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Door closed, coffee ready, headphones on... This is gonna be fun! :D

Jarrod Wild

Blondie bear!!!!!!


Aaaand I have to download it. What a mood breaker lol. In the meantime I'll read your story :)

Brandon Wiesner

To summarize...shit happens. All good Shan! Will be watching the minute I get off work.

Jarrod Wild

Back when this first aired, pretty much every Buffy/Angel fan knew that Marsters had signed on for Angel season 5, *before* Spike "died" in the Buffy finale. So it kinda sucked for us at the time.


It’s not working. It’s saying it’s generating a preview.


Yeah, there was even rumours of a Faith and Spike spin-off before that, so we pretty much knew both survived the finale. I am annoyed this and the Ripper show didn't happen as well as the animated series. I did an episode of my podcast on that 3 minute "pilot". It was a missed opportunity. The failed animated show, not my podcast.


I knew you'd freak out when you discover that Fred's assistant is the same actor from Buffy's "Conversations with dead people" and Firefly's "The Message"!! Oh, wait, you didn't even notice lol. Anyway, great reaction, lots of fun, and dat ending...


Although I'll always miss it, there's no way the clothes rack would have stood up to that shock spasm. Truly epic. ...and many thanks to Dip for keeping the credits spoiler free...and hilarious!


How? Admit it. You really don't care how. Any reason that gives you more Spike is fine. :) Harmony is more fun when Spike is around. And Gunn leveled up with lawyering superpowers.


Yep! And it's not the best *solely* because of Spike. This is my favorite season because it has some of the strongest storytelling arcs and some of my absolute favorite individual episodes. Spike is just the cherry on top.


This is my favourite season, but not because of spike, it's because of Angel, but very glad that you liked this premier episode, it's gonna be a very crazy season.

Bria Bey

Spike is definitely the reason season 5 is one of my favorites if not favorite season.

Bria Bey

I was just excited as you when I saw spike returned because I didn't watch Buffy when it aired so I didn't know Spike would return. I watched Buffy and Angel about a year or two ago. I watched all of Buffy first and then Angel. I was so happy they added Spike to the last season because he is my favorite Buffy/Angel character.

Bria Bey

I'm glad no one spoiled Spike's return for you.

Bria Bey

I'm excited to watch all your Angel reactions now instead of just a few here and there of episodes I enjoyed.


Getting to see Shan’s joy and excitement as well as bewilderment at Spikes return was totally worth the wait,this is gonna be a great season!


Spike isn't my sole or even main reason for liking this season. I feel the show returns to its thematic roots this season... but with the added bonus of Angel trying to accomplish good from the midst of evil. Also, Spike.

Brendan O'Connor

I was rewatching the beginnings of your reactions to Lovers Walk, The Harsh Light of Day, and In The Dark in anticipation for you seeing Spike again, and you did not disappoint!


I always enjoy your reactions but this is, without doubt, my favourite in a while. So fun :)


"Sooner or later they'll tip their hand, and we'll find out why they really brought us here. Meanwhile, we do the work...our way, one thing at a time. We deal... with whatever comes next. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" I miss this show so much.


So glad you didn't get spoiled on Spike. And yes he certainly is A reason we love this season. It's my favorite season of the Buffyverse for several reasons. Also thanks for the predictions, I know it's not easy to come up with that kinda stuff on the fly.

Tyrence Purnell

Yeah with Gunn when you said I thought he liked his old life to me he liked the killing vamps and saving people but he was saying he didn't like the being a kid on the streets homeless and watching his friends dying one by one in this battle for your life. Also I love this season in general. Spike was a good addition but Angel this season is just awesome regardless


"I understand why you guys say season 5 is your favorite. It's because of Spike, isn't it? You're sole reason is because of Spike." No. that is incorrect. Spike is my favorite character ever, but that is definitely not the sole reason.


Worth the wait. Seriously, this is probably the one moment, we've been waiting to see your reaction to forever! Your genuine surprise was awesome.

Jason Veevaert

Season 5 also to me has the best villains in Angel

Loves Bitca

Been waiting so long for that reaction. So glad no one spoiled it for you. I was worried someone might. Like when you were so upset when Spike died, I was worried someone would say something like "Don't worry, he'll be back". As said, at the time we had already heard the news that he had signed on to join Angel. So I was just watching it wondering when and how he would return. It was still cool, but not nearly as awesome as it is for you to see it with no spoiler. Can't wait for you to cover the rest of the season, AND Dollhouse.

Richard Lucas

I’m just gonna say it now. I ship Spangel.


It's been clear that there's some split in the reactions to the season, but for me, it felt like a ship that had been dragging an anchor that was stuck in the mud finally got free. It's partly Spike (always fun), but mostly that the new character configuration and setting really feels to me like suddenly the writing got a blast of electricity. Maybe Thor (or Cap!) dropped by the writers' room and gave them a jolt from Mjolnir. This episode is a lot like the early season 7 ones in Buffy--you're watching it thinking, "Oo...kay." And then there's the end, and you see what they were anxious to get to. :D We all knew the summer in between that Marsters had been picked up as a condition of Angel's renewal (season 4 ratings were bad and there were well known dealings to get picked up), which we'd thought gave Spike plot armor in "Chosen" (Ha, psych). And then we spent the summer going, "Joss, really? How the...?"

Nancy Nicolai

Spike is why you weren't supposed to watch the credits and you'll find how he's here!!🥰


I admit - I have no patience. Not when it comes to Shan watching Spike return!!! I skipped straight to the end, watched the last scene & Shan’s comments about 3 times, THEN went & watched the rest of the reaction. :D :D :D Brilliant reaction Shan!!! You’re thinking that people are like ‘oh Shan, it’s just Spike, what are you freaking out for?’ NOPE! We have all been major hyped, super excited and super eager to see your UNSPOILERED! reaction to Spike returning from the dead in Angel. :D :D [Yeah ok - I can’t talk for all of us - but it’s a pretty high percentage.] Like you say, people have been waiting for this, & warning to not watch the credits since you started Angel. :) Aw, poor Shan - having to wait a week to watch the next episode! I am also impatient to see your reaction to the next ep. :) It’s quite amusing how in the middle of the ep you are like - really, all this hype is because of Harmony, that’s a dissapointment. :) Despite that you like me, love Harmony, that would’ve been rather overhyped to avoid the credits cos she’s Angel’s PA, lol. Btw - massive cudos to your editor for the amazing , superb, fantastic - alternative opening credits! I love both of them! Really well edited to the music too. This is a bit of a thing on youtube vids - making “Buffy style’ or “Angel style’ opening credits for other genre shows. First time I’ve seen them for Charmed & Smallville. Ok, excited to see you react to the next episode and the rest of the season! Yup, I’m one of those for whom season 5 is my favourite ( though I love s2 as well).


Oh, and btw - Angel has no problem spanking men. And he’s not little. But made no denial of being a fairy. :D :D


BTW, I was EXTREMELY LUCKY when I watched this episode for the first time that I was COMPLETELY UNSPOILERED!! for Spike’s return. I’m sure everyone has told you Shan by now how Joss and the team spoiled it for everyone - not just with the opening credits, but for months before that, advertising that Spike was gonna be on Angel. They were hyping it up to get the viewers - and even started this advertising before Spike died in Chosen! Unbelievable, terrible thing to do. I did not see any of it though - so Spike’s death hit really hard in Chosen like it should have done. I was upset for weeks after and had to wait months to find out he returned. Anyone wondering how/why? Well - I don’t think we had all those trailers and ads for Buffy & Angel here on UK tv. If we did? - I didn’t see them. Probably cos I hardly watched tv at the time in 2003/4 except for Buffy & Angel & the news. ( I was too busy being an activist and hanging out in the anti-capitalist queer scene :D ). I didn’t yet buy geeky mags like SFX, and I hadn’t found fandom online yet. I didn’t own my own computer yet at the time!! I went to Internet Cafes!!! (Lol) And mostly only to try and sell stuff on ebay to make ends meet. I didn’t even realise that there were ‘fandoms’ for shows like Buffy. Buffy was the first thing I was a geek about - but geek culture wasn’t popular/mainstream yet, and I thought that things like conventions & fandoms were only for things like Star Trek. I remember being very pleasantly surprised in 2007/8 when I discovered Buffy conventions in the UK - and online fandom, and then became addicted to it. :) I watched all of Buffy & Angel when it aired without being part of fandom. And somehow, for this episode, I wasn’t watching the opening credits, distracted or something. I was so lucky to experience the genuine shock and surprise! Unlike all the poor spoilered people at the time. :’( Bad Joss! :D [Um, that was long - sorry peeps!! - but I was sure people would be like - how on earth could I not have known!! So preempted & put it all here.]

Rey Gallogo

Oh great, more "spike is right" and "everyone else is wrong"


Yeah, Spike adds a lot to the season - he always adds a lot to every scene he's in on either show. But it's not only good because of him. There's a lot of other stuff that make it a great season.

The Answer

Wesley: Spike


Peeps are always to me, are you a Bangel or a Spuffy - well, I have my Spuffy moments, but really I'm a Spangel. Gimme my Spangel fic!!! Which for anyone who doesn't know, had it's shippers & fics right from Buffy s2 - 'You were my sire man! My Yoda!' - And that kiss on the forehead from Angelus is a popular gif. :)

The Answer

Angel: Spike

The Answer

Shan: Sssssspike lol


Um, everyone has their favourite characters. I'm confused - if you don't like that Shan's reactions are rather 'Spike centric' - you sound quite annoyed by them - why you you still watch her reactions?

Alexis Cardarella

I watched this for the first time, I want to say 8 years ago, and it was completely unspoiled for me.. Pre- credits that is. I was 19 and it was 3 years after I watched Buffy.. So I went all that time thinking he was still dead!! Imagine that? God, how I missed Spike. This also happens to be my favorite season (for various reasons). So much fun to watch you react to!!


Some fun facts (apologies if someone else has already said this, the comments won't load fully): You only fully see the right side of Wesley's face in most of this episode because Alexis was experiencing an episode of Bell's palsy. He's so good, you can't even tell unless you're looking for it. Another fun fact: Angel will look slightly different this season because David was undergoing knee surgery and recovery and he wasn't able to be as active. The hair... is just unfortunate. Final fun fact: this season is the best season of Angel for so many reasons, and only one of them is Spike. I can't wait to see the rest of your reactions!


I am happy you were shocked by Spike, I don't think I noticed in the credits originally, but I like how people made new credits of other shows! So well done! Angel's hair is REALLY WEIRD, he looks like a mafioso for some reason... somehow becoming part of Wolfram and Hart made him greasier. Also OMG it IS the DOLLHOUSE! They've shifted the stairs around... or _will_ shift the stairs around -- since Dollhouse was after Angel, but it is even the offices, the panelling the frosted glass! I never noticed before.


The wait has been long and worth it, my favourite season is finally here. Let the fun begin :D

Ron Fehr

You may notice that some of Wesley's scenes showed more of a profile instead of a full frontal shot. I don't remember the exact reason for it, other than something had happened to Alexis Denisov that required some scenes having to be shot differently than normal. Only for this episode, however.


To be clear the two intros was taken from YouTube. They was very well done.


Great reaction. Fred stood up high when she took charge. And Spike or shall I say blonde bear, great ending. Hope your dad feeling better and remember to sleep.

Timotey Kuhn

Oh thank god some pathetic scumbag schmuck didn't spoil the "Return of BLONDIE BEAR!!" for you. That was a nagging worry for me after the end of Buffy.

Timotey Kuhn

& luuuuv the story.. :D

Timotey Kuhn

It's okay if it comes out slowly. You're trying to make your predictions on the spot, rather than taking two hours separately to come up with them & then record it for posterity.

Timotey Kuhn

Last season of Buffyverse show hugs on Shan! Everyone glom onto her! :)) <3 <3

Timotey Kuhn

Yayy for Shan precognitive abilities in regards to getting Angel right so gol durn quick! :P

Timotey Kuhn

Hehehehehe.... you, of all people here, saying it's "just Spike". No such thing as "Just Spike" around these parts... lulz


Well, now I know what the Aussie slang for McDonald's is! :-)

Ron Fehr

The reason for the long intro at the Wolfram and Hart building was for the same reason as it was done in the movie Serenity. To get us familiar with the surroundings.


wow your predictions are pretty spot on... well at least for the evolution of Angel's character and you were able to guess that Angel would end up killing someone.. which happened right on the very first episode of this season... I love the edited opening credits! Kudos to your editors for NOT revealing any new characters or recurring ones from Buffy lol And of course, the Spike reveal or resurrection I suppose.. love your reaction there. hehe yep, THIS was the big reveal. Harmony is also a great addition to the cast. Perfect as Angel's vampire secretary. 😆 I mean who would've thought, right? The human type's already been done so a vampire one should work perfectly well and it's so ironic that Harmony's been picked. Anyway, I can't wait for episode 2 reaction!!!


The way they've re-"vamp"ed Angel's hair is kind of alluding to the whole "Boss" of some evil organization so yeah maybe they figured it would fit with the look... he's the President of Wolfram & Hart anyway 😁


I was spoiled by the opening credits though and so the entire episode I kept wondering 'so where's Spike?' and the end definitely was totally unexpected so it's all good... sure the opening credits are spoilers but for me, it made me look forward to when the characters appear -- I guess that's probably what Joss wanted to do... psych everyone up!! lol


Actually, David's hair was long like that because he had just been filming The Crow: Wicked Prayer - though the film wasn't released until 2005. ( Bit rubbish from what I hear.)

Dan H

How? Well, when the ancient scribes beheld that the ratings for Season 4 were underwhelming, the all-powerful Network decreed that the show much get an overhaul. The humble writers, they did pitch and pitch until the Network decreed one worthy. But they were not sated, for they did want another popular character on the show. And lo, the Dark Slayer had already turned down a Faith gig for a new show of her own. But when hope seemed lost, came the time of the Marsters, who knows a good gig when he has one.

Dontrell Durant

Seems you had fun. Blondie Bear!

Ron Fehr

Shan. You looked a little confused during the 'Spanky' scene, when Angel asked the other guy why he was called Spanky. Spanky was the name of one of the kids from the 'Our Gang' movies in the early part of the 1900's (I don't remember exactly when).

Claire Eyles

OMG that Spike reaction was the best thing I've seen all week. :D And yes Spike is a big part of why season 5 is awesome, but he's only one part (but still SPIKE!)

Claire Eyles

Okay, but seriously, I have had like the crappest couple of weeks - Grumpy cat died, Labor lost the election, my Mum has rapidly deteriorating dementia and I've had to place her in a nursing home & become her legal guardian & deal with a lot of really complicated and exhausting like everything, and that Spike scene reaction was the most I've smiled in what feels like forever - I'm still smiling, I have a ridiculous grin plastered all over my face after that. Thank you for the awesome happiness bomb. <3 :D

Ron Fehr

TO BE CONTINUED. I know you can't wait to watch the next episode. And yes, I've said it before. Imagine how people felt when the show first aired.

Tom Tattershall

One of my sisters is named after Darla from the 'Our Gang' (aka The Little Rascals) comedy shorts. There were 220 shorts from 1922-1944 and one feature film 'General Spanky' (1936). The shorts were popular children's tv programming in the 50s&60s.


best reaction to Spike... I was the exact same. When I watched the btvs s7 final on tv when it aired, I was utterly devastated that Spike died, i ugly cried so hard, and then for days after i'd remember and be so upset. Then 6months or a year later or whenever it was, i saw this episode and never in my life have i been more excited and surprised. Thankfully, I never got all the promos and adverts on tv ruining the surprise like a lot of US viewers did. So... I'm right with ya Shan!


Shan, welcome to, in my opinion, the best season in the whole Buffyverse. Refrasing POTN "terrible, wonderful, awe-inspiring season 5". Just sit and prepare to laugh, cry and enjoy.

Ron Fehr

You have some great reactions, Shan. My favorites seem to be the ones with Spike, and this one tops the list.

David Caine

I would rank the series premieres of Angel as 5>4>1>3>2, but ironically enough, the first shot of 2 revealing the Host is the best opening shot of any premiere, and 4 has the best opening sequence.


It is a true treat to see someone so wonderfully surprised by Spikes appearance. That was awesome! Never though I'd ever see a reaction like that. Originally they hyped the shit out of James joining the Angel cast. By the time the premiere aired, I'd seen Spike's emergence a hundred times already in previews. I remember me and my girlfriend being super pissed that he was only in the episode for a few seconds.