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Marvels Runaways S01E01 - Reunion FULL REACTION.mp4 - Onehub

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Brandon Wiesner

Hopefully one day you will continue the show. It's not confusing like say Legion, it's just that it's the first ep and much is yet to be revealed. I look forward to seeing this one later.


I don't know if the tears in my eyes are from the laughing fit or the utter depression I felt when you compared the courtyard scene to the Bratz movie because I was just thinking how much I loved the way they directed that scene but now I'll only ever be able to rewatch it and think of Bratz. Thanks for that haha

raymond julien

Joss Whedon did a run on the Runaways comic called Dead end kids. I thought of that as soon as I saw Spike!


Not only Spike but some of the other parents have appeared in the buffyverse. I think you already recognized Brigid Brannagh (Gert’s mom), who played Virginia Bryce, Wesley’s gf in season 2. Also, the actress playing Alex’s mom played Vanessa, the girl at the party that Gunn and Cordy crashed and then got stabbed in the neck with glass (Angel season 3 episode). Also, Nico’s mom, that actress played that girl in the casino that lost her destiny, the episode where they rescue Lorne in Vegas (Angel season 4 episode). And also Karolina’s mom, that actress has a very minor scene in a future Angel episode (won’t spoil for you). So yea, I recognized lots of faces when I watched this for the first time. Though I already knew James Marsters (Spike) was gonna be in it. And yes, this is a part of the MCU.


The pilot originally aired as a 2 hour episode. They must have split it into 2 episodes so you basically just watched half an episode, Some of your questions were probably answered in the second half.

Emma goldsbrough

Great reaction. I watched two eps then I stopped. I don't know if it gets any better. Also I like the lights in the background and your spike pop.


it's "take down The Man" as in authority figures, not "man" the gender.


Spike Funko Pop! OMG - JUST before you got the Spike Pop out, I was thinking - aw, Shan doesn’t have a Spike Funko Pop, and they are quite hard to get now and pretty pricey. I dunno why I thought about it now rather than on a Buffy episode, but I was looking at your pops, and thinking about James Masters being in Runaways and if this would be a surprise for you in this pilot! And it just ‘popped’ into my head just before you got your Funko Spike out! I’m so happy for you Shan that you have one. Now you just need the even more elusive and expensive Chase Vampire Face Spike Funko Pop. :D I just got my Dark Willow Pop today!!! I now have the complete set of the 2nd wave of Buffy Pops, and nearly all of them now, except the special edition Vamp Buffy and Vamp Face Angel. I got the Special Edition set of Buffy and Faith though, I love them. I also love Giles with his Du Lac cross, and Buffy & Faith with their crossbows. Also, months ago I noticed your fabulous Funko Rock Candy Buffy and Willow figures on your shelf, when I first noticed you putting figures there. I kept meaning to say so - I have them too and love them, so cute! Just either got caught up in commenting on the episode, or it then got all tragic and awful on Buffy and didn’t feel appropriate to squee about Funkos :)

Bellatronics (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-09 12:22:20 I really liked the first season of Runaways. I watched it last year just after it aired. I can’t watch season 2 in the UK at the moment without paying to own the whole season though, so have to wait a bit. I knew James Marsters was gonna be in it. SO I was like - Marvel AND James! I checked out what the comics were about, liked the sound of the concept and thought - I gotta check out this show. I love how excited you got about seeing James in this :D Plus - Shan: “yeah, if you get a ‘C’ Spike will bite you!’ - LOL This first episode does leave you with a lot of questions, and no answers. Pretty intriguing with the parents being some sort of weird cult, doing whatever the hell they were to that poor girl. I couldn’t just leave it there and had to watch the next couple of episodes straight after - so it must be a bit frustrating for you Shan when you can’t do that. You said “ until the next one’ . Did that mean ‘until the next pilot reaction’ - of whatever show? Or that you are going to react to episode 2 of Runaways? They have quite a few characters here to set up and introduce in this first episode. I wasn’t too keen on how they were portraying Gert at first in the beginning of the episode. ‘She’s a feminist she must be ‘man hating’.’ Such a negative stereotype and misunderstanding. It’s that line when she’s standing in class “bring down the man”. I figured she meant the patriarchy system by ‘the man’ - but that’s annoying. People aren’t gonna realise she means bring down patriarchy, will misunderstand and think she’s man hating. No wonder no one wants to join her club. Be a bit more careful with your words. BUT THEN ! This time watching - I suddenly realised I had completely misunderstood the line, and I get what she meant now - because I have just watched you react to Angel Spin the Bottle episode Shan. It’s actually an American phrase that I don’t hear much, and so forget about a lot. Both Gunn and Fred, when they have lost their memories and think they are teenagers - talk about ‘The Man’ being behind whet’s going on - Fred talks about conspiracy theories, and her and Gun say they need to ‘ bring down the man’. By which the mean “a elite group of men who are in power and run everything in society, through control, money and manipulation”. So I then remembered hearing the US phrase the ’The Man” to mean this. And THAT is what Gert meant - the same way Fred & Gunn were using it. In that case The Man = powerful controlling rulers of society = The Partriachy System. BUT I still don’t like that they had her use that phrase, cos how many people watching don’t know the phrase or didn’t get it like me. It gives totally the wrong impression of her. OK - that was a big long analytical rant cos I had an AHA! Moment. :) oh, what am I like, bet no one reads these. :D
2019-02-01 04:46:30 I really liked the first season of Runaways. I watched it last year just after it aired. I can’t watch season 2 in the UK at the moment without paying to own the whole season though, so have to wait a bit. I knew James Marsters was gonna be in it. SO I was like - Marvel AND James! I checked out what the comics were about, liked the sound of the concept and thought - I gotta check out this show. I love how excited you got about seeing James in this :D Plus - Shan: “yeah, if you get a ‘C’ Spike will bite you!’ - LOL This first episode does leave you with a lot of questions, and no answers. Pretty intriguing with the parents being some sort of weird cult, doing whatever the hell they were to that poor girl. I couldn’t just leave it there and had to watch the next couple of episodes straight after - so it must be a bit frustrating for you Shan when you can’t do that. You said “ until the next one’ . Did that mean ‘until the next pilot reaction’ - of whatever show? Or that you are going to react to episode 2 of Runaways? They have quite a few characters here to set up and introduce in this first episode. I wasn’t too keen on how they were portraying Gert at first in the beginning of the episode. ‘She’s a feminist she must be ‘man hating’.’ Such a negative stereotype and misunderstanding. It’s that line when she’s standing in class “bring down the man”. I figured she meant the patriarchy system by ‘the man’ - but that’s annoying. People aren’t gonna realise she means bring down patriarchy, will misunderstand and think she’s man hating. No wonder no one wants to join her club. Be a bit more careful with your words. BUT THEN ! This time watching - I suddenly realised I had completely misunderstood the line, and I get what she meant now - because I have just watched you react to Angel Spin the Bottle episode Shan. It’s actually an American phrase that I don’t hear much, and so forget about a lot. Both Gunn and Fred, when they have lost their memories and think they are teenagers - talk about ‘The Man’ being behind whet’s going on - Fred talks about conspiracy theories, and her and Gun say they need to ‘ bring down the man’. By which the mean “a elite group of men who are in power and run everything in society, through control, money and manipulation”. So I then remembered hearing the US phrase the ’The Man” to mean this. And THAT is what Gert meant - the same way Fred & Gunn were using it. In that case The Man = powerful controlling rulers of society = The Partriachy System. BUT I still don’t like that they had her use that phrase, cos how many people watching don’t know the phrase or didn’t get it like me. It gives totally the wrong impression of her. OK - that was a big long analytical rant cos I had an AHA! Moment. :) oh, what am I like, bet no one reads these. :D

I really liked the first season of Runaways. I watched it last year just after it aired. I can’t watch season 2 in the UK at the moment without paying to own the whole season though, so have to wait a bit. I knew James Marsters was gonna be in it. SO I was like - Marvel AND James! I checked out what the comics were about, liked the sound of the concept and thought - I gotta check out this show. I love how excited you got about seeing James in this :D Plus - Shan: “yeah, if you get a ‘C’ Spike will bite you!’ - LOL This first episode does leave you with a lot of questions, and no answers. Pretty intriguing with the parents being some sort of weird cult, doing whatever the hell they were to that poor girl. I couldn’t just leave it there and had to watch the next couple of episodes straight after - so it must be a bit frustrating for you Shan when you can’t do that. You said “ until the next one’ . Did that mean ‘until the next pilot reaction’ - of whatever show? Or that you are going to react to episode 2 of Runaways? They have quite a few characters here to set up and introduce in this first episode. I wasn’t too keen on how they were portraying Gert at first in the beginning of the episode. ‘She’s a feminist she must be ‘man hating’.’ Such a negative stereotype and misunderstanding. It’s that line when she’s standing in class “bring down the man”. I figured she meant the patriarchy system by ‘the man’ - but that’s annoying. People aren’t gonna realise she means bring down patriarchy, will misunderstand and think she’s man hating. No wonder no one wants to join her club. Be a bit more careful with your words. BUT THEN ! This time watching - I suddenly realised I had completely misunderstood the line, and I get what she meant now - because I have just watched you react to Angel Spin the Bottle episode Shan. It’s actually an American phrase that I don’t hear much, and so forget about a lot. Both Gunn and Fred, when they have lost their memories and think they are teenagers - talk about ‘The Man’ being behind whet’s going on - Fred talks about conspiracy theories, and her and Gun say they need to ‘ bring down the man’. By which the mean “a elite group of men who are in power and run everything in society, through control, money and manipulation”. So I then remembered hearing the US phrase the ’The Man” to mean this. And THAT is what Gert meant - the same way Fred & Gunn were using it. In that case The Man = powerful controlling rulers of society = The Partriachy System. BUT I still don’t like that they had her use that phrase, cos how many people watching don’t know the phrase or didn’t get it like me. It gives totally the wrong impression of her. OK - that was a big long analytical rant cos I had an AHA! Moment. :) oh, what am I like, bet no one reads these. :D


Oh another thing Shan - would you like to be recommended other roles that James has played that you might want to watch? Or do you consider that spoilery to say he’s in a particular show?


I really love the comics series Runaways, and as mentioned Joss Whedon did do a brief run on the series fairly late in the course of its initial run after the first main story arc had concluded. The show changes a large number of things and a few major characters, but overall I think it's a reasonably good adaptation, though I'm still not entirely happy with some of the changes, especially to the character of Molly. I haven't watched season 2 yet but I'm hopeful that it'll take off. I recommend the comics but the first season of the show I found a bit of a slow crawl for the first few episodes and this is speaking as someone with a strong desire to keep going to see how much of the source material would be adapted and what would be changed. Runaways does cross over with a number of other comics in the Marvel Universe and at least in the comics it is in the same world. Not clear yet whether or not the show will cross over with other shows, but personally I think Cloak and Dagger would cross over well with it, especially since that already happens in the comics (although in the comics they cross over the with the adult versions of Cloak and Dagger).