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not really its some weird thing that ate itself and im scared


I'M SO EXCITED FOR THIS! Now off to watch.


link wont load the video?

Jarrod Wild

This was a great experiment and one of my faves of the series. Joss actually wrote all the Buffy/Holden stuff, and Marti wrote the Willow/Cassie stuff, but both chose to go uncredited. Also, Tara was supposed to be the one harassing Willow but Amber Benson said she didn't want to come back if Tara had to play someone who was "bad". So they got Azura Skye to come back and play Cassie trying to convince Willow that she was relaying messages from Tara.


Hmm...didn't think this episode would confuse you THAT much. Might be worth rewatching it. Anyway, this is one of my favorite episodes of the season, so it was nice to revisit it.


Finally a Xander-centric episode lol! I knew this was gonna be a "what?!" episode, and I'm gonna answer the big question! Yes, what Jonathan said was "Desde abajo te devora", which is (bad) Spanish for "From beneath it devours" ^^ .

Chris (darkwater)

My fav line might just be "I'm here to kill you, not to judge you"


Haha. The end is really an overload moment. Shannon: "No! Hold on, shhh, what, too much." :p This ep did scare the pants off me when it aired. For some reason standing-still-Warren scared me as much as Joyce on the sofa.


People seem to want to be spoilerific today, so hopefully the stuff got deleted before you saw. My input on this episode that I think a lot of people gloss over, is that it is one of the only times in the series showing Dawn knows at least some basic protection magic. Having your surrogate mothers both be witches pays off I guess.

Jarrod Wild

Interestingly enough it's the only episode to date in which Xander does not appear.


Easily in my Top 5! So much love for how they balance the varying tones in this episode. It's also legit one of the creepiest and most horror-movie-like in the series. I'm a huge fan.

Jarrod Wild

The whole Dawn scene in the house was freaky as hell. And I agree about the standing-still-Warren. Especially the distant shots when Andrew is shining the light on him.

Jarrod Wild

I feel like this is as close as the series gets to the feel of genuine horror, especially the Dawn story. The stuff with quiet unmoving Warren in the distance or just out of focus is creepy too.

Brendan O'Connor

Poor Jonathan, like Shan said he was the only Trio member that I cared about

Claire Eyles

This is the only Buffy episode that gives me genuine creeps in terms of Joyce on the couch all sightless and messed up looking, and the fact that the image flashes quick enough that your brain doesn't have time to process it properly. Masterful writing and direction, I'm not a huge fan of S7 but damn episodes like this one are great.

Claire Eyles

Oh and you might have missed a line at the end, when (not) Cassie is doing her whole 'kill yourself' spiel, and then starts talking about death and good vs evil scales of balance, Willow says "From beneath you it devours', that's when not Cassie says 'Oh no it, me'. So now we wait to see who we this 'me' is.

Andrew Pulrang

I have seen this final season the fewest times, so my memory of it is very sketchy. That made this extra fun to watch because while I knew vaguely what was going to happen, I couldn't remember the details. For one thing, I didn't remember the "Trio" part at all.


I love this episode, I love the song at the start and end, I like everyone having their conversation with a dead person in one form or another, and all the teeny little drips of things that get dropped this episode. I remember being so baffled by it the first few watches, so your reaction was gold lol! I think now i’ve seen the show so many times, everytime i watch episodes like this one I find something new, or realise a whole new clue or clever piece that I missed before. Gah, so well done 😁👏🏻


Also “it eats you starting with your bottom...” haha

Bruce Trogdon

Over 16 years later and this episode still eats you starting with your bot...I mean it's still awesome. IF all of the things we see and hear are true, then Buffy can't depend on Spike and Dawn can't count on Buffy, but that's ok because Willow is going to kill everybody anyway. Remember Mayor Wilkins and Spike from early seasons? Just because they were evil didn't mean they wouldn't tell the truth when it benefited them. According to the Welcome to Sunnydale sign, the population has declined by 5600 people since Spike last knocked one over. When I pretend I don't know what will follow, this episode leaves me with so many more questions than I had when it began. Great reaction Shan.


Michelle Trachtenberg did a great job with this episode; she hadn't really had a big challenge before, but she did all that with really nothing to react to. Good job. I liked the moment when Willow realized that there was no way she was talking to Tara... some things were just outside the bounds of possibility. I can see Amber Benson's concern, but I think it would have been super horrifying if they'd gone with the original idea of it taking Tara's form. Shan makes an interesting point about how Faith-ish Buffy is getting--minus the bravado, of course, but now that she's gone through things her friends haven't, she's becoming as alone as Faith had been, and her thoughts are starting to turn in the same direction. Hmm. The vamp therapy session is hilarious and troubling at the same time. Buffy... TALK TO YOUR FRIENDS! And Spike. Yes. I remember seeing this when it came out and going, "WHAT THE EVER LOVING #@)&)# IS GOING ON HERE?"

Bruce Trogdon

An important difference between Buffy and Faith though is that Faith (at the time) loved having the power and the 'authority' to deal with things the way she wanted to deal with them. Buffy realizes that she's just a person who makes mistakes and doesn't think she deserves that type of power.

Brandon Wiesner

So many questions, which will all be answered in due time.

raymond julien

I commit, I'm committed, I'm a committee...now one of my favorite life rules!

Rachel Espiritu

Willow: Did I fall asleep? Me, instantly: For a little while.


This episode has my favorite Dawn line - "Anchovies, anchovies, you're so delicious. I love you more, than all the other fishes!" - yuck anchovies, but yay silly line.

Timotey Kuhn

Don't worry, Shan. We who care about your mission here remember that you want to feel the crazy in moments like what was piling on all at once at the end of the episode, but not to answer your crazy.... ;)

Tammy L. Faulkner

Welcome to the MOST confusing episode of Buffy😂

Emma goldsbrough

Great reaction. Just remember when this was aired best part of this was cut, until you got to the dvd,

Becky Howell

I always get confused between Anchovies and Artichokes so I constantly sing Dawns song in my head to remember which is the fish haha

Becky Howell

I love this episode! Every time you were asking questions in my head I was like ‘ahhhh just watch it!’ As for the trio I was never overly sad about Jonathan because Andrew has always been my favourite, he’s hilarious! I can’t wait for you to watch the rest of my favourite season!

Dontrell Durant

Ok Shan, I'll answer all your questions right now! Here it goes!........ And that's what happened. Sorry for spoiling, but I couldn't hold it in.

Mike Woodcock

44:02 "Ok, put me in a room with this girl, she's talking . . ." Ten seconds later . . . "Ok, maybe not in the same room . . ."

Nick Velasquez

Oh this was hard. It’s been a minute since I’ve watched this episode. My boyfriend passed away at the beginning of the month and I’ve been distracting myself with reaction videos and such. Hearing willow talk to “Tara” ugh that hurt. He and I did karaoke all the time and “even if you can’t hear, she still sings to you” I cried. Sorry for my rant, I just wanted to say thank you, having reaction videos on a constant have served as a helpful distraction...and I don’t think I could have made it through rewatching this episode if it weren’t for your commentary


Maybe that's uncalled for, but I can empathize. No words can help, and you try to distract yourself and you just stumble over something that reminds you. No matter how silly that thing is, it hits you. Just dont close yourself from that. It gets better with time, although such loss never goes away. I'm glad you found some distraction, my best wishes that you can keep doing that and find an outlet, no matter where


Jonathan :( , he has been with us since season 1, if only he had been allowed to join the Scooby Gang... edit; season 2, i stand corrected, Nick is right, 2nd edit, he does appear in the non-canon non aired pilot of buffy, so...

Chaotic Cam

Just sitting here, watching your confusion, sipping my own Pepsi and having a nice evil cackle.


The comment about Scott Hope coming out as gay was kind of an inside joke -- this episode aired a few months after Fab Filippo had a recurring guest starring role as a love interest for Justin on Queer as Folk.


ASR: (angrily) "Ok, put me in a room with this girl..." Doppelgangland: Part 2.

Jason Veevaert

Feeling inferior about your perceieved superiority, yikes, she is going to need to work on that to get to a better state.

Ron Fehr

That's what I like about your reactions. They're genuine. Sometimes it's tempting to tell you certain upcoming things, but I respect your not wanting to know. On another topic, did you notice who wasn't in this episode?

Ron Fehr

If I recall correctly, the reason that Azura Skye's character Cassie spoke with Willow in the library was because Amber Benson (Tara) was busy with another project.

Jarrod Wild

The writers claim on the DVD commentary that Amber wasn't available to shoot, but Amber herself said she didn't want to play Tara as someone who turns out to be evil. She was being protective of her character.

Ron Fehr

Thanks Jarrod. That makes sense. I don't blame her for refusing the opportunity to come back.

Ron Fehr

Yes, Holden and Buffy. God exists. The fat that the universe exists is proof of God.

Loves Bitca

As I understood it, both answers are technically accurate. That Amber was actually busy and wasn't able to do the role, but that Amber was happy in hindsight that she hadn't been able to do it for that reason.

Loves Bitca

No the fact the universe exists if proof of Zeus. Claiming something is the origin of something and then saying that the thing you claimed created it, as proof is a horrible argument. Scientology believes that aliens dying in a volcano are the reason for bad emotions. By your logic we can say they are right and the proof is that emotions exist.

Ron Fehr

My point is that the universe was created. It did not simply come into being.

Jarrod Wild

Hey it's the Kalam cosmological argument. Never heard that one before.

Ron Fehr

It's the truth.

Jordan Haddow

Such a brutal manipulator. I was right there with you. Just a series of whats.