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Claire Eyles

From the Buffy Fandom Wiki (possible explanation of Spike sitting on the couch scene) - "This is not necessarily a goof, since in this episode Spike learns that with the right application of his will, he can affect the physical world around him. Seeing how he should not be able to even walk along the floor either, much less climb a flight of stairs or ride an elevator, it's plausible Spike was already subconsciously exerting a limited display of this ability; which may have similarly occurred when he sat on the couch or in Angel's car in the earlier episode." Eh, I don't know, I think it's a good if somewhat convenient explanation for what I think was a goof, or maybe a necessity for screen blocking.

Clara V.

Yeah, in the end it is the way it is because of convenience and we all know it, just gotta suspend that disbelief. But it is a decent enough explanation to at least make some kind of sense if you really need it to. When all is said and done this is probably my least favorite episode of the season, it mostly meandered without any clear direction and never tried to do anything interesting or unconventional. It's just sort of there, but the good news is that if this is the worst the season gets the rest is really, really awesome :D


Pavayne is not a very nice person. He's just a big meanie.

Bruce Trogdon

This episode is ok as a companion to “Unleashed.” Both Nina and Spike consider giving in to the evil and letting it take them, but eventually decide to keep fighting, and they both have people willing to help. In “Unleashed,” Angel didn't leave the diners locked in a room with their werewolf - he shut them down legally(?) - but in “Hell Bound,” he did to Pavane what Connor did to him way back when.


The finger chopping is one of the most disgusting sounding scenes ever. Yuck.


Why can Spike sit on a couch? I guess I don’t know, but I suspect it’s the same way he can walk on the ground or even an elevated floor without falling through it.

Brendan O'Connor

“I liked your poems.” “You like Barry Manilow!” Love that scene


Angel is such a dick to Spike, I think he's still having a hard time seeing him as an ensouled person just like himself. There's less of a solid line between soulless and ensouled Spike than with Angel/Angelus, so I guess it's easy to think of Spike as being the same person, but you'd think Angel would get that? Idk maybe it's wrapped up in his perception of himself or something.


"But don't worry. I had them give a window." Like father like son.


Bigger than the apocolypse, bigger than good vs evil, bigger than Wolfram & Hart and bigger than the Hellmouth . . . Angel's ego vs Spike's ego


Great reaction. Love it when Angel and Spike are together, always funny.

Cory Stanish

This was the episode that had a warning before it started for extra graphic violence. Probably because of the finger-chopping. It was the only episode of Angel or Buffy to be preceded by a content warning!


Personally I start really disliking Angel this season, He start to be a dick to everybody. I don't think that is a good convination been all grumpy and broody like Angel always is mixed with all the power and privilege of Wolfram and Heart, not the best recipe for a hero character.

Ron Fehr

Shan. I like your comment about Spike caring about Joyce. It's definitely something in his favor. Remember he didn't even have soul back then.


I really liked Spike and Joyce. He even brought her flowers when she died.