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Just James

Are you kidding me with the skips! I know it’s not your fault Shan I’m just frustrated, this show was my first exposure to Superman, he was kind and intelligent and wore his underpants over his spandex pants - I’m glad you watched it at least, maybe borrow your step brothers DVDs if you want more cheesey tights and flights

Just James

https://youtu.be/dUVTKshmfF0 Clark meets Lex in full

Just James

https://youtu.be/Vjv93r3dHuw Clark meet Cat

Just James

https://youtu.be/SJ4_AJ9dsSY Clark being creepy

Just James

https://youtu.be/5glH0arxcfA First save


oh no, the costume montage punchline got cut... I mostly like this series.


I enjoyed this very much. This was my superman i knew, besides the old movies of course. Great chemistry between the lead actors. And Teri Hatcher pre-plastic surgery was smoking hot.


They replaced the actor who played Jimmy in the second season The show aired on ABC I had to laugh when you said Lex Luthor was Blair Waldorf’s Dad – the first time I saw him on Gossip Girl, I said “Blair’s Dad is Lex Luthor!” LOL! I hope you have a chance to rewatch the episode without all the skips, some of the parts that got cut off were brilliant. Especially, as CaptainNice said, the punchline of the costume montage. No, you hadn’t seen the starting credits before. For the pilot, it was just the people’s names over a Superman “S” I’m with you on Jimmy – the actor they have for seasons 2-4 is much better (but still not ginger) Thanks for doing an extra episode for me! I wasn’t expecting both the pilot and 1x02!

Ron Fehr

I remember watching some episodes of the show, but I must have missed the first one. Had a bit of a crush on Teri Hatcher back then as well.


Shame the pilot kept skipping over parts especially some of best parts like the punchline to the montage. Also sad you didn't get to see the whole first confrontation with Clark and Lex especially since Superman's last line to Lex about having to look up to find him is in direct reference to Lex telling Clark that he loved his view of the city because everyone had to look up to Lex. Despite the issues with the video skipping really liked your reaction.

Scarlett Monrow

For me, it's the best portrayal of Superman! Is it corny - yes, but here Lois is not a stuck up wench, Clark does not pretend to be a loser, Perry isn't constantly angry and has some personality and Clark's parents are the best parents in the world!


They interviewed the guy playing Lex at the time, and the subject came up about the hair. Basically, they decided that, in the 1990s, the richest guy in the world wouldn't put up with being bald, and he'd have some good product and/or hair plugs, even if he was naturally bald. I did watch this the first time through, but it must be twenty years since I've seen any of it. I do like the little bored-Superman/mundane Superman segments they put in... pacing the walls, floating up to fix the light, typing at superspeed (with the attendant problem of overheating the keyboard). But the only specific thing I remembered from the pilot was the costume punchline.


Oh, and here's the costume sequence, I figured someone would have popped on that montage at YT. <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aVM87ufIPOc" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aVM87ufIPOc</a>

Patrick - Excelsior

Yeah...its an era thing. To me Superman will always be Christopher Reeves and Lois Margo Kidder. I liked this show when it came out but I do feel Smallville was done better in general. There were some issues I had with Smallville but overall it had good writing. I try not to fault the special effects (I've seen worse), sci-fi and fantasy shows of the past had much lower budgets less advanced tech available and had to make due with what the had.


That could be. I was pretty little for Christopher Reeve. This was when I was a young adult--Superman here was four years older than I am, so I always thought of this as the Gen X version. (Very pragmatic, grounded in the mundane, but with solid romantic aspirations... and very little melodrama.)


I watched this after Smallville, my brother had them, so I was always like you team smallville. But I enjoyed Lois and Clark, so great pick and reaction.


Looking at the costume montage, this is one of the things I liked about L&amp;C: Most Supermans up to this point had Clark as the disguise for Superman. I think this may have been the first time that the costume was pretty much meant to be an over-the-top disguise so that people wouldn't notice that he was actually and truly Clark Kent.


I really liked this show at the time (which didn't even have the "Lois and Clark" part of the title when they showed it here in the UK). From a trivia point of view, the director of the pilot, Robert Butler, also directed the first episode of the '60s Batman TV show, as well as various other pilots of note (Star Trek, Hill Street Blues, Moonlighting).

Mike Simonton

wish this was on your regular schedule. can't wait for you to compare this to Smallville. just don't try Superboy.