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I dunno, if Buffy knew anything about Angel, she definitely wouldn't trust him. There's a reason she doesn't know about season 2 Angel or Connor. She wouldn't trust Angel after that. She doesn't know about those things, but she does know Angel works for Evil Incorporated, and that's enough. I do love Spike as the end, "So were we."


One of my favorite episodes. I couldn't tell if you were enjoying it lol. I'm glad you liked it! It's a great jumping off point for the second half of the season. Can't wait!

Emme C.

I think if they were fighting together she’d trust himto have her back in the moment, but I think in a strategy session, the fact that he is part of W&H now would put enough doubt in her mind to decide that they (W&H and Angel collectively) would be too big of a risk to leave in charge of an out of control slayer. I don’t think it means she thinks he’s evil or anything, but I think the situation from an outside perspective is enough to warrant a lack of trust from Buffy. She doesn’t know why he made this crazy decision to join forces with W&H, just that he did it.


Spike isn't really known for his intelligence... haha


I am glad that you enjoyed that one!


Lol I was so excited when I saw this episode at the top of the feed that I got past the credits before realizing I still had two to watch first.

Moon Logic

Spike has fought five slayers, but they were all trained by watchers. Dana spent most of her life in a psych ward. She was activated a few months ago, but she has been sedated and restrained the whole time, until the nurse now accidentally gave her the wrong drugs. There's no way she would be able to fight like a trained slayer in that state. Add that to the fact that she spoke to Spike in a foreign language, and there is no wonder he would still think she is possessed. As for Andrew and Buffy, I think everything Andrew says should be taken with a grain of salt. Name-dropping Buffy shut up Angel, but there is no proof that she was really involved.


July 2018: Quentin Travers: "Glory's not a demon..." ASR: "She's a slayer!" QT: "...she's a God." July 2019: Angel: "She's not a demon, Wes. She's a slayer." ASR precognitively foreshadowing more than a year ago. Mind blown.


To me, this episode was all about Spike figuring out why Angel is the way he is.


That final scene is one of my favorites in the whole series. With how much time we've spent with Spike and Angel separately and together, it's such a magnificent insight into why they are so different, and how much they actually share in common. Just the simple truth that Spike loved violence while Angel loved pain sort of makes the difference between Angel/Angelus and ensouled/soulless Spike make more sense. Spike was a hedonist, Angel was a sadist, so empathy has a bigger impact on Angel's personality. But despite all that, Spike was still a monster and hasn't really come to terms with that, since he had Buffy's support and a wealth of other advantages that Angel didn't when he was first ensouled. I imagine that's one reason why Angel isnt really on board with Spike even with a soul. This whole time, Spike has been acting like it's no big deal. He's changed, but he hasn't really acted very different. This was the first moment I think that Angel and Spike could really see one another as they are.


Shan - Did you recognize the actress who played Dana, the Slayer? She was in The OC - she was Ryan's friend, Theresa.


I love this episode, but I think my favorite part is the final scene, where Angel and Spike are talking about the nature of evil. It's the only time I can think of that they focused on them having been victims (of Darla and Drusilla) before they became monsters. I think Spike was just focused on the "demon-possessed" idea and never had the thought of a Slayer cross his mind. If it had, he'd have recognized it.


Yep, what is it, "figured it out, she's possessed. Possibly some kind of Chinese demon..." he was totally obsessed with the possessed idea.


I imagine that Spike was just too obsessed with beating Angel to the mission that he didn't notice what the mission really was this time. His ego made him less than his best.


Is it telling though that Andrew followed Spike then? And got so upset that he ran back to W&H when he was captured? Andrew not knowing team Angel and obviously being kinda in love with Spike would still trust him so if things worked out differently and Spike took her down he'd think Spike would hand her over? And tbh at this rate he probably would have had Angel not been involved at all. He joined up with W&H for intel and then went after Spike as he was the one he trusted. Kinda cool to think of it that way.


SO glad we're getting through these. These are my favourite reaction. AoS being next. Please tell me you're doing three more next week!

Rey Gallogo

I'm excited to see the reaction for 5x12. Just finished re-watching it.


A great ep made even better by an entertaining reaction. I was half expecting Shan to figure out the Slayer angle in advance (she usually has a 6th sense for these things). Glad you didn't guess it tho, your reaction to the reveal was very enjoyable to watch.

Chris (darkwater)

My favourite part of this episode, which is a fav in itself, is the last scene.


It's what I love about Joss and his cohorts. CONSEQUENCES AND REPUTATIONS! Great reaction!


It's not comedy for the sake of comedy it's characterization. Spike is just too impatient to think things through, especially seeing as he's trying to get ahead of Angel.


I love Angel saying Giles sent his "top guy" and then we see it's Andrew. I don't think it's supposed to mean that Andrew really is Giles's top guy, I think it's more an indication of the level of respect Giles has for someone who's thrown his hat in with W&H


Also, how did I never realize Dana was Amita from Numb3rs? I'm even more impressed with her acting in this episode now than I was before.


I dont know to what extent all Slayers fight alike, so much as all slayers tend to fight alike because they all get the same training style.


Ok so forget Harmony. Forget Spike. I was most worried you'd get spoiled about Andrew! :)


Cool, I've never considered that before. I like it.

Loves Bitca

David talked about these moments between Angel and Spike during this season. He said that although Angel and Spike don't like each other, they are like Viet Nam vets. No one else can understand them the way they understand each other. They have their entire history together and now they've both gone through the whole soul redemption thing and no one else can really understand what they've gone through and are going through. You put any other character opposite either of them in that conversation and it wouldn't be the same.


Yes, the performance by Navi Rawat was great, in particular because of her limited dialogue. And I didn't recognize her at all, even though I watched her for years in Numb3rs!


really enjoyed this eps and your reaction.


Spoilers for THIS episdode only. The scene in the end is so amazing, one of my favorites - totally encapsulates how Spike's and Angel's vampire personas were different from each others'. Also, the excuse I give for Spike not getting who Dana is - as is said in "Touched" blood "doesn't exactly rush" to Spike's brain also slayers have different fighting styles. For example, the Chinese slayer had a rigid, formal Kung-fu esque type of style and I think Spike said that Nikki fought more like Buffy. Actually, I think Dana, due to her insanity, may be channeling the fighting styles of past slayers more purely as there was so little of her true self left; just the damage done to her and the essence of the slayer left to guide her. Anyway, was so looking forward to your reaction when it was revealed she was a slayer and glad it wasn't spoiled for you. Also like the info that's dropped on the scooby gang, what they're up to. Oh one more thing, I think there are a few easter eggs in Dana's hostital room. 7:35, I think the picture behind Angel is Drusilla killing Kendra with her nails and I think there's one picture of the scooby gang at a graveyard, but not sure.


I agree about Spike being used for comedy - I love funny Spike, but in the case of Slayers, he should be the first one to recognise one - by scent, by energy, by vibe... something. Especially once he heard about the dreams, saw the drawings... he should have realised.. And, I dunno. I think after everything between Buffy and Angel, and the scoobies, it would be fair that he lost their trust going to WR&H. I mean, I believe she was in love with Spike, and if I was her, I'd be mad Angel's amulet killed Spike lol (whether its justified to be mad or not haha!) Plus, he's gone evil a couple of times.... Anyways, I love the episode, bringing the slayers in and some news on the scoobies, and that bit at the end between Spike and Angel in the hospital - the difference between the two of them is so incredible, and it really fits their vibes throughout both shows. Spike's line... "so were we once upon a time." gets me every time.


"Like nickels?" #smh and LOL at the same time. Andrew...

Raheem Dudley

I don’t think all slayers fight the same, I feel like Buffy was far more skilled then any other slayer we have seen and faith probably the least. Plus there’s so many other things she could have been other than a slayer. For spike to just realize slayer, would’ve been really impressive on his part. I would’ve excepted it, but I understand why he couldn’t tell. And I think Andrews orders were coming straight from Giles. Has his motives written all over it. Although I’m sure Buffy would have agreed to take the slayer but not because Angel works for W&H. Like she said in season 4 of Buffy, she had no right to come and pass judgment in his town when she doesn’t know what’s going on, or something like that. Great episode

Richard Lucas

I think the Chinese slayer in Buffy 5-7 was extremely skilled, and would have unquestionably killed Spike if it hadn’t been for the horrible timing of one explosion. And the 70s New York slayer lived a long time, enough to have a son several years old and be at least in her mid-20s if not early 30s. She for sure survived her 18th birthday ‘test’ and I would love to have gone back and watched it. I bet she had a few choice words for the Watcher’s council too!

Richard Lucas

I LIVE for the rest of this season. And Andrew had so many awesome lines! “her lesbian witch”, “I have 12 slayers of the vampyre behind me, and not one of him has dated you”, and the way he practically climbed Spike when he first saw him! The only think that tainted this episode even slightly for me, was the mere mention of the name Kennedy. LoL. And I haven’t said it in forever, but please think about checking out Xena.


hands down one of my fav episodes.


I don't remember this episode from the original run, excellent might move up my favorite charts.

Eric Zebrowski

the biggest difference is Spike had to learn about the slayers and sought them out in the past. With the slayer in this episode came across one but wasn't looking for one.

Ron Fehr

I guess we'll never know, but I like to think that Dana got better.

Ron Fehr

It seems only fitting that if Angel and his team couldn't look after Dana, the best choice to watch her would be Buffy's group.


Angel and Wes when they see what she did to Spike...

Raven Dark

In my opinion, it didn't look like the two slayers Spike killed fought the same at all. The Chinese one moved extremely differently than Woods's mother. They may or may not have both been Kung fu, but if they were, there are a lot of different styles within that martial art, and they used two different ones. Dana kind of fights similar to Woods's mother, but it's hard to tell if it's close enough that he could recognize what she is by how she fights. Just my interpretation of it.


Except that he had his epiphany already on buffy. He talked about how he didn’t really it get, before getting a soul. So the writers making it seem like he just came to it is annoying to me.