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My favourite episode of the show.


They wait for ep 10 to let River do her Summer thing. Nice job waiting until it counts. :)


Joss also did his best to signal to the audience that this isn't some big hero moment by using Jewel Staite to communicate that she's deathly afraid of someone she was playing with a few hours earlier. Jewel's very good at that - telling you what Kaylee is thinking without saying anything.


I love the cast in this and the show, wish it aired for more than one season but at least we got the movie as well.

Brendan O'Connor

The scene where Mal keeps Wash talking to withstand the torture they're enduring is one of my favorite scenes in this show, and this is probably my favorite episode of the series


This and Ariel are my two favorite episodes of the show. Both have intense action and amazing character moments.


No power in the 'verse could make me hate this crew!

Brandon Wiesner

Ah, the infamous ep where "I'll be in my bunk" was coined. Such a fun episode and only 4 more left.


I just realized something interesting about this ep that I didn't notice before. The writings of Shan Yu are mentioned twice, once by Shepherd Book and again by Adelai Niska. The notion is that you get to see who a person really is when they are faced by mortal danger. What I never spotted was that we see how each member of the crew reacts to danger in this ep, not just Mal and Wash but also all the others. We see that Kaylee is not cut out for shooting people. River on the other hand goes all terminator when the situation demands it. :)


Shan who? Shan Yu! - LOL :P

Cory Stanish

This is a great observation. The real Book is a loyal friend, a good man who has risen above a dark past. The real Simon is not bold, but brave and will do whatever is necessary to help people he cares about. The real Jayne is... still essentially Jayne, but the real Jayne we see here has decency and loyalty in him, but it's deeply buried and can take a little extra time to manifest.


For those not aware, there's a graphic novel called "Serenity: The Shepherd's Tale" that goes into Book's past. And holy hannah, it was over 8 years ago?!


Shepherd's Tale was amazing. It's a true shame the show didn't last. It would have made for an incredible episode.


It amuses me that an Australian would take offence at the term 'things going south'. Yeah, what's wrong with south? :D


Free soup is always good.

Ron Fehr

Things going south. South is usually associated with down, I guess. So 'things going south' probably refers to things going bad, or 'downhill'.

Ron Fehr

That whole torture scene must have been tiring for Nathan Fillion and Alan Tudyk. Naturally they weren't really being electrocuted, so I imagine repeatedly having to act like their muscles were spasming could really wear them down. And yes, it was hilarious that they were arguing the whole time that they were being tortured.