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Dontrell Durant

I found your channel when you started season 2 of Buffy. So.... Been around a while.


Before I watch... I'm very curious as to see where and with who your sympathies will lie at the end Shan. I was firmly in Buffy's corner as I watched the first time. It felt like a huge kick in the gut. I wanted to puke I felt so bad for her.


It's been a wild ride, I can't believe the finales will be next week. i am so excited! I've been watching since the very beginning, since Buffy episode 1 on youtube :)


I've been around since S1 - you read one of my YouTube questions in your first "season discussion" video (same username) :)


I found your channel during the first couple episodes of Buffy season one. Also, I agree. I hate Rona (the complainer) way more than I hate Kennedy.

Claire Eyles

I can't remember exactly what episode, but I think I found your channel part way through season 1.


I think I started watching you sporadically during Season 2 on Buffy? And then I think I started watching consistently during S4 which I think was the first season you put on Patreon. I'll stick around at least through the rest of Angel/Dollhouse and AoS.


I discovered your channel partway through when you were doing Season 6 I think.


This episode makes me so so mad.... even if Buffy was being rash and rushing back into battle, the others just turned on her... After everything she has done for the scoobies, she died TWICE and was ripped out of heavy (by them!) she worked herself to the bone, gave up everything for the world, for her friends... Opened her home to strangers to protect them.... Fed them, clothed them, trained them.... and THIS is how they all repay her?! I never feel less angry, no matter how many times i watch this...


I think my spidey sense kicked in about 4 seconds after you uploaded your first video and I just blacked out... and when I woke up I was at your channel listening to "don dun dun dundundun dun-dun dun" staring at a black screen that said After Show Reactions.

Chris Peacock

I've always hated Rona way more then Kennedy too Shan.


I hate the last part of this episode, everyone seems out of character. My first reaction was pretty much like yours, now I pretty much rush through that part without looking too closely... Ps: I’ve been following you (in a non-stalking way) on YT since last July (during season 5 iirc), and on Patreon since September

Jarrod Wild

I've been hanging since early season 1 and then joined Patreon when you started season 4 (and season 1 of Angel). What a long run it's been, and it's almost over. :(

Claire Eyles

Re the Kennedy vs Rona thing, to be honest I dislike Kennedy more because I pretty much just blank Rona out of my mind everytime she starts talking. The character is persona non grata to me. Although I will say, regarding Kennedy, that there were moments in this episode where I did like her and appreciated her insight and strength. Kennedy to me has always been like the female equivalent of Riley, like I can't stand her 99% of the time but I'll still her give props when I think they're due.


Some people don't actually hate Kennedy because she is annoying, they hate her for being Willow's love interest after the perfection that was Tara, they just use the fact that she is annoying as an excuse lol. And Yeah Rona is way worse.


I hate this episode the most out of all of BtVS. Nothing makes any sense, stupid writers!


I'm with you all the way. I was both mad and felt sick at what I saw as betrayal. All of us have been through things where a good friend gets upset and there might be a falling out. But here - it was everyone going against Buffy, the person that had always had their back and even died for them! Oh, and her speech was spot on about the need for a single voice in times of battle. There has to be a leader in those instances and she was 100% correct!


Been following since Season 1, Shan. And I meant to say last week when Caleb offed Molly that I wished he had killed Rona instead. Really, really dislike her and hated to see Molly get killed and not her. Oh, and Shan, you convinced me that seeing Nathan in Firefly first hasn't affected your enjoyment of him as Caleb here. Good for you, and yes it is a testament to his acting.


So sorry you had to deal with this episode this week. Next week will be so much better on both Buffy and Angel!


I think it was during the second season! :)

Claire Eyles

That's not actually true, regarding Kennedy I mean. There are some of us who dislike Kennedy because we simply don't like her character regardless of who she's dating. Sorry but it gets annoying after a while when people just assume that if you don't like Kennedy as a character it has to be because you can't see beyond Tara.


I think it was around the end of season 1 or the started of season 2 when I started to watched your Buffy reactions, it been a great watched your journey through the Buffyverse, You make some great points in this and at the end when they were all team up on Buffy apart from nearly Faith, I was getting really angry special Dawn kicking her out of her own home, Buffy should have kick them out. Rona, I really hate her, apart from when she got her arm broken that bit I like. Can't believe the end is nearly upon us.


One more thing. You know who ticked me off more than Rona? Anya! Of all people, she should know better than to talk down to Buffy like that. To be honest, she's not been as high on my list as previous seasons when I enjoyed her character more. This year I haven't been all that thrilled with Anya, and her little speech in this episode really ticked me off.


I don’t get the Kennedy hate to be honest. I accept that people do hate her and that’s fine. To me she was just a mediocre new character that. There are a couple of the other potentials that I are terrible. All they do is complain.

Allan Cornett

I have been with you since the beginning. Buffy is my all time favorite show.


I might be in the minority, but I only ever liked Anya for like...the first half of season 4 right after she became recurring. After that she was probably consistently my least favorite character.

Jon Dub

I want the record to reflect, that I said I fucking hated Rhona in her very first episode, if you go back and check the comments in her first episode :)

Jon Dub

And yes, I was as pissed as Shan was 16 years ago when this episode aired

Claire Eyles

This episode, man, this episode was the one that pretty much broke season 7 for me. Apart from stand out moments I was already pretty 'meh' on the season overall, but when this episode aired I was almost ready to just throw in the towel and go "f**k it, I'm done'. You can create tension between characters, and bring character's to certain cross roads without completely butchering 7 years of character development in the process. I got the potentials doubting Buffy, but for Xander, Willow and Giles to turn on her like that was a travesty.

Jon Dub

I hate Rhona, but I don't really blame the potentials much, because they dont know Buffy, they haven't spent years fighting with her, they are kids and they are scared, and Buffy's last plan got their asses kicked. I can even forgive Giles and Wood, since they have been at odds with Buffy recently, but Willow, Xander and Dawn?! They pissed me off the most, Buffy has saved their lives countless times by relying on her Slayer instincts, and they are just like, "Yeah you suck, piss off...." Totally baffling, and the weakest plot point of the season


We shouldn't act like mutinies and betrayals never happen among close friends. The truth is they do. All the time. Especially in times of intensity and battle, when lives are on the line. People questioning their leaders, and even rebelling against their leaders, is a common theme in humanity. So while I get that many felt the last 5 minutes of this episode was completely off the charts, character-wise, I personally didn't see it as that far out of order. We can understand the potentials freaking out. We've seen Anya going downhill a bit, especially against Buffy, for a while. We know Giles and Wood have had issues with her. And we have to remember that Willow and Dawn were stung terribly by Xander's injury, and of course Xander himself is undoubtedly still in shock. And on top of all that we've got the First screwing with everybody's mind. So to me nothing in that last scene was that far off target. But to each his/her own.

James MacDonald

Might as well share this. For me, it was at the start of last August. My mum had been given a few days to live. I had been watching your reactions in the weeks leading up. However, your reaction to The Body wasn't on YouTube yet, but it was on Patreon. I didn't expect I would want to see The Body if one of my parents died, but I needed something I could relate to at that point. I signed up for your Patreon that day. She died 3 days later, on August 6th. I've been with your Patreon ever since.


That was Buffy's house... she's the only one paying for it.... how I wish she just kicked everyone out.


If you like Nathan Fillion, You should watch the Movie "Slither" and the show "Castle" they made references to firefly in that show quite a few times as a little in joke for the audience.


Dawn pissed me off more than anyone in this, though I certainly dislike people like Rhona and Kennedy way more. If there was one person who should have been on Buffy's side in all of this it was her sister. Honestly, this whole thing was just a poorly set up way for the Buffy and Spike stuff in the next episode to happen(which you've already watched so that's why I'm mentioning it here). The writers could have come up with a better way for that moment to happen, but they took a rather cheap route in my opinion. So yeah, not a fan of the way this episode concludes.


"...black girl ...I don't even know her name" -- well that was an odd comment. What does her being black have to do with anything? Yikes


Definitely the angriest I’ve ever been at this show. I hated them all when I first watched this!


Because she doesn’t know Rona’s name and that was the only way to describe her considering she is the only dark skinned female there so we would immediately know who shans talking about. Don’t turn this into a racism thing when it’s not.


Was waiting for this episode for so so long, even though it shits me beyond tears. Makes me feel like I’m watching Dead mans party and Revelations from season 3 again. This is why we hate Kennedy, well there’s many other reasons but this is the main one for me personally. Fuck Faith, Fuck the Potentials, Fuck the Scoobies and Fuck Dawn. They’re a disgrace, they are in a war.. do they really think there wouldn’t be casualties? That everyone would survive? Buffy has saved their asses more times than I can count and it’s just disgusting how they treated her. Oh and I started watching you from “welcome to the hellmouth” so I’m going to feel extremely depressed when you finish this show :(


Shan, My own head cannon to explain Giles this season. I think Giles was killed, and was replaced with some sort of demon. This explains his inconsistencies, and his stupidity. Oh, and I started watching you for AoS, while you were posting season 1...I think that was somewhere in season 4 of Buffy.


I vaguely remember reading the original script for that scene online and Giles was even more unlikeable. Didn't he bring up Jenny dying because of Buffy's poor decision making? And it's revealed that she knows he killed Ben? On the plus, I remember Willow being more sympathetic in that version.


Also, I now only consider this other alternate fan version as canon: <a href="https://imgur.com/a/LV4sN" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://imgur.com/a/LV4sN</a> "Go to your room!" lol


I think I started watching you near the end of Season 1. I nearly didn't stick around because I don't usually watch people who don't react to every episode, as you didn't at the time. I'm glad I kept with it.


Think I caught you early into season one,around “witch” or “puppet show” which is funny cause that’s about the time I started watching Buffy originally as well...super excited for next week not only do I have End Game to look forward to but also Shans reaction to the Buffy finale :)

Chaotic Cam

So Shan, are you not looking forward to watching Buffy: Endgame?

Chaotic Cam

Also I believe I found you right as you were at the end of season three. It's funny bc I almost didn't continue because I was still in the mindset that Torchwood Boy's reactions were the only one worth watching, and I couldn't get into the vibe of a new person - but I'm glad I stayed! At this point, you're actually way BETTER than TWB in my personal opinion, lmao.

Scarlett Monrow

I can't stand Dawn! She is the most disgusting character in Buffyverse. Just like Shannan has a hate-on for Connor, well, Dawn (in my opinion) is 10x worse. Why, oh why, did Joss created such a spoiled stupid cowardly sister for one of the greatest heroes in tv?

Bria Bey

The ending of this episode pissed me off. Like how can they kick Buffy out of her own house.

Nancy Nicolai

I know Faith didn't mean for that to happen and I think Buffy was even a little bit relieved bc its been her soul responsibility to save the world for the last 7 years and she gets a break bc someone else has taken over at least that's what I saw in Buffy's eyes for a second and I have been here since you started reacting to Supernatural then I started watching some of your other reactions!😊💙✌

Jeszebel Black

i found you... season 5 i guess.. and couldnt stop :)

Jason Veevaert

I hate to say it, though everybody has a point. Buffy is right that Caleb is guarding something, Giles is right that this isn't known for sure, Faith is right that the action would lead to the death of more girls. The girls are rightly scared, Xander (bless him) has been disillusioned, and Dawn is right that Buffy would need to leave if she couldn't work with the group. I hate that it came to this. Though everybody had a valid point in the arguement.

Shawn Skelton

Been with ya since I saw your reaction to Season 1 episode "Angel"


I don't remember when I started here... I'd been watching you on YT, and I wanted to get the full eps. I think it was midway through S4 here.

Brendan O'Connor

The first episode I saw you react to on YouTube was “Becoming” part 2 and immediately subscribed

Rafael Lemus

The ending of this episode is so frustratingly stupid. Let's move past it. Been watching your reactions since season 1 episode 1! Looking forward to finale.


I found you during Season 4. Your reactions to Floppy Disk Dude and Riley got me to subscribe. You are the only person I subscribe too. Really been enjoying this community and beyond impressed at your ability to avoid spoilers.

Fly on the Wall

Thank you! Everyone is right in their own way. Plus, we see for ourselves in the next episode that Buffy was only able to get to what Caleb was guarded because she went by herself. If she dragged the girls there, they would have been killed or maimed and who knows if Buffy would have gotten to the scythe at all.

Andrew Pulrang

I think it was inevitable that there would be some kind of mutiny before the series ended, but they didn't handle it well. It's not the character inconsistency that bothers me though, it's that Buffy's plan didn't seem to me to be obviously bad enough to justify their revolt. I guess the idea might be that Xander's injury freaked them out, but that's not really the way it was portrayed. Buffy came up with a plan, with no more or less evidence that it would succeed or fail than any other plan she's ever come up with .... and suddenly they decide it's a crazy, bad judgment plan? Nope, not buying it. That said, I do love how Faith handled it. She feels free to be critical, which is fine, but she really didn't mean to take over from Buffy. And yet, she accepts the job because it's thrust upon her. I started watching your videos when you were in Season Two. I binged them when I was sick for a week, watching on my iPhone while napping! I've been hooked ever since.


I don't understand all the hate for certain characters. I would think that any character that can inspire such strong reactions, even negative ones, should be looked at as a good character for exactly that reason. Sure, you may not like the way a character behaves or reacts in certain situations, but if your reaction is that strong, that should be seen as an achievement of writing.

Brandon Wiesner

I think I discovered the channel around the 3rd season. Definitely been a journey. It's like rewatching with a friend, getting them into the show. I think the whole kicking Buffy out thing was unnecessary. The writers really screwed the pooch on that one. It was realistic enough for some of the potentials to think that Buffy wasn't all that but to have Xander, Willow, Giles and even Dawn gang up on her? It just came from way out in left field. Then they set up the whole Wood/Faith thing a bit too quickly. He sticks up for her because all of a sudden he's against Buffy too? He was basically kissing her ass and it's not realistic for someone like Faith to sleep with someone like that. The Spuffy moment in the next ep was sweet but it really seemed like they said ok, we have a few more eps to go and we ran out of filler stories, so how can we amp up the drama? Let's have everyone overthrow Buffy and Faith leads them into a trap and end it on a cliffhanger. Yeah, definitely not one of my favorite eps.

Timotey Kuhn

I have been around watching your stuff ever since I was initially tipped off to what you do with your Youtube reaction to "Passion" from Buffy season 2 by a person in the Facebook group dedicated to our dear Ian from "Passion of the Nerd" called "The Passionate Nerds". And I have been a dedicated watcher (and vicious attack dog against people who would spoil you on the show) ever since. I even remember saying to myself at the end of that episode when you said, commenting on how emotionally draining that episode was "I hope that there aren't many more episodes that are emotionally draining like this." I said to myself "Oh my poor dear. (didn't know your actual name yet at that point). You ain't seen nothin' yet" (since the far more emotionally draining "Becoming , Part 2 had yet to be seen ).

Timotey Kuhn

Oh... and I'm not going anywhere. For as long as I can continue to afford this, I'm staying a Patreon. Now that I have experienced watching this show with you, I don't think I can ever go back to watching it by myself. The love of all things Joss Whedon is only shared by one other friend of mine, and it has been an absolute blast to watch this together with you , so I'm going to continue staying a Patreon so that whenever I want to watch an episode of Buffy or Angel or anything else Joss,, I'll just come to this place here. &lt;3 :D

Timotey Kuhn

Wlld and incredible journey group hug on Shan right now!!! :D &lt;3


Coming up on my personal ASR anniversary. Normally, I rewatch Buffy every 4-5 years to try to keep it somewhat fresh. I was in the middle of S2, when I discovered both Shan and Passion of the Nerd and found that each episode was enhanced by watching the Youtube videos afterwards. I binged up to mid S4 and found that Shan was just starting to upload again after being ill. Became a Patreon in May because how the hell could I not watch the full reactions.

Bruce Trogdon

This one was tough to wrap my head around for a long time. It only began to become clearer when I stepped back and looked at the 'larger picture' of character lines stretching back multiple episodes or even across multiple seasons. Like Xander placing Buffy on a pedestal by the end of season three. “...I always think, 'What would Buffy do?' You're my hero.” When he found out in “Entropy” that Buffy had slept with Spike, it really knocked Xander for a loop. But that was personal and they eventually talked it through. As a slayer, Buffy has saved the world. A lot. “She's laid down her life—literally—to protect the people around her.“ But last episode Xander's view of her as Buffy, the Vampire Slayer got knocked off it's pedestal too. Buffy got beat. People were killed, he was seriously injured, nothing was gained and now she wants to do the same thing again. Since Giles returned in “Bring On The Night” he's encouraged Buffy to make decisions and lead: “I'm afraid it falls to you, Buffy.” “...the truth is, Buffy was our plan. There is no back up.” What we saw, however, was Giles become irate when Buffy decided to go out in “First Date” (without telling him) and then Giles actively working against Buffy in LMPTM when she decided to set Spike free (against his advice). This episode, Buffy has called a meeting to announce what they are going to do next and her decision-making still isn't going over very well with Giles. There are Buffy issues that rise to the surface this episode which originated in season four and earlier. About Dawn, there's nothing in the text about this possibility other than the view we get of Dawn at the end of “Dirty Girls”. While Buffy walks through the house contemplating the injured girls and what had just happened, Dawn seems to be contemplating Buffy. Everyone else is glaring at Buffy but Dawn looks worried about her. I like to think that Dawn realized just how bad the current situation was for Buffy and took advantage of what was happening during the big confrontation. Trying to pretend to be some general like Giles kept talking about was not working. Buffy needed to be out of there and just be Buffy.

Amanda Logsdon

Found the channel at the end of season 1, and im glad i wasnt the only one screaming those things at the t.v. during this episode.


I'm really surprised at some of the comments concerning Buffy being right or wrong. She was clearly, 100% correct. Her gut told her the bad guys always go where the power is, and that they were protecting something at the Vineyard. And she was right. Everyone else was wrong - including Faith. Buffy was the only one who's instincts were correct. And that only makes sense because she is the Slayer and does have the advantage of being "called", which even Anya said came with certain advantages (which would include wisdom). Yet some are actually arguing that Buffy wasn't right? What the heck?!!! It's one thing to have opinions on open-ended points, but this one was spelled out for us on the screen in no uncertain terms in the next episode. She was right on this, folks. 100% right.


I also believe we can look at Dawn getting the "little sis" treatment from Buffy after their brawl with the cops earlier as a reason to be a tad down on her sister. Between that and her concern for Xander (who she's always loved deeply), it's not totally out of left field for her to feel as she did. Plus, don't discount the fact of peer pressure. She's hearing everyone else in the room, standing together, telling Buffy she's a bit crazy and wrong. That's a very persuasive thing, especially with young people.


I saw your Buffy 1x1 reaction before you posted 1x2; fairly new to the concept of 'reaction videos' at the time, still don't fully grasp it. Not many reactors make it this far in Buffyverse. None make it this far and expand to include scads of other shows. Next weekends Buffy... To me, it feels like an earned graduation, not a funeral.

Tyrence Purnell

Yeah she was right but that wasn't the point. The guys in my opinion wanted a safer plan than just doing the same thing and getting more people killed. Don't get me wrong I love Buffy but she is the Slayer and has superpowers and she is taking potentials who some are in their teens because slayers are called at 16 I believe to fight someone whom she had trouble with. So she was asking alot from the non superpowered people in my opinion especially since she didn't even have a plan. It wasn't until the gang said something that she was like yeah I guess we can talk strategy cause to me she was gonna go guns blazing which really isn't much of a plan.

Ron Fehr

You were definitely right in editing out those moments of silence at the end, Shan. While your reaction was totally understandable, four minutes of silence is not very entertaining. I probably had a similar reaction the first time that I saw the episode.

Ron Fehr

I don't recall just when I started watching your reactions (I began watching on YouTube), but I was interested enough to go back and watch them right from the beginning. Since then, I have watched every Buffy and Angel reaction.

Eric Haefele

I just found you when YouTube recommended one of your videos to me a week or so ago. When I saw that you had a Patreon page I immediately became a patron and began binge watching your BuffyVerse reactions. I have only this week caught up to you in real time. So my watching of the BuffyVerse reactions is of necessity slowing down. I am currently trying to decide what to binge watch next.

Richard Lucas

Same decision for me. I’m leaning toward Doom Patrol. A friend says that and Umbrella Academy are really really good.


Starting watching since season 1 on YouTube and I believe I got patreon around season 3. Such a great reactor and I love how you speak your mind! Another fantastic reaction!

Chris (darkwater)

I don't recall exactly... I think early in season 2 is when i started following

Chris (darkwater)

If I recall there was a plan for a Faith-centric show. But I think Eliza declined.


I bet even covert operatives eat curly fries. They're really good. Not as good as those onion blossom things. Ooh, I love those. Yeah, me, too. It's an onion... and it's a flower. I don't understand how such a thing is possible. See, the genius of it is you soak it in ice water for an hour so it holds its shape. Then you deep-fry it root-side up for about 5 minutes. Masterful. Yeah. Tell anyone we had this conversation, I'll bite you. The Spandrew Bromance

Ron Fehr

Although Clem was only on maybe a dozen episodes (?), he was such a lovable character, that a final cameo appearance was inevitable.


I found you either late season 1 or early season on youtube. But I started following you on Patreon to see the full reaction to Once More With Feeling.

Ron Fehr

It wouldn't hurt to consider Anya's comments. I think that the point she was trying to make was that Buffy didn't do anything to earn becoming the Slayer. She just lucked out. Remember 'Conversations with Dead People'. Buffy admitted feeling superior to to others, and she didn't like it. I think she still thinks that a bit. In this case, she thinks it means being able to tell everyone else what they should do. The others probably just feel like their freedom of choice is being taken away.

Ron Fehr

I think that the writers felt like Buffy needed to go through a low point before season's end. She had to understand that she could not control everything. Her final comment to Faith shows that she is at least willing to relinquish some of that control.

Ron Fehr

Shan. Don't be upset with the others. They are not the Slayer, so naturally they will have doubts. Remember that Xander and Willow also agreed with the group, and they were with Buffy from the beginning.


I agree. I hate the way almost everyone other than Buffy was acting in that scene (and Faith... she may have had issues with Buffy's plan, but she wasn't on board with the others on kicking Buffy out either), but I completely agree with you that it is entirely believable.


Buffy is so much a better person than I am. I would have been like, you came to me for my protection, you've been mooching off me for months, this is my house, if you don't want to do things my way, there's the door. Be sure to say hi to Caleb and The First for me when you run into them.


to answer your question, found you in the early episodes of season 1, i was already into watching reactions, and you popped up with Buffy, instant sub right there


Spoiler for this episode - Still don't understand how Dawn thought she had the right to kick Buffy out of their house. Buffy is her legal guardian. Pretty sure a teenager doesn't have equal ownership.

Ron Fehr

I don't know if Dawn was referring to ownership of the house. I think she just meant that she lived there too, and thus her opinion mattered.


That is exactly how I always felt! Like, she has had to work a job like the Double Meat Palace just to pay to keep the house while Willow and Tara returned to school, staying in the house for free. Dawn is a high school student and is not contributing either. To the best of my knowledge, Giles offered money to Buffy ONCE. She has opened her home to help protect these girls she doesn't know. Where do any of them think they have the right to kick her out of her own home?!


I first went through my own, impromptu, selective and out of sequence rewatch of Buffy. After finishing, having skipped it earlier, I thought that The Body deserved rewatch and got curious about other people's reactions to it. That's when I found your channel, Shan. By that time, you just got around to Once More, With Feeling. And I got hooked!


You had just posted season 1 episode 7 "Angel" of Buffy. Not to be the "I told you so guy" but I wrote, that you should film every episode because it would be over before you knew it......I am not crying because this journey has been extraordinary beyond all belief and thank you for that....I may be crying a little.


When Shan went off on Rona, anyone else thought that was absolutely brilliant? :)

Tom Tattershall

I remember there was a lot of talk of a possible Faith spin-off, but then Eliza took the lead role in the series Tru Calling.

Tom Tattershall

I discovered ASR though her rewatch of "Fool for Love" with Passion of the Nerd. She was early into season 6 at the time. I became a Patreon patron days later for her full reactions after watching many of her edited ones on youtube.


I think I discovered your reaction videos mid season 1 or so. I was watching TVD reactions but was too invested in Buffyverse after a bit. Will go back after Angel is done

Loves Bitca

What they were saying was that the Slayer power is really just random. She didn't have to earn or work toward that power. It's like winning the lottery isn't the same as having done something to earn that money. As for it not making her better, well the Slayer power grants strength, agility, faster recovery, but it does not grant you better decision making skills. I mean she was right, but being the Slayer did not Make her right.

Loves Bitca

I actually discovered you when your reaction to "Our Mrs Reynolds" showed in my suggestions on Youtube. Didn't expect I'd enjoy watching someone elses reactions to a show, but I did. So I checked your other ones, and saw that you were also doing Buffy, which is my all time favorite show (though Firefly probably would have been if it got more than one season) and went through and watched all your reactions to Buffy in order. It's been a great trip watching these shows again with fresh eyes.


I loved the slightly guilty look on your face when Faith chided Buffy about not knowing everyone's names.

Jenn Rose

This is late, but I've been watching since mid or late season 2! I still can't believe you've finished the show (probably why I'm taking my time watching these lol). It has been an amazing ride!


Even ignoring whether Buffy was right or wrong, Anya and Willow both at one point had power and used it to murder people. So Buffy is better than them.


Actually there was supposed to be a Faith spin-off but Eliza turned it down because she already had signed on for her other show Tru Calling which came out I think 2 years before Dollhouse it only lasted 2 seasons but I loved that show.


I love Buffy but the one thing that drives me absolutely crazy about her is her self entitlement. She's always going on about being THE Slayer but she's not the Slayer she's a Slayer. Faith is the true Slayer. When Buffy died at the end of season 5 no one else was called because the Slayer line runs through Faith. If Faith wanted to step up and lead then she should have the right to. Some of the girls in this episode were overboard but at the end of the day there were some very good points being made. With everything going on Buffy was becoming more and more reckless and instead of saying let's all talk about this and come up with a plan she gets all high and mighty and is like this is how it's going to go and you guys have no choice but to follow my lead.

BiPolar HoneyBear

I think you relate too much to Buffy to see her flaws. Buffy's major character flaw has always been her narcissism, she thinks she is the ultimate morality, the smartest, strongest, wisest of them all. Buffy doesn't listen to anyone else unless they say what she was already thinking. Buffy is incapable of following and this is the culmination of that. Buffy is not better than anyone else. She is A slayer but Faith is the TRUE slayer (Hence no new slayer after season 5). Also, no the house belongs to all of them.