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Thomas Hansen

I liked The Thing; Noir detectives absolutely should not be happy. My only problem with this season is the absence of Mac and that Wallace had so little to do.

raymond julien

Totally picked Koenig...cept for the identical twin brother...but I'm not smug...sad...lost Logan....More Veronica Mars pls Universe.


I hope Hulu orders more seasons to this. This show was very under the radar when it first came out. The writing is always excellent, quippy.

Amanda Logsdon

Although the ending was sad I really liked the season as a whole. But I'm not sure how much more Veronica Mars can take- can't they just give them all the happy ending that no one seems to get in Neptune.


Spoilers: Well she took that a lot better than I expected. Honestly, I was okay with the decision. I thought the way they handled the time jump was weird but i get why they killed him

Jason Veevaert


Loves Bitca

Loved your reaction. I appreciate that unlike some people I've seen, you didn't accuse the death of Logan as bad writing. I'm a huge LOVE shipper, and love the character himself (as in not just them as a couple). His death was devastating and sad. That doesn't make it bad story telling though. Veronica Mars always was a noir show. Noir can never have a completely happy ending. Typically the losses are greater than the wins, or not worth the win. It was an incredible episode, but tragic.

Loves Bitca

The girl wasn't bothered by seeing big Dick killed, because she had just heard the confirmation that killed her father. Seeing him killed was satisfying at that point.

Loves Bitca

Loved this season and hope there will be many more. The things I missed from what the show used to be, Well Mac of course. I also miss how on the old seasons there were always little mysteries she solved in every episode while making headway into the main season long case. Though I understand that's not as feasible outside of the school setting, and also with only 8 episodes. This is actually the first time the killer has actually had a prominent role throughout the show. Previously it was always someone that flew under the radar, because we hardly saw them and they didn't seem connected to the cases at all. So no one could ever suspect them. While I didn't think it was Koenig, I imagine many people saw him as a suspect before the reveal.

Alexis Cardarella

I was truly upset and had the suspension of disbelief until his voicemail played... Afterwards I was saying to my friend how rob Thomas had huge balls because he’s going to get a thrashing... all amidst my sobbing. Then I read an article with his explanation behind it, and that kind of cheapened it for me and made me a bit resentful. He said something along the lines of killing him off because she was headed to a more normal boring life being married to Logan.. That her life wouldn’t be hectic enough to entice viewers... This left a bad taste in viewer’s mouths, if just killing him hadn’t already.

Alexis Cardarella

I don’t think it’s bad writing by any means, but the explanation..... Yikes.... I love Logan. He was a fundamental part of the show, and we only saw four seasons of him, and he could have continued being a fundamental part, with the show being as hectic as usual for Veronica.. There’s a number of things they could have done, even more if they wanted to make him more of a background character. The trauma we traded to keep Veronica’s life entertaining enough for us was obviously not worth it, nor did this seem a necessary move to make it so.


One of the things that makes the show distinctive is not just the corrupt world it explores but the way the hero has been affected very personally by that world. The events described in s1 no longer offer that intensity, that context that makes Veronica's sense of mission personal. This ending makes that mood possible again in future seasons, and is a callback to the show's original vibe. I'm not saying the show couldn't have been interesting going forward with a different emotional flavor. But it would have been a big job to give the show a new identity, so there's definitely a way the approach they took makes sense.

Ray D

This season reinforced what I’ve always felt and that that I like Veronica better with Leo than Logan. I like their chemistry and relationship better. I like Logan as a character but the LoVe yo-yo got old for me.

Jordan Haddow

Leo over Logan? Huh? Leo is this show's Riley (from Buffy). Same with Pez. Okay, Pez more likely, but then that means Leo is like Xander, and well i don't want to go there, cause, ye gad. Buffy and Xander. Nuff said. Leo was always the good guy Veronica could never stay with. I think Veronica was always attracted to Logan, not because he was a bad boy, (okay, not just because) but because he was broken. Look at their relationship during this season. The main issue holding them apart was he was fixing what was broken in his life and Veronica wasn't. He was leaving her behind. I hate that they killed him, but in reality, if they got together, Veronica would have to fix what was broken in herself. She was getting close, and now she isn't. Lets face it, Veronica is Veronica because in all the time we've known her, she's been broken. As loving as she is, her no holds barred passion for the truth has always make her a corrosive element in any relationship she has. Anybody close to her is going to get burned. It's been like that the whole show. We all want Veronica to be happy, but the moment she is, the show is over. And I want more episodes, so there. :P