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Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/nspdbj8p6vy1mie/Supernatural%20S07E05%20-%20Shut%20Up%20Dr.%20Phil%20FULL%20REACTION.mp4?dl=0

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Cordy & Spike didn't have any dialog scenes together in Buffy. is it still a reunion when the actors haven't worked together before? I think it is. Someone should give James & Charisma a series. :)


OMG it's this episode! There is no Cordelia Funko Pop (YET) to go with the wee Spike!! I haven't even been watching your Supernatural reactions, lol, but I noticed this in my emails. I do wanna get going on your SPN reactions , but I've got 6+ seasons of reactions to catch up with now !

Brendan O'Connor

It looked like you were having a stroke when James first appeared. You also had an appropriate response to finding out Charisma was in it too. Lastly, I guessed that I was going to hear "SPYYYKE!" at least once in this video and you proved me right!

Tammy L. Faulkner

I have been waiting 6 seasons for this reaction... You did not disappoint... Your face was priceless😂 my favorite reaction was your reaction to "Cordi"... Tossing the Spike popin surprise😂

Jason Veevaert

Seriously at some point this show needs to make an all out buffy and angel reunion with as many main cast as they can get :)


Your wee Funko Spike went flying when you saw Cordy's photo!!! BEST reaction :D Ok, had to wait for my broadband to get fixed to actually watch this. Shan, I just loved watching you react to this! I kept getting impatient, how long into the episode it took for James and then Charisma to show up! :D Just waiting for that moment. I loved watching you have such joy in seeing Spike n Cordy pop up here, BE MARRIED - and Spike! doing the magics! But what about the consequences eh?! there's always consequences. :D

Brandon Wiesner

Yep, I'm sure that Spike and Cordy turned this ep from a "meh..." to a "yay!" for you, lol.


I think the only reason I "like" this episode is because of Spike and Cordelia being in it.


100% It's so random and nonsensical. All the ppl getting murdered, but it's funny for some reason. Like Spike just straight up chops some lady's head off but Dean and Same are like "yea it's cool you guys can go free." Without those 2, I would think this episode breaks all the Hunter rules... but with them, I just dont care if it does cause CORDY AND SPIKE.

Nicole Garver

I love how excited you got at seeing Cordy and Spike, they both were such a fun surprise.

Keith Allison

Literally the two actors in the whole Spike-Buffy-Angel-Cordelia Love Rectangle I never would have expected to see make out on screen. Been waiting for this episode to come up! Great reaction. All the gesturing with the Spike pop was very funny.