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For some reason I really hate Katherine being in Elena’s body, it’s actually quite annoying and I don’t know why.


A lot of people did if I remember right. It felt a bit like a gimmick to keep Damon and Elena apart.


I agree with Cas above -- Matt has known Elena since they were both babies and he was in love with her for years. He may not have the best fashion sense himself, but it doesn't surprise me that he would have noticed what kinds of clothes Elena wore. Regarding Enzo getting into Aaron's room, back in season 1, Damon told us that hotel rooms were a grey area when it came to vampires being able to enter them, probably depending on whether or not the person staying there had made the place their home. I'm guessing that also applies to any other kind of temporary residence, including dorm rooms. I know not everybody likes the Katherine possessing Elena storyline, but I love it for the way it displays Nina's acting talents. It couldn't have been easy, playing Katherine pretending to be Elena, and playing it close enough so I can believe she's fooling people but different enough that I can tell it's not really Elena, but I think Nina did a fantastic job.


I gotta be honest - everything Katherine said to Damon about his relationship with Elena was true, and it's the reason I can't ship them. As annoying as this whole "Katherine wants to be with Stefan" thing is, the end of this episode absolutely proves her point.


damon's only redeeming quality is his love for elana. the fact that he can't be a decent human without her speaks volumes. he literally throws a hissy fit and goes on a killing binge whenever she shuns him. hell he killed jeremy for that very reason. it shows how immature and ridiculous his character truly is and makes me question why i ever rooted for him.


great reaction. People can be so hurtful, I'm here to see your reaction and options. Its just a tv show. I get where you coming with, this eps annoy me as well, with Damon, oh no Elaine broke up with him oh I know what will get her to know that I can live with more than her, I killed her friend.


It's not you this season is just well yikes. I've watched TVD a lot and can't get past season 4 (re-watching it wise I've finished the show). Actually watching it with you has been awesome and it's not as bad as I remember. It's still bad though but still has some good qualities. I respect your opinion though and I disagree with you on one thing. I love bad guy Damon so when he killed Aaron I was glad and was like sweet we have a bad ass duo with Damon and Enzo killing people woohoo. Please continue reacting! Sorry for mean comments.

Keith Engel

I'm glad I'm not the only one, for whatever reason I have stopped myself at season 4. I commented earlier is that Season 5 just seems to much of a rehash of Season 4, I mean we spent an entire season about the sire bond and the cure, all about doubting whether Elena loved Damon, then they introduce the BS Destiny stuff about Dopplegangers and all of that. It's just too much to take at times, the forcing of the ship baiting for Stelena fans. Though thankfully, I'm connecting the dots as a writer to see the deeper meaning of the story line they are showing and all they did with foreshadowing, especially since you have so many who want to say they Retconned so much, which they actually didn't. I mean Tessa as she dies states true love prevails, and Universe be damned.

Keith Engel

I think part of the issue with Season 5, though it started with season 4, is it starts the whole characters die, but don't stay dead all of sudden. Bonnie dies, until she isn't. Katherine dies, but then isn't. What started off at the beginning of the show of not knowing who would die adding a level of excitement and even emotional feels when a character dies, this gets removed all of sudden with this process of bringing people back from the dead, it cheapens the impact of dead characters all of sudden.


the ending is my favourite part