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I thought that the episode was visually stunning and beautifully scored. I did not like what passed for character development, not one bit.

Ryan Wilson

This is pissin' a lot ppl off. Ppl are saying what Dany did came out of left field.

Aria Nadii

I was done with GoT halfway through the last episode. Relieved I didn't watch this one from what I've heard. After 10 years, 8 and half seasons, and countless re-watches through reactions, I don't even care how it ends. That's how pissed off I am.

Kelly Marie

I knew Dany was going to lose the absolute plot but it’s still a kick to the gut, especially when they made her 10x worse than her father. I’m pretty sure we all know who’s going to kill her and that breaks my heart. Cersei’s death was trash, after everything she’s done she gets killed by a collapsing building, like come on. Jaime’s character development was absolutely ruined which shits me beyond words. I’m sorry but despite me loving this show, they’ve made an absolute mess of this season.


I loved this episode


As long as Davos survives to the end I'm happy. He's the only character I've consistently liked throughout.


There were absolutely signs that Dany as going to go this way, for a while now but this is still bullshit. I am more angry with what they did with Jaime, especially after what happened last week with Brienne. And what about the whole "telling Euron that the baby is his" stuff/ That meant nothing and went absolutely nowhere/ Arya is my favourite character but even I was like "oh, for fuck's sake" after her 5th escape from death. And Varys should have turned sooner, he should have overheard Jon tell Dany in episode 2 or something, so it wasn't just "he has turned, oh he's dead" in under 5 minutes. This episode had its moments but was such a mess, character-wise. The score was amazing as usual, though, I bloody love the music in this show.


This is what you get when you decide to rush the ending. So many character arcs were wasted or rushed. Jamie had 5 years of a redemption arc only to throw it away in two episodes and go die with Cersei. So dumb...


This episode actually completely butchered Dany. The thing they could have convincingly pulled off was Dany burning the Lannister army even after they surrendered. We have seen her do sth like this in pursuit of justice before (the masters she cruficied, for example), and they'd have still arrived at the "Omg Dany is mad queen confirmed". But for 7 seasons, Dany has *always* put the safety of the innocent first. She stopped the Dothraki from raping women in season 1, she specifically told the Unsullied to not harm the innocent or the children in season 3, she locked up her dragons when Drogon killed one child, she abolished slavery, she only agreed to Yara's proposal of an alliance after Yara agreed to her terms that the Ironborn had to change, she didn't go to King's Landing immediately bc it could have led to the deaths of innocent people... For her to not just accept innocent deaths but specifically target them is so incredibly out of character, it hurts. It was trashy writing, especially after we have seen 7 seasons of her being aware of her family's history. It's even more frustrating considering they also completely destroyed Varys' and Jaime's character. For what purpose have we followed Jaime in the past 8 seasons? For absolutely no purpose at all. And Varys wants to betray Dany for no purpose other than that Jon has a dick? Seriously? But I agree, the music on the show remains top-notch!


They managed to ruin several character arcs in one episode. The fact that Jaime went to save Cersei instead of kill her is serious character regression. The whole point of why he went to Winterfell this season was to “fight for the living” and protect the realm from walkers. But in his final moments he tells Cersei that the only two people that matter in the world are the two of them. What? Also the show spent 7 seasons building Dany up as a savior of the seven kingdoms only to have her destroy a part of it in one episode. Ridiculous. Finally Tyrion turning on Varys and ratting him out to Dany...after Varys literally saved his life at the end of Season 4. Not to mention Tyrion knew that Varys was right. Stupid stupid writing.

Brandon Wiesner

After this episode, it's hard to see how next week is going to be any good. At least though, it can't get any worse, right? (gulp!)


Well... I have feeling about this episode but since everyone seems super upset with it here i will just say... hi


I feel like if we rewatch the show, over the last few seasons especially, we'll be able to count the number of "red flag" moments for Dany. I personally thought this was going to be the way her character would go for a while. My only real gripe with this episode is the Jaime/Cersei ending. Jaime essentially has no character arch in this show, and frankly, Cersei deserved to go out worse than that.

Chess Red Eagle

Respectfully disagree. Not character assassination. They have been foreshadowing this turn since season TWO. Remember the vision she had in the season 2 finale of her walking into a destroyed throne room surrounded by what people thought was snow. It was ash because her destiny was not to become an awesome, benevolent ruler. It was to be the Mad Queen. And if you think prophecies and visions aren't enough, just look at her actions. What has she done to all her enemies. Any of them. She's always gone straight to full on brutality. She crucified hundreds and lined them up on the road as a warning. She burned the Tarleys for not bowing down even though they were not a threat in the slightest anymore. Combine that will that all the horrible shit that's happened to her friends and family and her support basically all but gone, that was ALWAYS going to be a bad, bad combination.


Dany being the mad queen was foreshadowed, but they rushed it and didn’t give her proper motivation at all. We didn’t get to see her point of view at all in this episode. If there was proper buildup in season 7, I would have been 100% ok with this. Jaimes arc has me FUMING. They threw away eight seasons of character development for that one scene. I love Cersei as a villain, but she deserved a better ending than that. This is a woman who blew up the sept with wildfire. She deserved to go out in a badass way. Ughh

Sean Ornelas-Linter

The series writers say that they started foreshadowing Mad Queen Dany when she showed no emotion watching her brother get murdered, in mid season 1. And everyone who wasn’t a Dany fan saw signs of this every season, she even said like 3 times that she was gonna burn cities to the ground in Westeros

Eric Bushee

Thanks for posting these full reviews of GOT, not only are they enjoyable to watch but also you cost less than HBO and I am cheap. One more episode to go and the two questions are, 1) Who will kill Dany and 2) will you have dry hair? I can't wait!!

Jarrod Wild

At Qarth, Dany threatened the leaders to their faces that when her dragons were full grown she would come back and burn their city down. In Meereen, she wanted to burn down Astapor, Yunkai, and even Volantis, but Tyrion talked her out of it.


Wow. I guess the writer's really wanted to prove a point here - that women just are not capable of ruling as well as a man. Dany goes crazy, since women just can't handle their emotions, and "poor John" - showing that if only he'd taken control and taken the throne that everything would have been fine. pfft


Jamie always loved Cersei obvious he was going to go back to her just a matter of time. Dany was being built up over time the closer she got to the iron throne as the mad queen still love her by the way top 3 of course alongside Arya and John. People are mad not because the episode wasnt good because it had every part of what made GOT so popular but rather HOW IT MADE YOU FEEL. people are in there feelings whether it be about the issue with Jamie or Dany and clouded by that episode was good

Brian Søndergaard

Sansa on the Throne, Jon Kills Dany and Arya kills the hell out of Drogon. Brian very happy then :)

Hans Olav

Don't say that, it can always get worse. I just think back to the last episode of Pretty Little Liars... It can always be worse.


GOT went down hill as soon as they went past the books, it maybe had a nice moment here and there, but that was it. I look forward to reading the next book and see what happens. If the ending has to be the same, i hope it's better founded (and i'm not even a Danni fan, if i had my choice Davos would be on the throne)

Alexis Cardarella

Seriously the most forced character arc I’ve ever seen- and it’s GOT for god’s sake. Talk about top tier tv just making a fool out of itself.. I can completely understand how dany’s character might get to that point, but not in this way, not by these means.. It made absolutely no sense to flip a switch on her morals like she did. MAYBE if Cersei had pulled something for her to do that- then we’d all be having a substantive debate- but the bells fucking rang- and what ensued after that was the biggest stretch of a character arc I’ve ever seen outside a teen soap opera.


i just thought of something... what if Brienne kills Dany? Jamie asked Brienne in the bathtub scene: Jamie said "What would you have done if everyone was going to be killed, would she keep her oath then? Brienne could also be upset that Dany just killed Jamie. AND Dany is a threat to Sansa and therefore Brienne will protect Sansa. But that would make sense with story and the character development. So I'm sure it will not happen.


I still don't think Dany is going to die though. I think she will rule. They aren't giving us a happy ending and that is the way to do it without having to kill her. Dany inevitably repeating history that will always be the same when people want power. The wheel just keeps spinning.

Allan Cornett

I also think Dany will live and rule. I liked most of the episode. The goodbye between Tyrion and Jamie was perfect. The Mountain and Hound fight was a great ending for both characters. The cgi, cinematography and music were top rate. The goodbye between the Hound and Arya was sweet. This has historical precedent. The atomic and fire bombs dropped on Japan killed men women and children. The firebombs dropped on Dresden Germany leveled the city. In medieval time even when a city surrendered it was still sacked. Viewers are upset that the same people who cheered the beheading of Ned Stark died. Dany saved everyone in Westeros by fighting in the north and they still hated her. The owed her their lives and she exacted payment. This show is not a fairy tale.


foiks keep referencing "season 2" for dany threatening those quarth (?) people. wellllll... unless i'm mistaken, i believe she was making those threats when she and her group were starving and they were desperate for help. not really seriously going to do those things. it wouldve been more memorable if anyone thought she was serious about that...


You just won the award for stupidest comment. Congrats!


These writers tried to reinvent the wheel, and look what happened. The climax of Game of Thrones should have been the battle with the Night King, period. The battle for Kings Landing should have been the second to last fight, leading to the final Night King confrontation. Instead, they created a no win situation for a climax, that leaves no one happy. If Games of Thrones was a movie on a Hollywood drawing board, the script doctor's fix would have been quick. Change the climax to Arya killing the Night King.


Necroing this conversation since I've only just watched the reaction. I saw this as it aired worldwide and I loved the episode. I wasn't overly surprised at Dany going psycho, she's been slowly pushed in that direction for some time, although the vengeful retribution (as she sees it) kicked into high gear here it could've used more lead up = definitely rushed through so still a little disappointed.