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I realy like this episode. It reminds me of the old Stories and Tragedies of the greeks. It's almost philosophical that you kind of understand the winchesters side as well as Castiels. And of course, you asume the devil has an motivation of its own, because, well, he's the devil :-) They should have named this episode different though. "The road to hell is paved with good intention" would be my choice. Thank you for this, its realy enjoyable watching those with you again. I forgot about this episode


Maybe the handprint on Dean had more to do with reuniting the soul with the body or reconstituting the body. It had taken many angels along with Cas to free Dean’s soul from hell. They didn’t free his body as his body was buried. Sam’s soul AND body were in the cage. Since he was on his own and dealing with the body and soul, maybe that’s why Cas was only able to free Sam’s body and there was no handprint. I could be totally wrong but that’s my rationale.


Did you notice the portrait of Crowley that Cas and Crowley were standing in front of in hell when they were talking in the side corridor. Misha Collins at a convention had said the take of him looking to the left with a confused look on his face was him (the actor) seeing the picture for the first time.


If Raphael wins, Lucifer and Michael are free, they apocalypse is fought, the winner will probably kill Crowley if Lucifer loyalists don’t assasinate him first, if Castiel goes with Crowley’s plan, Crowley gets tens of millions of souls to use to power himself up to solidify his position, and he doesn’t get killed by any archangels. At least Crowley’s pretty committed to the plan.


Crowley wants half of the souls. It's a huge power increase.

Tammy L. Faulkner

Team Freewill... Always making us think and feel.

Rue Surnameunimportant

Cas is such a piece of shit in this season, ughh. But I love him, still.