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Since I begun this Patreon, my goal was to support my dad and to save for a car. 

After a year and a half of doing this, I can finally think about getting my first car.

I'm going to give you some info about this whole thing.

I have my learners permit, not my full licence. I went for it once but felt uncomfortable in the situation and car I was in so I failed - I therefore decided I would save for my own car and learn to drive in my car to feel comfortable enough to successfully get my licence. 

Right now, I use most of my money that I earn from Patreon to support my dad. He hurt himself in the workplace and so some days he's okay, and some he is... not so much. Eventually it will get to a point where he can't drive himself anywhere and I want to be able to go up and get his meds etc if and when he needs them. 

A lot of people will tell me to get a bad car for my first car, but I know if it's something I don't like, I won't appreciate it and look after it like a new car. 

Anyway. I plan on getting a Suzuki Swift, and I'd like your opinions on which colour I should get. 

Everyone's support here has meant to much to me that I'd like your opinions going forward on such a big decision. I am forever thankful for the chance to be able to even be talking about purchasing my first car and there isn't any way I can ever thank you enough. 

Anyway, now that we have the mushiness out of the way... Onto opinions!

When I go out to get the car, I'd like to document the event in a kind of vlog if you guys are interested in seeing that?

Anyway, thank you. Annnndddd.... Vote!



Black....police will notice you less.

Kelly Parks

I don't know about Australia, but in the US red cars get more tickets.


And of course vlog it!


I'm picking black, but only because pink wasn't an option. And yes, definitely vlog it!


First of all CONGRATS! So happy for you! Second of all, I say black.

Shaun Stacy

Congrats, girl! And big kudos for being so dedicated to help your dad out.

Ron Fehr

My current vehicle is black.


That's awesome that you are almost to this goal! Proud of you.

Brandon Wiesner

Black is a bitch to keep clean. I know as a former owner of a black car, lol. Plus red I think suits you more. You are a girl and you like colors. Well whichever color you end up getting, congrats on reaching your goal. I can't wait to see the vlog.


Well Black will be hotter (not sexy hot, heat hot). I would make sure the interior is not dark, but probably like a tan fabric.


Black means you can legitimately yell "To the Batmobile!" every time you're going out. Never gets old.


Black, but with a pink air freshener


RED: higher likelihood of being pulled over. BLACK: incredibly difficult to keep cool; and will be horrible during hot summer days. I'd recommend Beige (lowest likelihood of being pulled over) or Blue; looks nice, and doesn't carry too much risk.


I live in a desert, and dark cars are death here. I keep it light beige because white looks too dirty, and anything darker absorbs heat. So I abstained from voting.


Red, if it's metallic red, not plastic red 🚗. And of course I want the event documented, and I want to see the 1 mg of tyre that was paid with my contribution, because it'll make me feel warm inside. Congrats! And when going for that license, forget everything you saw on "Buffy" about driving...

Eric Haefele

I am so glad for you. You have brought much pleasure into our lives. You deserve it.

Elisa Ingo

Black .... like "Baby"


Every car ive ever owned has been black, hard to keep clean but they look great and isnt that what car washes are for, so my choice is obvious.... Congratulations im so happy for you and look forward to the vlog


The idea behind getting a bad car for your first car is because people assume you are gonna wreck it. But honestly if you are in a place financially where you are considering buying a new car, you should also be paying for good enough car insurance anyway. That said, I would choose black 9/10. In my experience, a lot of people who buy red card end up getting kinda sick of the color. You can't really go wrong with black.


It depends on how sunny it is where you are. The black one will absorb heat. (And if you can get a good car for your first one, get one; it'll work out better for you in the end.)

Thomas Stark

I have a black car and it's awful on a warm day. Not even Hot! Do what makes you happy but if you like red I think you should go for that. It won't absorb as much heat. And will definitely be more comfortable on sunny days.


As far as reliability. I’m almost 40 and highly recommend Toyota’s. I love the reliability of their transmissions and engines. Just my two cents. If it helps I commute 120miles round trip 5 days a week for work and never had a single problem. Just do the required maintenance

Tom Tattershall

I voted for black over red as you only gave two choices however it does seem like a lighter color (light blue, beige, silver, etc.) would be more comfortable in the Australian heat.

Patrick - Excelsior

I echo Tom...I have a black car. They are difficult to keep looking clean and they get Soooooo hot.


Congrats Shan! :D I voted for red 😄

Tom Tattershall

I had a very similar situation. 80 miles round trip 5 days a week and my Toyota was very reliable for 250,000 miles


Light Grey or light blue deflect heat more than either red or black. I owned a black van once and it was super hot every time I got in it. I get that red is cool and flashy - sometimes not a good thing with cops either, and that black looks awesome but it also shows nearly every bit of dirt. Your choice though and you should get what you want.

Nancy Nicolai

Congrats Shan on the very first car of YOUR own but as an old(er) person I have to say choose whatever vehicle that is going to be the safest for YOU color doesn't matter but YOUR SAFETY DOES and really enjoy it within reason as safe as possible!!☮💜🤟🚘💯🎶☯️


Happy for you! Keep doing what you do!


Red. Black is cool too, but gets real hot in the summer.

Chris Peacock

I am not voting. I will have no part in this travesty. A Suzuki! Really?


Have a Tesla Model 3 shipped to Australia

Ryuichi Yasuda

Congratulations Shan! X) It's amazing to see you care so much for your father, and I will continue to support you! I hope the car you get will be the one you will feel good driving in for a long long time :)

Tammy L. Faulkner

I say blk instead of red because the lask car I had was red and the paint faded on the hood due to the sun. If i washed and waxed it @ least once a month it may have stayed looking nice, but I didn't.


I voted black but changed my vote after reading the comments. I guess it makes sense that a black car would get hotter faster which is probably not a good idea if you live in a very hot place :0 anyways, congrats!


Get a DeLorean.

Walter Alcaraz

Well, if heat retention is the main deciding factor between black and red, then red cars get almost as hot inside as black cars do. The only colors that are guaranteed to be cooler would be white and silver. One thing you can do to help with the heat inside a parked car is cracking your windows open slightly. Instead of rolling them all the way up, maybe leave about a centimeter (half-inch) of space in the two front windows, for the heat to escape. Your interior will be about 10 degrees C cooler just by doing this. Also, think about getting a sun shade to put under the windshield when you aren't using it.


If I were you, I would get a car that is silver or grey with a tasteful and subtle pink tint.


Honestly, if you're going to be driving around with a nice car as your first ever car, at least make it so that people can see you a little more easily (especially at night) and give them that colour warning - Red.


But I congratulate you on this massive progress ^_^ Aww. I wish you all the best with whatever decision you make.

David Caine

I like red, but whatever you get I hope you enjoy the hell out of it. Happy for you that the time has come and we are looking forward to the vlog.


Red is a target for carjacking 😂

Brandon Wiesner

All the people that are saying red is a cop magnet, that is just an urban legend that has been debunked. There's nothing wrong with getting a red car, if that's the color she ends up going with.

Loves Bitca

Just a congratulations on your success. You deserve it.


I would go for the red because the black will make it hotter and you might feel uncomfortable in the heat. Congrats on getting to where you wanted to be. Your a kind heart person, and I wish I could help your dad with his pain. And I would love to see your vlog.


Congratulations on making your goal! Definitely black!