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I'm not anticipating a happy reaction.


Anticipating lots of frowns. Frown for king.

Christopher simeon

Here’s how I feel. This ending feels like we missed a season of development. All the endings make sense it just feels like none of the characters earned the right to reach that ending based on this last season. It’s the writers knowing where they want the characters to begin and end but not knowing how to convincingly get them there in 6 episodes. It’s rushed and sloppy writing. I would have loved to see a season of fighting white walkers with Dany slowly going mad then the next season be about Cersei then halfway through Danny becomes the villain


I've said all along that I'd be cool with anything as long as Davos lived. So yeah, this ending was fine by me.


Yeah look the only scene that made me cry from sadness was seeing Jaime and Cersei dead, who would of thought? Otherwise i cried because I thought what an absolute joke. I get that trying to end many story lines properly within 6 episodes is basically impossible but come on. Sorry but I was so disappointed. Bran for king?! Are you kidding me? Jon spent all his life thinking he was a bastard, he finds out he is the true heir and then boom he gets sent back to the wall? Pfft. I did like the fact that Drogon knew it was the Iron Throne that truly killed his mother, not Jon. Great symbolism.


Thematically this ending was good all things considered. It was clearly rushed so the payoff just isn't there for a lot of people. I also still hate how they did Jamie, 6 seasons of a redemption arc just thrown in the trash.


Poor Jon. Drogon stole his dagger. :(


Best thing about the episode is how clever Drogon was. He knew he needed a snack for the journey....


I think Bran is a good choice for King. The problem has always been autocratic kings and queens, ruling for their themselves and their own family. Bran would be more of a custodian of the history and customs of the Kingdoms, much like the kings of Saxon England, who were chosen by the earls and had little real power.


With all this talk in the show about what Grey Worm wants regarding justice for his Queen, everyone seems to forget that the guy is actually a war criminal. He murdered soldiers who had surrendered, in cold blood, most of whom were there in fear of Cersei. But yeah, let's see what Grey Worm wants and send Jon away because he says so. I do love that Arya becomes a Ninja Pirate Explorer, though. That makes sense for someone who doesn't really belong anywhere, she can go and find new places and expand the map.


LOL. That really tickled me for some reason. Kudos.


I don't think it's as much about making Grey Worm personally happy as it is about not starting another war against the Unsullied. Because you know, it's not just about Grey Worm. If they had called him a war criminal and thrown him in prison or executed him, the entire Unsullied army would have revolted.


i paused watching, i think it will be Sansa, this is my first watch; i can live with the outcome;; Got was weaker after season 5, when they left the books behind, i can't wait for the next book, and the one after that, that will finish the series. Maybe the outcome will be the same, but you know the story will be better told and make more sense. And the spring book is still to follow this outcome.


Great end to the greatest television series


Game of thrones tv show has been confirmed trash with this ending. This ending made all the years i watched this show pointless. time to go back to the books for the real game of thrones.


I'm watching this for the first time. My predictions: Tyrion will murder Daenerys. Jon will kill Drogon, and Sansa will be queen. Tyrion and Sansa might get married, or he will be her hand. Brienne will be head of her queen's guard. Davos will stay as an adviser, probably master of coin. Jon will fuck off to the True North and live with Ghost. Arya will get a ship from Yara and fuck off to the West and become an explorer. Grey Worm will take the Unsullied and go protect the seas around Nath. They might become pirates or something. There will be no more iron throne and they will have to move the seat of government somewhere else.

Eric Bushee

Dany's character arc in season 8 kind of mirrored your reaction arc for season 8. Everything was wonderful for the first 4 1/2 episodes and then turned really negative after that. I can't thank you enough for your hard work in producing these reactions and I am glad you are making a success of it. Have a great day and I am looking forward to Season 5 of Angel.


The problem with the ending is that it invalidates the journies of several main characters. Everything that Jaime, Jon and Dany went through for 7 seasons all ended up being pointless in the end.


I agree. In my judgement, the story they chose to tell was a story worth telling, but they did a poor job telling it in the end. Danny faced a choice to either let go of her savior identity or do the worst thing possible, and she chose. That is a deep story, but they skipped all the depth.


Idk why ppl are so angry with Danny’s arc, she has been burning ppl alive since the end of season 1, and every year her actions got closer and closer to this final arc, she crucified innocent ppl before, she’s let her dragons eat a man without bothering to care if he was innocent or not, she’s invaded a continent that didn’t want her, attacked their citizens and burned her prisoners alive, these are all things that are considered the acts of evil vicious tyrants in Westeros. She even claims the title Khaleesi while not living up to the oaths of that title. All the non Dany-obsessed fans saw this coming years ago, then execution just wasn’t the best.


I agree with you, Shan, about Dany! Also, I found her behaviour in front of the Iron Throne with Jon/Aegon to be inconsistent with being a "Mad Queen." If she was supposedly SOOO upset to burn the innocents of a city BECAUSE of Jon + all the other losses, betrayals, feeling hated, etc - then WHY talk to Jon so peacefully, happily - with no lingering hatred about him telling Sansa about his heritage, about him pulling away from her recently, etc. If she was so "Mad" then wouldn't she have lashed out at him??? Inconsistent!!!! Lame-o


As for where Drogon went, one theory says that Drogon is Khal Drogo reincarnated - think about when he was born -from Khal Drogo's ashes. And, if you view they old "vision" of Dany sitting with her baby and Drogo - he says he will not go into the "Night Lands" without her...


On on the other hand, Jaimie never paid for his actions in previous seasons, like attempted murder of a child, the murder of Jory, laying waste to the ppl of the Riverlands, he honestly deserved a more painful death, the fact that the show gave him a redemption arc at all was more than he deserved. Also, the North has wanted it’s independence since the end of season 1, it was Robb’s job to fight for it, and then in season 6 it became Jon’s responsibility to ensure the north remained free and independent because the northmen would rather die than bend the knee to anyone else, then he gave the north away AFTER Dany pledged her support, so he went against his duty to his ppl and tried to force a ruler they didn’t even want on her even tho she was already gonna help them,and he was so loyal he looked like he was about to choose her over his family because I guess she’s hot? Jon was nothing but a Dany fanboy since he bent the knee, one of his only lines this season was “She’s my Queen”, even after she killed over a million ppl that had already surrendered. Sansa was the true born heir to the North, and gave them what they’ve wanted for years. Dany was a usurper hoping she could use Jon’s love for her to get him to let her steal his birthright as she forced herself on a continent that didn’t want her, and she killed probably over 10% of the population


I definitely recommend the books. Though it might be best to wait for GRRM to announce The Winds of Winter first before jumping in. I'm hoping it'll release next year. Audio books are also an option if you'd rather listen than read it. Regardless, I think you'd like the books. As far as the prequels are concerned, I'm skeptical. On one hand, D&D aren't involved which honestly is a good thing, but on the other hand, the prequels are mostly going to be based off of history books that GRRM has done, so things like character dialogue won't be from GRRM but from the writer's of the shows. So hopefully they've got some good people working on them. I expect we'll learn more about at least one of them by the end of the year. Anyway, that's all I've got to say. I've ranted enough about this final season in various other places, so I'm not going to do it here.

Dontrell Durant

Can someone explain to me WHY THE UNSULLIED were ready to kill Jon for grabbing Grey Worm, but did nothing to him for killing Dany?

Loves Bitca

It's defending Grey Worm at the time, vs. not being there When he killed Dany.

Angela Colon

I 100% agree with you. It was a horrible finale. They could have really shown the transition, but instead poor Dany is given the villain treatment. I have the same reaction as you: Anger and frustration. Bran doesn't deserve the kingship. I hope the books are better.


Just like another universally hated finale, Lost. And just like Lost you wonder what the writers were thinking. There can't have been a single fan of the show who was invested in Bran becoming King. Just like Lost, where Hugo ended up with the final prize, and again, no one was invested in that outcome. At least Hugo was a beloved character, I can't say the same about Bran.