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Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/l95j6rwjtgvbem5/Supernatural%20S07E16%20-%20Out%20With%20The%20Old%20FULL%20REACTION.mp4?dl=0

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Brandon Wiesner

Since doing things as normal is a bit much for you, I vote for the second option. Do the YT uploads when you have time. It's not that I want to shaft the YT viewers, it's just that I would rather you react without having to worry about being pressed for time to edit. Also, I would rather not wait until you finish a clump of eps to see them start to drop, because it's more fun to talk about them as you see them week to week.


Seemed like you were trying so hard to not call it boring lol. It's okay. Filler is boring, and a show that has 14 seasons is gonna have a lot of filler. I would say just upload them when you have time. Maybe change the schedule to reflect that you will be only uploading 1 a week versus 2 or something like that. I also agree that it is a bit more interactive for us if you do an episode here and there rather than binge watching the season and uploading it later. It also avoids the extended breaks in between seasons that AoS and the Arrowverse gets.


I am here for spn so I am sorry for utb users but I do not mind if I can have full action here as normal I am ok with your paln.


I'm sorry you're so stressed out about this. I always look forward to Supernatural reactions and it is one of the main reasons I signed up for Patreon but I definitely enjoy the rest of your content and I'm never irritated if you are a little late. You put out a lot of content. I'm not the best one for an opinion on YouTube as I primarily watch those I subscribe to through Patreon exclusively when I sign up. That being said, the second option sounded good to me . I would rather not wait for you to complete an entire season but it is more important to me that you enjoy the show and not be so stressed out about it so, really whatever works best for you.

Tammy L. Faulkner

I never mind when episode are late. To me as long as I get to see them its fine... I hope to see your reaction to ALL episodes, but if you decide to only react to chosen I'd accept it. What was the second choice to vote on...? Patreon gets get all while YouTube get bits and pieces when your able to get to them. As a patron follower I would be super ok with that. Do you even have YouTube followers left that aren't patron followers at this point? Your full reactions are awesome, and all I really watch other than my CW app.

Toasted Toad

Hi - my vote would be for regular release on Patreon, and you catch up on YT when you can (and maybe on YT, do the season arc episodes only instead of the filler ones?). That will enable you to carry on without feeling the pressure and will mean that hopefully, you continue to enjoy the show. I think you'll find it different when you come to Season 8 - especially the back half, where the season arc becomes more frequent and much more compelling again. I know that right know you're stuck in the middle of Season 7, which is very dull (I think people will have warned you about seasons 6 and 7), but a new show-runner took over in Season 8 and (in my opinion) saved the show. Please don't wait until you've watched a whole season, though. We have to live through enough hiatuses on the show itself as it is.

Nancy Nicolai

About season 8 personally SPN is what I originally came here for & so I don't mind if the episodes are late as long as they're still out sometime within the week but and I think I said this when you first started reacted Shan there's a always something to learn about the entire story arc in every show also about this episode my theory about why the Levathian didn't just copy Frank was that I don't think they could bc of his mental illness bc they could've found out so much of what Sam & Dean know right?!😞

Patrick - Excelsior

The name given for the peronist who bought the 'gentleman's magazine' was "Peter Yanket".

Nicolas Cardillo

I personally love binge watch show n tv series, so I would recommend for u to Binge a season on a weaken, release the full reaction on Patreon every week n edit whenever u have time to post on youtube. I will be easy for u to keep track of information given n fresh on ur mind for the next episode. Also if u take notes more like pointer 3-5 when u binge it, u can just right the time n a wod to know moment u like, scare u, n main plot discussions, n so on, so when u edit it later on u can just look at the 3-5 point u right down n it will help u edit it faster.


I joined Patreon for SPN so , only edit certain episodes for youtube or edit when you have the chance. considering they don't pay then they should be happy with whatever you give them.


Those of us who have seen the entire run of the show can certainly help you compile a list of top and bottom priority episodes for season 8 forward. I'm sure we can avoid spoilers while labeling them 'can't miss' or 'skip'. But I would still suggest watching the whole season even if you don't go to the trouble of filming a reaction. Just spend 30 seconds or a minute at the top of your next video sharing and thoughts that stand out. But it's no doubt true that I, and others, are watching for particular moments and episodes and characters that we just know you'll love. Case in point, 7x20. Anyway, just my two cents.

Brandon Wiesner

She's not going to skip watching eps. Even for some of the shows where she didn't record all the eps in a season, she still watched them. Also, she is going to record all the eps. It's just a matter of when they'll upload.

Chris Jackson

It's funny you mention Tracy sounds like a grown woman's name. Makes me think of Friends when Ross and Rachel are trying to decide what to name their daughter and he says Ruth and she says I'm sorry are we having an 89 year old.


''you're ''weird if you like gramophones''......... WTF kind of backwards, uncultured, moron seriously says that....???