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they will be out today like normal, just not at the usual time.

my internet is having serious issues lol :(



Cool, so I won't have to stop in the middle of the highway and watch them inmediately, I might actually be at home when they're out! :D

The Movie Guru

I'm so excited to see how you react to "Dirty Girls". Any way you do will be fantastic, I'm sure. But I literally have no idea what your reaction to this thing will be and I'm keen to find out. 😁


I hope she didn't find out about the new character before watching. People who like that sort of thing should also watch the movie "Super", written by James Gunn.


Very keen to see your reaction, Shan, to this Buffy episode. Gotta think it will have hit you like it did me the first time I saw it. Some serious jaw-dropping stuff.

Beauty Effulgent

Expectation spoiler. Plz delete your comment.

Claire Eyles

The internet in Australia is having serious issues? Wow, what a surprise. Our internet sucks!


Dirty Girls is today. And Shiny Happy People. That's a song, and shiny is a thing they say on Weddon's space western program.


Hasn't Shan already seen the episode she's going to upload in just a few hours? How can it be an expectation spoiler for something she's already reacted to?

Dontrell Durant

Yay. I'll watch after work.... Which will be tomorrow for anyone not in the USA.


We dont actually know if shes watched the episodes yet. Her Discord states the last episode she's seen was Lies My Parents Told Me.


Perhaps I'm assuming too much, but I always figured that come the day of upload she's already seen the episode. Surely she's not watching and uploading on the same day? But maybe she is. If that's the case, I'd sure like to know because I don't want to be guilty of any "expectation spoiler" posting.


Sometimes she watches it ahead of time sometimes it is on the day. Until she posts the episode please don't post anything about it.


Thanks for that info. I'll make sure not to post any expectation spoilers going forward. Although I'm betting Shan knows, with only 5 episodes left in Buffy, that there will almost for sure be something "jawdropping" in each one. :)


Well of course it'll be later that Normal Again. That one came out a full season ago. ugh... sorry.


look forward to it. Don't worried about it

Robin Gibbons

I thought she took a week off to catch up and get ahead on show reactions though? That's what she's said, so like Freddy, I'd have assumed she's watched the episodes coming out today already...


This was good news while I was still in the office earlier. But now I am at home spamming refresh.


When I say catch up on shows, I mean ones that I am actually behind on. Buffyverse is not one I'm behind on.

Robin Gibbons

Ah okay. Was just defending Freddy, because I'd have assumed release day was safe. Apologies!


Thanks, Robin. I appreciate you trying to help me out. Definitely won’t say anything going forward until after an episode is actually posted.