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Here is another one of my Fav Characters Kai (I have a think for the K's: Klaus, Katherine, Kol, Kai 😂)


About Stefan, at the end of last Season he was on place 10 or smth of my Favs, his behavior here put him on 20 - right before Matt who is just boring and pointless... Not because he is human but because he has NO STORYLINE - at least none that's interesting!


Katherine, Klaus and Kai best antogonists of TVD fight me. They are legit the best characters that the TVD verse ever created

Tyrence Purnell

I might be one of the few but Stephen has been through a lot. And Damon and Stephan a while ago made a choice that whoever Elena wanted the other one will leave. I think being in mystic falls truly upsets him and sometimes you got to take care of yourself mentally and emotionally. From Stephans point of view he has went everywhere to try and find Damon and Bonnie with no luck and he decides to try and live for himself. Not saying it was the best thing to do but he has a right to choose when to move on from his past because I feel he truly thought his brother was lost and there was nothing he could do about it except go mad if he didn't stop. And as far as Ivy, Stephan cares so to me kill his girl he has a right to kill Enzo. Enzo didn't need to do what he did and Stephen needed to stand up for himself and not be bullied or be in fear of Enzo.

Tammy L. Faulkner

Damon had done so much more than Stephan to get eye rolls and Stephan has been through just as much, maybe even more than Damon to earn respect. He did all he could to get Bonnie and Damon back and knows its impossible. He lost his brother and that was his last straw. This isn't like Damon just left and hasn't been back or called in months like they thought was the case with Stephan. This is, they witnessed him DIE and the other side fall into nothingness. Stephan was trying to have a life away from all the memories vs flipping his SWITCH, Enzo only thought about himself, like always, when invading his life, and killing Ivy was out of anger for making Caroline cry. I don't love or hate Enzo... I feel for him and what he went through, just wish he was a vegetarian or something, like Edward. No Ivy wasn't a character we grew to care about, but thats not the poin or the REAL reason Stephan is angry... Just like Elaina, he's tired of loosing ppl. He WASN'T letting Ivy get too close because he doesn't want to in danger more ppl he gets to caring for. No, I don't think Stephan made the best decision, but it sure wasn't THE worst. Unlike Elaina who decided to get Rick to take away precious memories, yes, Elaina... She begged him, he didn't want to do it and told her it wasn't a good idea but she wouldn't let it go and he knew she wouldn't. He knows that as long as he's a living vampire he has the power to bring her memories of Damon back and that os the only reason it COULD work, but still sucks she decided this. Oh! And Matt just keeps getting pulled into this crap the vampires around him create! He only wants to help make things better! He may seem like NOTHING to some ppl! But look at all the good things that have happen because he was there to help! Not my fave character, but he doesn't do the show bad being in it... The ONLY human who still helps... He does more that the Sheriff and then some. Just saying.


Great reaction. Enjoying your reactions/

Keith Engel

Elena's happiness and cheerfulness is like this fake version, Nina is playing it very well also in many cases. It's not this genuine happiness that you saw with love in her heart like you saw with Damon. It's definitely noticeable in how Nina plays Elena during all of this as well.

Keith Engel

Aye agreed, when Stefan starts acting like a dick, it shatters his whole good guy facade, which is why I always write about the good guy act he put's on. At least Damon is a more honest character, sure he is a dick and can do bad things, but he doesn't hide behind some damn act trying to pretend to be good.