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i just watched it and i am balling my eyes out i am literally d o n e

i can't

i needed to react to more stuff today but literally i was like super ugly crying.

they will be uploaded soon i suppose



Vampire diaries..


I've met the cast members but I've never seen the show. It's like when I met the cast of the big Bang theory I had no idea who they were and after meeting them I actually watched the show


I think I posted a picture of one the guys from the vampire diaries on your community board. They were all real nice people


Yep, I share your pain. The amount of tears I cried during that episode could of filled a swimming pool, knowing me I’ll probably cry again when I watch your reaction.


No reason to be embarrassed and I don’t blame you at all. Should of seen me while watching Jurassic Park: Fallen Kingdom. Now that was an ugly cry that lasted for 35-40 minutes 😂


Looking forward to this reaction! But I'm really looking forward to Season 6...some great stuff coming up 😀


It's currently 11:43pm right now. I've finished TO season 1 and TVD season 5, I would upload it all now, but I had to use the VPN i have to even watch both of them so I'm probably gonna watch Supernatural while I'm on american netflix. (if i were to upload with the vpn turned on it would take a million years), you guys okay with waiting a bit longer?

Signe (Seena) Stewart

I don't mind at all! Especially cos the girl with the dungeons and dragons tattoo is one of my favourite episodes!!!

Bria Bey

My nephew's were making fun of me because I was crying at the end of TVD 5x22.