her death should have had a much bigger and much more residual impact on the gang.. It just was SO very out of place.. 💓 I found you when you were a season through Buffy I believe, btw, and you stuck out to me. It’s been pretty entertaining watching you react to this! I don’t think it’s quite the end of the Buffyverse with this Buffy spin-off coming out in the next few years, but I hope you’re still around reacting then 🤞🏼

Emma goldsbrough

Thanks for your reactions to Angel, I will missed your reactions and you singing; Its been a great journey through the buffyverse. Thank you.


I highly recommend reading the comic series “after the fall” if you want to feel satisfied with the ending

Alexis Cardarella

They sped up a lot of the black thorn plot, plot involving Connor/introduced things that were going to be in season 6, because (I believe it was) Joss asked for an early renewal mid way through the season airing and it was canceled.

Alexis Cardarella

Do you think you’ll be reacting to Joss Whedon’s The Nevers, when it comes out (probably next year)?

Richard Lucas

I pray she reacts to the ‘making of’ of the Buffy musical, which is almost 30 minutes of fun


I love him doing his poetry and finally gettibgthe applause he deserved

Richard Lucas

Finally, another Xena fan! I’m praying she gives Xena a try, because I think she will fall in love with it just the way she did Buffy!

Richard Lucas

She does react to a lot of shows. I’m still hoping for Xena or Bones.


A lot of people have already expressed their feelings and sentiments about this finale and show so I will just add some trivia: it’s interesting to note that Angel and Harmony are the only 2 characters that appeared in the pilot episode of Buffy and the series finale of Angel. :-)


"They sped up a lot of the black thorn plot, plot involving Connor/introduced things that were going to be in season 6" Are you just assuming that?


And I think Angel and Lindsey are the only two to be in Angel's pilot and finale.


I found your channel a few days after you uploaded your first videos and the amount of happiness and entertainment you have provided to me over this time is hard to measure. Thank you!

Einar Sigurðsson

Thanks for the ride! I really enjoyed following you on this journey :)


Thx for everything it's been so fun watching my favorite shows all over again with u


To know what happens with Angel, Buffy and the rest of the crew, you would have to continue with the comics.


What's replacing Angel and Dollhouse in this slot now?


She typically doesn't like sci-fi, but Stargate is, of course, rather unique in it's concept. At the very least the movie could be a good 'pilot' for someone to buy a reaction to.

Brandon Wiesner

Arrowverse will move to that slot. SG wil be added and LOT later on. I think OUAT will move to AV's old slot.

Emme C.

Honestly one of my favorite series finales ever. Right behind Lost, I think. Although I loved Buffy as a whole more than Angel, I am so much happier with this ending.

Shawn Skelton

I'm not going anywhere; we still have six seasons of Supernatural to watch!


33:23/4 definite wilhelms scream! so funny

Ana (Lariaenl)

even when I'm happy with this ending, I would have loved to see what whedon had in mind for season 6. I don't think the comics are acurate as he specifically stated, he would not have killed off wesley if the series wasn't canceled.


"You know our love will not fade away! Is a chant to a Grateful Dead song the audience participated in often in the finale of a concert to get another encore. That's the way I always took it. I don't know how many showrunners/scriptwritiers were dead heads but....

Claire Eyles

It's also a Buddy Holly Song that was covered by The Rolling Stones. (Buddy Holly version) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AyTtFNGzFsE (Rolling Stones version) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gIKfN3CuFXA

Katherine Thoreson

Well, Shan, now you can go watch all of Ian's videos. You should start with his Why You Should Watch Angel video. It might make you feel a little better about this ending. :)


i love how the last scene really embodies the entire series. the show is about why we fight and how we never stop, even when the future is uncertain.


the wes/illyria scene really got me. i love the call back to the buffy episode 'lie to me' during that scene. also, the lorne scene was heartbreaking. to see how full of light and joy he when we first meet him in season 2 compared to how he is in the finale...it's really sad. wish they would've explored lindsey as one of the good guys for a bit longer.

Timotey Kuhn

I think I might have said this before when Buffy came to an end, but you can rest assured that |'m not going anywhere. Barring financial calamity, I will stay with you for as long as I possibly can. You still have many cool shows that I am admittedly behind on that I want to watch with you, so to speak.. ;) Plus. I will always want to come back to Buffy and Angel... Buffy & Angel are one of the things that I am effectively by myself on in my circle of friends...& now that I've gone through this process of effectively watching these series with you, I don't think I can go back watching it without you ... <3 <3


I think a reaction to "The Carol Burnett Show" would clear up a lot about this episode. Just sayin'. :D


Oops, tryin' for new paragraph. Wanted to ad, love your work, am staying as long as I can.

Marcus Marcoos Winn

Anyone else think it's pretty awesome that the actors whose characters had arguably the best arcs in the entire Buffyverse ended up together in real life. Completely unrelated, but that just hit me.

Cameron Rayburn

in the comics what would be season 6 of angel if the show continued, Wesley comes back as a ghost, Angel is made human, not as reward but as punishment so he has to battle all those demons we saw as a human as punishment, Illyria becomes more and more like Fred to the point she is convinced she is Fred, Gunn is the big bad so to speak because he is a vampire, knowing how much he hates vampires this makes him go super insane to be what he hates, Gwen shows back up and Kate too. The comics are alright, it's a continuation of the story, I never finished it but i mean to do so at some point. Oh yeah, Cordelia shows up again also.

Timotey Kuhn

I think someone mentioned it here up above , but as it's such a cool thing to be able to do, I thought I'd reiterate it. Now that you've completed everything Buffy verse related, you can now see every single one of our dear POTN/ Ian's videos on the universe that he's made to date, without any further worrying of spoilers.

Talon Karrde

Why that gif... My heart is broken twice now. once for this being over, a second time for Doyle

Cheyne Johnson

When I first watched when it aired I reacted the same. "Can't end on a cliffhanger" But after a rewatch and time to think it over it's not a cliffhanger at all. The fight goes on. Win or lose it doesn't matter. You fight and as Gunn said you make it memorable.

Talon Karrde

I really liked how it ended actually, It's very symbolic of the entire show. them all standing in the rain, Gunn battered, about to face an enemy they have no hope of stopping. All the most best scene of the show are in rain, in alleys in the rain. Angel redeeming Faith, Darla staking herself. and then the end of the show. Also, while the others had thought into it thise I think is a coincidence. Buffy and Angel met in an ally. It doesn't matter if they win. it matter that they fought. I bet season 6 would have been great. Whedon didn't even have a doubt it would be renewed. it was at it's highest rating.


Worst ending to any show I've ever seen stupid just stupid way to end at least buffy gave us closure

Vincent Valentin

I think you missed the entire point of the show if you think that. Its not about closure its about a message.