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So here's the thing.

The idea of thoughts videos are there because I feel I suck at explaining how I feel about certain episodes and end up just talking for 30 seconds and then ending videos.

Thoughts videos are a way for me to talk about my thoughts about the season and gather them into one video where I discuss predictions, thoughts & your questions. It's a good way to end the season and include the community in the reactions as best I can. 


This is normally 1 hour to an hour and a half talking (as I try to remember everything that happened over a season - which is hard if I've been watching it over 2-3 months of recording). It also takes about 2 hours to edit because it's so much to do.

This takes away time I could be spending on reacting to other shows, or even the next season.

This stops me from starting the next season as I like to talk about the thoughts before beginning the next season which means the breaks between seasons are much longer.

Now think of it like this, 1 thoughts video for every show I do.

Buffy - 3 hours making a thoughts video (editing & recording)
AOS - 3 hours making a thoughts video
SPN - 3 hours making a thoughts video
TVD - 3 hours making a thoughts video
Flash - 3 hours making a thoughts video
Arrow - 3 hours making a thoughts video
TO - 3 hours making a thoughts video
Angel - 3 hours making a thoughts video

Just with those shows, that is 24 hours at least just making thoughts videos spread out through the months (some are actually together as they finish at the same time). And then, to do them all again the next season. 

I honestly dread making the thoughts videos as they take so much time and I suck at remembering everything that happens over a whole season but I do them because people want them.

SO NOW THAT I HAVE EXPLAINED, I'd like to get your opinions on this:


Regardless, I will be doing Buffy Season 7 thoughts as it's the end of the show and I feel obligated to do so. 



I enjoy the thought videos, but I don't want you to be in complete agony just to make them. I think a decent compromise for those who still want thoughts videos is to make one for every show you finish. So every time you finish a show, you can make a thoughts video for the series and spend a few minutes per season, etc. Just an idea.

Christopher simeon

What I think you should do at at end of each episode of a season is rate them. Also discussion why you rated it a certain number. Have a rating system like 1-5 and then at the end of the series finale talk about all the scores throughout the season. So you can see how much you liked the season without having to remember every detail just remember to write it down


As much as I love watching them, all of that seems like a massive hassle for you and you do you’re Q&A videos anyway so that is more than enough to explain your thoughts on certain things.


I watch them because you dont talk about the episodes much after they end, and I'm curious how you feel. If u hate it that much, just stop tho. But if you could just add some sort of impression on the episode wen it ends so we know how you're feeling, it would be nice. Maybe a 1-10 rating or something. Idk. I do wanna know your thoughts in one way or another but i def don't require a 40 min video or something that will stress you out... just something small. Or maybe just skip your own thoughts and just do a Q and A stream where we can ask you questions through chat, so you dont have to do any editing or uploading.

Signe (Seena) Stewart

Personally, I love the thoughts videos, but I absolutely get your view on the whole thing, and you make some good points. Were I to suggest something different, I'd say maybe an end of season live stream? Similarly to the live stream you did after your first monthly week off, where the quiz winner was announced. It wouldn't need a crap ton of editing, and people could ask you questions right there in the stream, and all you'd need to do beforehand was maybe jot down a few thoughts about the overall season, stand out moments, etc. That you have ready to talk about, and then let the direct interaction lead the stream in whatever direction it ends up going?

Lisa Irv

I wouldn't mind a written post rather than a video. I care about most liked episodes, least liked, favorite characters, overall thoughts, etc. I know that's hard to do with youtube so if anything maybe a shorter video without predictions and less specific Q&A.


Problem with live streams is time zone difference can make it hard for a lot of people to attend. Also another minor thing is mods will have to be there to monitor in case people are stupid enough to post spoilers.

Dontrell Durant

I think if its putting stress on you and it will so much more time, cut the thoughts videos. However, I agree with Foroutan. You could do a thoughts video at the end of a series, not every season. Or possibly do a stream about it thus not making a video that you have to edit.


I do like hearing your viewpoint in the thoughts videos, though I can (very happily) live and enjoy seeing your reactions to the things that occur in the series! For ideas, maybe choose one element in the series (that was the best or most noteworthy (character development, new villains, or even what you thought was the coolest moment and why, etc) and make a video on it. ^^ (Or just find that one thing you like the most, and just mention that at the end of the reaction, whichever ones easier on you!!)

Ron Fehr

I don't know if this is a good idea, or if it will cost you more time in the long run. Perhaps you could split each season's thoughts into segments. That way, you would retain more memory, and would be able to discuss more instead of waiting for each season to end. The down side is more time spent editing instead of reacting.


Maybe just add a couple minutes of comments on individual episodes at the end and don’t do longer thought videos. Your facial reactions and comments during the episodes tell a LOT about what you think and feel about the episode in the moment. Adding a couple minutes at the end to give a more overall impression of what’s happening in the season/episode that interest you would work just as well as a thoughts video for me.


I don't watch the thoughts videos. I'm here for the reactions as you watch them.


I like the thoughts videos, because you dont often give your thoughts or opinions on the episode, or the story so far and things like that at the end of episodes. I know that quite a few other reactors make notes as they watch, give ratings out of 10 at the end, or have a chat once the episode is over. Maybe you could do one, some or all of those options instead, and then if you wanted to do like a end of season review, it would be much, much shorter? I dunno. Its obviously up to you what you wanna do :) I think if you hate it, then just dont do it, lol. That's the joy of having your own channel :) xx


Q&A stream is a good thought to get Qs. Is there a way to mod out the spoilers? Maybe mods need to collect Qs and feed them to Shan at 'the right time'? Impression/comments at the end, or before starting the next (sometimes a person needs to think about it for a bit), maybe when she binges a mini-batch of episodes, there would be impressions for the batch. The current Thought Videos seem to kill the flow/pacing. Some season cliff-hanger are so good... I don't think the fix is a single thing.

Timotey Kuhn

While I did vote the"Continue the thoughts" option, I want to add a caveat to that. Don't do one for every single season of a show. Only do them at certain points, like the first season, maybe midway through the series, or the last season, or if a particular season REALLY shook up the show's status quo for you from where it was before. That kind of thing. But not every single season without fail. That is indeed too much.


If you’re very quiet, and you listen very carefully, you might be able to hear Future Shan screaming: “Just do the damn thoughts videos!” She’s a bit of a perfectionist…I wouldn’t disappoint her.


Two suggestions. You could start each reaction with a brief summary of your thoughts of the previous episode so you had time to digest and think about it. Another option could be a little written review you can post in the description.


How about just writing some thoughts in the description box of each episode? That way you've had time to think about it and can word it the way you want in your own time. I enjoy reading the extra thoughts in the description box of Dakara Jayne's SPN reactions. You could also restrict Thoughts videos to series finales, instead of doing one each season.


I've enjoyed the thoughts however I've felt they were a bit long. I think if maybe you shorten them to maybe 30 min max it may help.

Toasted Toad

I agree with Zangyaku - thoughts in the descrfiption box work really well. A few sentences, and (if you feel like it) a mark out of 10. Sorores have also taken up doing that, as they find it difficult to express their thoughts immediately after an episode.


The more I read the more I like the idea of just a few sentences in the description on each episode now. 1. You can take your time to explain, so you don't have to worry about explaining properly on camera. 2. It'll only a take a minute if it's just a few sentences. 3. No extra recording, editing or uploading. 4. You won't have to try to remember a whole season's worth of information, only the episode you just watched. Seems like the easiest way for us to get your thoughts without you putting in extra work, and we won't really need the thoughts video anymore.


If you suck at remembering minutiae for 22 episodes, then do something less sucky. (You are underselling your TV memory skills - not the point) I'd like your thoughts/reactions when you have them. Maybe you want to talk about the 'whoever just got back from another dimension/timeline' story arc that completed mid-session. I don't know about editing, but it seems like the reaction would be more 'genuine' if you don't try to remember it for weeks... I do like the thoughts videos... Reaction videos are a form of 'performance art', so do your thing when the muse strikes. (Should be easier is your shiny new A/C cooled room.) :)


Some reactors do that in a form sort of close to a school book report. Holi is probably talking about the ones who aren't cringe. :)


What if instead of doing full thoughts, you just did favourite and least favourite episodes and maybe some predictions? That seems like it would require a lot less thought and recording and editing, but still be something fun and extra at the end of the season. Would answering viewer questions add too much editing time while still cutting down on recording? At least there'd be a guide as to what to talk about if the questions were specific enough, and you could answer maybe 3, which wouldn't take as much time as the 10 you usually do. So basically my suggestion is stop doing the thoughts videos as they are today, but still do something that requires less of an effort on your part to keep it enjoyable and interesting for you.

Ryuichi Yasuda

Thank you for being transparent with us. It still amazes me you always try to be straightforward with us about any problems you are dealing with. It makes us feel part of the channel and gives us a way to see how you are doing. Whatever you decide, you will have my full support :)

Katherine Thoreson

I like this idea. I think it's a good compromise because I do like the thoughts videos but not at Shan's expense. A few smaller thoughts at the beginning of a video or just a few sentences in the description box would be just as engaging.


"... my suggestion is stop doing the thoughts videos as they are today, but still do something that requires less of an effort on your part... " Some version of this is probably your best bet.

Tammy L. Faulkner

Rating eact video from 1-10 and exlain your reasoning. Giving your personal opinion on what it is you've reacted to sounds lile a good idea. Maybe just an extra 5 minute after each episode and don't edit it out shouldn't hurt.


I enjoy the thoughts videos but it wouldn't be the end of the world if you stopped making them, or changed the way you make them to make it easier for you if such a thing is possible. I also agree that typing out a brief summary of your thoughts after each video in the description would be a nice alternative. My only reservation with doing away with the thoughts videos is AoS. The way you record AoS (Flash and Arrow as well, although I don't follow those.) is already sorta less interactive than your other shows, because by the time an episode is posted, you probably watched it weeks-months ago, so the thoughts videos were nice to hear your present-day thoughts on the season.


I love to hear your thoughts about episodes/seasons, but I'm completely open to changing the format to something you're more comfortable with. I like most of the suggestions posted above, but whatever makes it more enjoyable/less stressful for you works for me. Yeah, I'm a big help or what :P


I was going to suggest written reviews as well. Also, for the last episode of the season, it would be good to see a few predictions if you have any for the next season. It's easier to make predictions for some shows than for others, so don't force them.


I could do without them, but I feel there should be a compromise. Like maybe you could have a standard agenda, which was your favourite episode, who was the best guest star, what is your expectation if it ended on a cliffhanger etc. I think there's space for a mini wrap up, and maybe its less stressy if you go in with a set number of 'awards' to give.


You already stop an episode and spontaneously comment on something that has tickled/annoyed you, so that's the way you react...we like that...maybe have an occasional comments video only if really think there are more things to be said.


I love your thought video it was original. But understand that they take so long and you have to wait and edit and then upload it, then having to wait until you do that to finished it where you just want to drive straight into it. SO maybe at the the end of the series at the last video, maybe you can think of some questions or ask people to have questions in that would basically fit for all show, for example, what did you think of this season compare to the other seasons. I know this might be longer for you to do and edit. But instead of 10 questions, maybe reduce down to 3 or 5 questions. If you just write it as a post instead of video but still reduced it down but like I said just have questions for all shows so then you can carried on with the next show.


A brief summery about the season... 5 minutes max at the beginning of the next seasons episode 1 Or the end of that season. Just whatever comes to mind, no need to go too deep or pull obscure things. Just a general overview: I enjoyed it/Didn't, I liked this development of this character/didn't like the development. Favourite moment/Episode. Any prediction for the coming season if you have one, Done. We already see what you like/don't like in your reactions. No need to spend hours on something we have already seen. So yeah... either that or don't do one as we all know if you liked an Episode and why as we see your reaction.


spend a couple minutes after each video, write your thoughts down; then do a quick 1-5 minute unedited video saying what you thought of the episode, and how good or bad 1-10 sort of deal. and if you don't really have any thoughts about the episode, just leave it for the next episode. you don't have to give an opinion every time... just give your thoughts, when you have something to say about it. OR: take notes about each episode you watch of every series... then in a video (unedited) at the end of the week, put those notes into 1 quick video. cliff note fashion! while i enjoy the thoughts videos... i can go without. a minute of thoughts tacked onto the end of the episode, or a video comprised of thoughts from all your shows, or simply watch the show, and comment on it as you already do in each reaction video... your viewers will be happy, either way.

BJ Stephens

All I can say is that if you enjoy doing the thoughts videos, then do them, that's all that really matters. Those that enjoy watching them will, the others wont. Do what you enjoy doing, or what the point imo.


That's pretty much what I was going to say. Do what you love, and let it find its audience.


If you dread making them then I vote stop making them. I love your reaction videos but I wouldn't want recording to feel like a chore for you.


I would suggest maybe just extend your reaction to season finales to about five minutes or so. It's the point where the season as a whole is the freshest in your mind. Honestly, the best part of your and other reactors videos is the raw reaction to the episodes in the moment. Whether it's a major plot twist or the death of a loved character, I really just want to see how it hits you in the moment. Long form deep analysis isn't everyone's cup of tea.


I'm finding that not all of the comments are loading. Are other people having the same problem?


A thoughts video works best when you have some thoughts you want to share and so you do a video. Trying to come up with some thoughts because you have to do a thoughts video is kinda pointless and silly. Therefore, if you have no thoughts to share don't bother doing a thoughts video. :)


I personally like the thoughts videos but if you really dread doing them I would say stop. A suggestion you could do a YouTube live thing or something, where people can ask you questions about a specific show or multiple shows. This would be an easy vid as it wouldn't take any more time then your willing to talk and we can have a clear discussion about the season. Whatever you decide, make sure it's the best thing for you. Either the new content that you do in its place or faster content we get for it being cut is fine for me.


Can't you just schedule a live Q&A on your thoughts, and only "suck it up" as far as badly wording and explaining yourself goes :P I can live with your broken up but attempted explanations followed by "Adanno! Anyway..."


Stop it and share your thoughts at the end of the reaction (but only if you have thoughts to share. Dont see it as obligation). Explicit thought Videos would be nice at the end of a whole Series though

Mr K

I've only just started watching your Buffy/Angel reactions. I've enjoyed your thoughts videos, but if you dread them then you should absolutely stop. At no point should any of this not be fun and enjoyable for you.