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I love how Enzo defended Caroline, did he go too far? Yes but his intentions were justified.


Enzo defended Caroline, love it.


After I spend 90% of last Season disliking Enzo, this Episode was the start of my Love for him. Also, Stefan is a Dick and Elena is so selfish.... Caroline literally has no one to grieve to anymore because of her Actions! Well, except for Enzo.


Looking forward to your Reaction to the next few Episodes. Also - I absolutely hate Amnesia Plot of any kind and this one made me want to vomit. You can't disrespect a loved one more than make yourself forget them in my Opinion... This Storyline actually made me hate Elena and I still don't like her again...


That's not true at all -- Caroline was never grieving for Damon, and Elena is still grieving for Bonnie, so Caroline still has someone to share her grief.


Caroline now has to be sure never to say anything about Damon and Elena's Relationship when talking with her which means she can't talk freely with her anymore, can't really rant and vent.


I have a much bigger problem with Alaric for actually doing it than I do with Elena for requesting it. She was in a lot of pain, couldn't imagine any other way to end it, and wasn't thinking rationally. Alaric, a man who once considered himself her guardian, should have made at least a tiny bit of an effort to help her come up with a better way of dealing rather than just doing what she asked.


I actually also have a big Problem with Alaric for doing that. Elena was grieving and Basically in a Mental breakdown, if he told her "OK, I could do that, but how about compelling you a therapist for a Month and then let's talk about that again" that would have been better (and a lot more realistic)


Honestly, they should have all gone to therapy... Caroline living right next to MF and Stefan basically running away aren't healthy either...


Maybe I hate Elena (and Alaric) for this decision so much because I grieve by honoring my loved ones. My Grandpa was one of my favorite People on Earth so I live my Life by following his 3 mottos 1) always keep your manners even if the other person is rude 2.) never stay by when someone smaller/younger/weaker gets treated badly 3.) never stop fighting for yourself


I'm assuming that for the edited version, during those flashback scenes you're gonna cut to your initial reactions to when you first saw them. Also, I always wondered what would happen if you would compel away someone's memories too many times. Would that person get brain damage like on Heroes?


I get that. But I look at it like, I've experienced grief that has nearly wrecked me, and a vampire feels everything much more strongly, so if I were to imagine the grief I felt greatly magnified, I don't think I could survive it. So, while I don't think it was the best or healthiest decision Elena could have made, I can empathize with her wanting to find some way to end the pain. I feel more sad for her than angry.

Bria Bey

I remember watching this episode and being pissed at Elena for deciding to erase her love for Damon from her life. I think she should have found a better way to grieve.

Keith Engel

Yeah, I think Alaric is the biggest issue with in all of this, he shouldn't have been so willing to do it and so quickly. He should have giving her more time to process that decision. Compulsion is the easy fix as it were similar to the no Humanity button.

Keith Engel

3x01 Elena's birthday dress 4x22 Same Dress type when says she's not sorry for being in love with him.

Josh Lomax

This episode was the one that made me LOVE Enzo. I liked him in the last season, with his dynamic with Damon, giving Damon a best friend since Alaric was dead, but the way he stood up for Damon and Caroline against Stefan made me absolutely love the character