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if you can, go for it!! I thinks its universally a favourite among buffyverse fans! :D


I would say if you're sticking to the one free episode per show rule/guideline, then I would hold off because I think there are other episodes (not saying which ones obviously) that would be better to release fully to YouTube. But I don't have any objections besides that.


This is one of my favorite Episodes in the whole Buffyverse and I was waiting to see you react to it since 4x01


Willow and Fred would have been cuter than Willow and Kennedy. Also, FAITH COMING BACK TO BUFFY FAITH COMING BACK TO BUFFY!


I love how Willow and Wesley got married the same year this episode aired. Its hilarious how they portrayed a bit of Willow and Fred action, the first time I saw this ep i thought oh wow is Fred going to turn into a lesbian? 😂


Having been in Angel's mind, Faith has been closer to him than Buffy can ever be, just as she's been closer to Buffy than Angel can ever be.


Fred and Willow had about 3 min together, and I instantly wanted them together way more. Chemistry. Sometimes it just fits.

Tammy L. Faulkner

For sure the best episode of the season. Honestly, this season is crap to me... Maybe its the Cordelia thing or whatever, but I've never cared for it.

Bruce Trogdon

This is a really good one and there's a lot to process in the story but a lot of stuff outside the story too. Like having Nate Dushku as the diner robber. This episode aired on March 19 but Willow doesn't get the call from Fred on BtVS to come to LA until March 25. Dang network schedules. I had never heard of Adrienne Wilkinson – she of the lost puppy in Chicago – but she went to the same high school as Brad Pitt - Kickapoo High School in Springfield, Missouri where they say, Fear the Poo! It's a couple of weeks after “Get It Done” so Willow is a lot more confident in her abilities than earlier in season 7. When Cordelia starts to fight back Willow's eyes go dark which typically (at least on BtVS) means she's using some pretty high-level magic and pulling power from 'the dark side' to do it, but she uses it effectively. Good for her, even if it doesn't really match where she is back on BtVS. The thing is, Willow is naturally confident in her abilities and she has had a few hours to come to terms with exactly why she's needed and what she has to do. She's also more confident when Buffy isn't around so, for a day, I think we actually get to see Willow behaving normally.


This is another favorite of mine, Special Connor get his ass kick by Faith.

Justin Brinkley

I loved watching this episode when it first aired. I was in 8th grade and Whedonverse was my sh*t, along w Smallville. It loses a bit of its gravitas w rewatches, but still has Willow & Faith. Cannot wait for the roller coaster of emotions to come w rest of the season.


Faith on Angel is just so good. It really makes me wish she had been on it more before this point. Still, what we got was great, and it's one of the reasons I like this season a lot. As for releasing this episode in full, I personally don't mind, though if you're limiting it to just one per show, it's hard to say if this is the best option(though it's arguably up there for sure). Season 5 of Angel is fantastic, but I can't really say anything about it. If you'd like me to give you an episode number from that season that I think people would want to see in full I can do that, otherwise I'm just going to keep quiet about the season.


I've mentioned before that I have to wait a while until I share an article and a video that will help with processing Cordelia's arc this season (basically it's Charisma Carpenter talking about stuff). I should probably discuss on Discord with peeps because I think it'd be valuable for you to read/ see when everything becomes a bit more clear :). Great reaction as always!

Sheriff Uchiha

Were Alison and Alexis married at this point already or did they get hitched after Buffy ended?

Chris (darkwater)

My favourite line of this season is here.. "Dude! You rescued a puppy!" and the look on their faces. :D

Richard Lucas

1) Cordy does say if it were only a couple weeks later... implying she thinks she could best Willow then. 2) I REALLY wish they had made Willow and Fred a couple!! I would like that about a billion times more than Kennedy! I wonder why this didn’t occur to them? They really are perfect for each other. Even though Fred is nominally straight, I wouldn’t be shocked if she’d ‘experimented’ just a bit in college. I haven’t looked, but I bet there is fan fiction out there based on this episode.

Richard Lucas

I love the rest of this season, and season 5! I think this would make a great free episode, but I bet I know which one you would choose from season 5. If I said ‘mustard’, would I be in the ballpark? I wouldn’t mind both being free.


I love everything except Cordy here. The execution of Cordy's character is why this season is so unpopular... so much of the other stuff is okay, but I always forget about it because of the Cordelia stuff.

Jason Veevaert

I can't believe Willow and Wesley were dating at that time!


Cordy is really grouchy this season.


And the character assassination of Cordelia Chase continues. There is a reason why many people, me included, cite this season as their least favorite.

Timotey Kuhn

Yayyyyy!!! "Guess What's back? Back again.....Shelf is back,,,tell a friend! " :D

Timotey Kuhn

You know...even when both Buffy and Angel eventually end, I am going to formally declare that I will continue to be on Patreon here with you if for no other reason, especially with utterly adorable moments like you "squeeee' ing with glee and then putting your Willow Pop doll onto the shelf, than because after this initial run of watching these shows again with you, I don't think I can ever go back to watching them again on my own. It's just too fun watching them with you. :D :)))

Claire Eyles

There's definitely a few episodes in S5 that I'd choose for a full reaction over anything from S4. Having said that though Orpheus is my favourite episode in what to me is a pretty average season overall.

Claire Eyles

Oh there's fan fiction, there's always fan fiction ;). The general theme with a lot of the Fred/Willow fics I've seen tends to be ' Fred is the one to help Willow start to move on (Kennedy who?)' and 'Let's break Willow and Kennedy up so Willow can go be with Fred'.

Timotey Kuhn

36:12... Tell your Dad I say Hello. :P ;)


Cordy is my fav Buffyverse character, what they did to her this season is dreadful. Puke inducing. 6 seasons of development then acting like a disgusting weirdo sleeping with a kid she helped "raise"


Don't post this episode on YT in full. Post Season 5 episode Smile Time, You're Welcome and the series finale maybe?


full reaction to youtube? You shouldn't ask that, most people want to answer "No, because <spoilers>" :( … I've been waiting for this ep ever since you told them to just call Willow. This episode has anything except dragons. Bonus, it ends with Faith heading off to join Buffy's army.</spoilers>

Ron Fehr

Wow Shan, you're getting good at being able to tell what's coming. Like telling the crew to call Willow to re-ensoul Angelus. And of course that's exactly what they did.

Shawn Skelton

As a previous YouTuber, I know I loved it when you did full reaction releases on YT, so I say do it!

Ron Fehr

I wonder if Alyson Hannigan and Alexis Denisov were already married when they did this episode.

Ron Fehr

I think that a full episode may be necessary in order to understand everything that takes place. Skipping certain scenes may leave some viewers confused.

Patrick - Excelsior

Orpheus was a musician in Greek mythology. He was considered the best musician all time.I t was the god Apollo who taught Orpheus how to play the lyre. His music had the ability to charm animals, make trees dance, and even the gods were affected by his music. He journeyed on the Argo with Jason and Hercules, playing the lyre on the way. If it weren't for him, the Jason ans his crew would never be able to avoid the song of the Sirens.

Patrick - Excelsior

Orpheus wife, Eurydice, is killed and he descends into Hell to retrieve her. Orpheus played a song so sad it touches the heart of Hades. Hades told Orpheus that he could take Eurydice with him but under one condition; Eurydice would follow him while walking out to the light from the caves of the underworld, but he should not look at her before coming out to the light or else he would lose her forever.


Showing this episode in full on YouTube would be a kindness to YouTube viewers, and also display a little foretaste of ASR Patreon.

Allan Cornett

It is not Cordy. None of us know what came back from the higher realm.


The writing on Angel was sometimes a little lazy, I think. I believe Joss was in overall charge, but not as active as he was with Buffy. 2 weird pregnancies, very close together, is lazy, and they seemed to have a confused vision of Cordy. This season she's like a mediocre soap opera villian, that would just suddenly be different with little, to no Foreshadowing. Very confusing, because they put such effort into Foreshadowing change with the other characters. Wesley especially in this season.


Lol when Willow called Connor androgynous LOL