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Felicity S01E01 - Pilot FULL REACTION.mp4 - Onehub

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Calvin Allen

She's the pink power ranger!

Calvin Allen

This show came out the same year as Charmed. It may have been on the same night as Charmed or Buffy I can't remember. I loved it. It is an odd show that I feel had a very niche audience. There are a ton of recognizable actors in it and yes that is the same JJ Abrams. This show also has an infamously strange finale.


I've been thinking about Felicity lately, because I just finished The Americans. Both have Keri Russell. Has anyone asked for the Americans? Really interesting and different.


The college I went to didn't have same-sex dorms, they were all co-ed, and I'm pretty sure NYU is the same, so there's nothing strange about her R.A. being a guy.

Alexis Cardarella

Aw, I love Felicity! The pilot didn’t necessarily hook me, but I felt it had a lot of potential. I first watched it when I was 22- 4 years ago. I couldn’t quite relate to her situation- but she intrigued me. ..The entire main cast is great, but Kerri Russel is quite an amazing in this.. She received a golden globe for this and The Americans, and also an Emmy.

Amanda Logsdon

This is the first time i have seen this show, never heard anything but the name. It was interesting, a lot of people i recognize so that was fun. Still not 100% sure i even know what its actually about/what kind of show but overall i enjoyed it.


I watched this when it first aired and it was my second favorite show at the time,after Buffy,i still go back and watch it again from time to time,it can be really funny and often takes some unexpected turns which surprised me, it’s only four seasons and I hope you’ll consider reacting to the rest of the series, I think you’d enjoy it 😉


Oh sweet Felicity! Yeah this is a fun one. I think for me it falls into a nice grouping with My So Called Life (hope some one requests that), Felicity, and Ally McBeal. They all feature sort of intense, but introspective women trying to navigate different stages of life: high school, college, adulthood respectively via a good bit of voiceover. They don't have supernatural elements or really complex plots, they're just about navigating life from that particular perspective.


Shan reacted to the pilot of my so called Life a long time ago: <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/my-so-called-21081505">https://www.patreon.com/posts/my-so-called-21081505</a> I requested it because I too love that show! [I don't think Shan liked it that much but the reaction is totally worth checking out].


Ah Thank You! I couldn't remember for sure if I'd seen it the pilot list!


I really enjoyed Felicity way back when. I watched it when it first aired. I just finished watching The Americans last week, and I thought Keri was the standout among an entire cast that was amazing. She was kind of like the team captain of a stellar cast doing great work.

Tammy L. Faulkner

She's Kimberly from Mighty Morphing Power Rangers if that's what your thinking of.

Tammy L. Faulkner

OMG! I totally forgot how awkward this show was. Yikes☺

Jarrod Wild

I'm a manly man who loved this show and owns all the DVDs. Once in a blue moon I do a rewatch of the whole thing.

Jarrod Wild

It's so weird that Sarah McLachlan's Angel was in this episode back before the single was released. Now when I hear I just think of abused dogs. Also the voice of Sally is Janeane Garofalo.

Thomas Hansen

I watched almost the entire first season of this some years back and found the show to have a really weird energy to it that I have a hard time explaining. There's lots of angst and drama (which I normally like), but something about the way it's shot and acted (that isn't bad at all) made it really difficult for me to engage with the story and the characters. I whish I remember specifically what bothered me, but I do recall felling like the show wanted to keep me at a distance instead of doing the work to pull me in. I'll get back to it some day though...

Andrew Pulrang

Don't know if you'll see this since I'm watching it over two months after you posted it ... This is one of my all-time favorite TV shows. It doesn't hold up as well now, but when it came out it really was perfect viewing for people like me who grew up in the '80s and '90s and went to college just before it got so hideously expensive, and people would still go mainly to figure out what kind of people they wanted to be, instead of going in desperation to qualify for a high-paying job. That's why Felicity's impulsivity and introspection ... and that of her friends ... seem a little privileged and unrealistic right now. But that's also why I have a lot of affection for the show. It's nostalgic. Also, after the Pilot, they add some great side characters that really fleshed the show out in a fun way.