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A while ago, I was asked to setup a PO box, I was hesitant - felt really awkward about getting gifts or what-not plus the idea that it would kinda give my location away a bit and it was just very scary for me.

Someone asked if I could setup a Amazon wish list instead, I looked into it and it seemed like I couldn't set one up.

Back then, either you couldn't gift people things from AU Amazon or I was completely stupid and didn't know how to set it up but now...

With the help of Patron Hef (thank you Hef) - I now have a PO box and a Amazon Wish list I can share with you guys.

I want everyone to know a few things first though. There are some expensive things on there, they are on there because I wanted to check the prices on Boxing Day sales, please don't purchase anything expensive (if you purchase anything at all).

This is completely optional. I still feel really kinda awkward about this as it'd be me receiving gifts from you and as much as I love presents and free stuff like any human - I feel bad asking for a lift to the shops from my dad so like yeah. I just don't want anyone thinking that I'm fishing for things - this is just because a few people have asked for a Wish list... PLUS CHRISTMAS IS COMING.

Anyway if you are interested - thank you. https://www.amazon.com.au/registry/wishlist/3CZQWH7QP8BMN/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_ep_ws_Y5teCbB01AHV9

and if not, that's completely fine! Absolutely no pressure or anything. Just putting it out there in the universe!  

Ps. there will be unboxing videos of course. 



Dang, I was just curious but now I want most of that stuff for myself :(

Dev Bhavsar

"Please don't purchase anything expensive"..........That feels like a dare. I feel like you just double dog dared my soul. Its decided. I will save up my money to buy something expensive. Hope you have room at your place for a gold jet ski with spinning rims!!!


All 20 packs of straws are on their way for your Pepsi habit. They wanted $800 for expedited delivery, so I decided just to send them standard. You may need to go strawless until January...


you literally made my night i was snorting with laughter all the way down the hall to tell my dad about it


people are really going to give you presents for just sitting and reacting to tv shows all day. isn't your patrons paying you each month enough of a thank you?

Pat Hurd

Damn it, I hope you're giving some of your "hard earned money" to charities. Free money from people so you can watch TV? Amazon Wish List!?! What I want to send you isn't on Amazon. Funko dolls? Everybody thinks they're the next Normies. You should be volunteering somewhere/donating, sis! If you were asking for pet food to give to an animal shelter or something instead of plastic dolls...

Chris Peacock

You missed the part where people asked her to make the list. She wasn’t lying. They want the list. It’s perfectly fine if you aren’t one of them. Nobody is required to buy anything on it.


got that part. but just because people asked her to do it, that doesn't mean she has to. especially since she expressed feeling so "awkward" about it initially. i also know im not required to buy anything. but that doesn't mean i won't express how silly i think the whole thing is :)


I think wishlists are silly too. It is still super condescending to go to channels that have wishlists and go, "Wow people are giving you (optional) presents just for sitting and watching tv?? Aren't the (again optional) donations you are getting from patrons enough of a thank you?"


The Normies are a group of like 10 people with a half dozen different editors. I feel like proportionally Shan puts in a good amount of work for herself comparatively speaking.


"Aren't the (again optional) donations you are getting from patrons enough of a thank you?" Patrons are buying a product. They get to see the videos early, they get to see longer videos, they get to suggest content to watch, they get to talk in private discord channels. It's not a donation.


It's Christmas, will likely remove the wish list after Christmas. People like to get people presents for Christmas... nobody has to... but some people are really giving and actually want to and that's why the list is there. Also. Patrons aren't buying a product. That isn't the word used. You're pledging to help support me and in return you get early access to longer videos. This isn't Netflix...


Giving my hard earned money to charities? First of all, it's a lot more stressful than you'd think - you try and sit down to ecit about 8-16 videos a week. I dunno if you missed the part of my bio that states that I have to look after my disabled father. That I'm basically unable to work a normal job to make sure he doesn't have any issues... that's where the money goes. Not to charities... to supporting my dad... I don't think I'm Normies? I'm one person. They're a company, completely different.

Brandon Wiesner

Jeez, there's no need for the nasty comment. If you don't feel inclined to buy something, you don't fucking have to. The only reason she even did it in the first place was because people were telling her they want to send her stuff. That's also why she set up the PO box. You don't want to join in? No one is requiring you or anyone else to but understand that she didn't just wake up one day and say hey, I think I'll ask people to send me some stuff. She's even saying to please not buy her anything expensive. So yeah, I don't know where you get the greed vibe from but that's not her at all.

Brandon Wiesner

For someone that supports her on Patreon, you seem to not understand the YT creator dynamic very well.

Hans Olav

That's a rude comment.. "Hard earned money", people support her because they want to and she works really hard to earn it! I'm sorry if you haven't realized that video production is actual work, not to mention the added pressure of strangers feeling inclined to tell her what to do with her life. Its just the absolute low-ball of morals to attack someone taking care of their family for not being "charitable". Shan, we love you don't listen to this troll.

Pat Hurd

Its that Amazon wish list that stings, full of toys that don't help your disabled dad one bit nor does it help you edit videos any better or faster. It's all a bunch of toys to sit on a shelf. Like I said, if you had some pet food on your list you gave to a shelter, it'd look like you're not a grifter.


I’m confused on the hateful comments. Why does it bother some people so much? How does this affect anyone? Shan can do what she wants. If she wants to write a wishlist everyday she does not have to justify that to anyone period. It’s not your business. She does not tell you how to spend your money or if it’s okay to accept a gift from someone. I certainly don’t need anyone telling me how to spend my money and what I should or should not do. It’s really simple if you don’t want to send something don’t.


why do you think she has to give money /stuff away. things could be on this list because she wants but cant pay for them. it also improve the background of the video instead of just a blank wall.

Brandon Wiesner

If you really watched her videos, you would notice that she puts the pop dolls, DVD's and other things related to what she's watching on the shelf. So it's not just for her to collect stuff. There is a purpose beyond that.

Patrick - Excelsior

Uh...I'm not an expert on jet ski's in any way, ....but I'm fairly sure they don't have tires....ergo...no rims. ....lol


I'm very offended and hurt by the fact that you like things Shannan. I'm even more offended that people want to give you things you like Shannan. Please, because I don't want you to have the things you like Shannan, take this wishlist down. It's very harmful to me personally, and the fact that other people wanted this for you is even more painful. I don't understand why people like to see other people happy. It just feels wrong. Can you please just be sad and miserable like me? Please.

Emma goldsbrough

Did some people not read the message she put up. Some people need to think before they write. She is NOT saying buy me something, she just saying if you want to, you don't have to. The reason why she set this up is because people have already gotten her things so they could send to her. She can put whatever she wants her wishlist, that is what a wishlist is to put what you want on so she could keep an eye on them or if you IF YOU WANT TO choose something from that list you can but you don't have to. Other people who react to have a wishlist as well. Read what it says first. I hope you are alright, Shan and not listen to these horrible people who can't read. Your my best react and the only one who I have ever done a pier to. Love your reactions.

Nanci Fenstermaker

I just read thru these comments and I am struck at how utterly shamelessly rude some people can be while sitting behind a computer screen. It should not longer surprise me and yet as an eternal optimist and gal who likes to see the glass half full, I always hope the better angels of our nature far outweigh the petty nasties. I am always sad to be proven wrong. Shan - you did nothing wrong. You supplied what people asked you to do. Those who did not ask or feel they do not want to part of it - should seriously just move along and keep their unasked opinions to themselves. Tis the season to give and share and those who would rather be grinches - I pity the hell out of you. Carry on. I absolutely adore your reactions. Have a great day Shan and all others who bring good cheer to others.


omg this hateful comments are ridiculous and entertaining at the same time. I find really funny how people is so jealous and they don't like anything good happening to other people, i feel sad for them.


I was going over your amazon wishlist, I'm a funko pop collector and i noticed that several of the funkos you want i have them. Too bad they are really expensive on amazon. You might wanna try this page for toys <a href="https://www.popcultcha.com.au/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.popcultcha.com.au/</a> a lot of friends (and myself a couple of times) buy from here, and since is a AU page is cheeaper than amazon.

Bonnie Basgall

I would like to point out that reactors do get gifts. Blind Wave has an unboxing every week or two and open at least 15 things each time. The normies have also done unboxings in the past. It's not every reactor, but it happens. Also...why is it your business? If you don't want to buy her anything or if you can't, that's fine, but her getting gifts doesn't hurt you, and if people want to send her things you don't have any right to tell them they shouldn't or that she's wrong for letting them.

Bonnie Basgall

Finally, she doesn't just sit and watch tv. She also edits hours of content for you to watch, going through raw footage of her reaction and piecing together the shorter versions that air on youtube. Between all the shows she watches and the editing process for it all, she devotes a huge portion of her time to the content that you are clearly watching if you're a patreon. And all that doesn't take into account that while she "sits there and watches tv she is also giving live impressions, critiques, and analysis of the content she is watching. If some supporters want to give her something extra for all of that, then more power to them.