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Yay my favourite season 🥰


Am i the only one that cannot open the video link?'


I had to download it or you can wait until you can watch it.. not sure how long that’ll be though unfortunately

Chris Peacock

I said this was the episode where I'd post my Kate defense and I meant it. But it's gonna be on the YouTube cut. Not here.


Angel's still cool but at this point I'm leaning toward team Wesley.


Great reaction, Fred has step it up this eps.

Signe (Seena) Stewart

And thus begins my least favourite season... for reasons I won't say until we've reached a certain point because spoilers.. I really don't like Connor. To this day, Vincent Kartheiser bothers me because of him being Connor, which is totally unfair, I know. I love Cordelia. Love her!! She's my third favourite in the whole Buffyverse. Spike and Anya ahead of her. Excited to see your take on this season


I was finally able to forgive Vincent for being Connor when I watched Mad Men


Season 4 is my least favorite of the show. It is very reaction worthy, though.


Finally watched the video, i love this season and i actually like connor, i understand why he did those things to Angel and his friends, Angel made the right choise to sent connor away, he is not from their world, he was trained to hate and kill demons, and he was raised by holtz so i didn't expect anything else from him.

Brendan O'Connor

The MC Escher line was funny, but unfortunately he was Angel, not Angelus, when he got sucked into Hell via Acathla

Clara V.

I'm not surprised you got mixed opinions about season 4. Personally I think it has some of the best but also some of the worst storylines in the whole show. And yeah, I don't think there's a soul out there who actually likes Connor. Not even Dawn in her worst moments comes close to how annoying this guy can be...


ASR: "This is so icky...I don't like it" Said Granny ASR during every sex scene ever. ;) There are two moments in this reaction I absolutely love: 1) Wesley opening his closet door and the stunned "What?!" that follows it as ASR's image of him is shattered into a million pieces. This is truly the moment that BtVS S3's bumbling, clueless Wesley is slain and his corpse dismembered. 2) "I'll take away your bucket." Wesley 2.0 coalesces and Shan is impressed. 3) Okay, I lied, there's lots of moments I love in this reaction. Number 3 is "Aww, man! I hate this!" ASR impressions: frequently awful, always Aussie, forever funny. Pure win.


I've always thought of the Wesley/Lilah coupling as something similar to S6 Buffy/Spike. Both Buffy and Wesley are going through a form of mental devastation, and they feel abandoned and alone, and Spike and Lilah, respectively, are convenient. They're also representative of everything the heroes are supposed to hate.


Premier feature? Does that mean that everyone can watch it stream as it uploads? Any way, it's a way for people to all watch it at the same time. Right?


Season 4 is a bizarre and polarizing season. It's quite a ride though so I'm sure your reactions to it will be quite interesting.


I always found it cool and creepy that Wes left... Ans then Lorne left. And then Groo left. And then Cordie left. And then Angel sunk. Where the @#$% is everyone?


I can see why people don't like Connor, but... I kind of do. (I may be the only person, but I'm okay with that.)


Connor is annoying and immature but it makes sense for his character to be annoying and immature. I feel like a lot of people dislike Connor for the same reason they dislike Dawn - it was a "jump the shark" moment for both shows. Personally, I find Connor way more tolerable than Dawn up until like season 7 of Buffy when she starts maturing a little.


i thought it was sweet that angel included wes in his family feast fantasy at the beginning of the episode.


You don't like Connor?! WTH? I'm just kidding. I think it's barely possible to like Connor. He spent his entire life being indoctrinated to believe that Angel was evil. I also blame the writers for not being more careful to make his POV make sense.

Scarlett Monrow

Shannan, I know you weren't fond of Angel season 3, but trust me, season 4 is the best one. In my opinion it's the best season in entire Buffyverse.


ASR 'Mutterings...I don't even word'. You should put that on a t-shirt and sell it...or at least a meme.


Season 4 has extreme highs and lows. Its lows are bottom of the barrel awful. Its highs are so satisfying. It's an odd one, but in my view it's an integral part of the series.


Connor is the worst Buffyverse character and this is the worst Buffyverse season. It will all be over soon and then Season 5 (which is AMAZING) will be there for you to enjoy.

Lisa Irv

I happen to be a fan of Connor and I thoroughly enjoy Season 4. I never knew people had such opposite reactions until I went online to read opinions after I finished AtS.

Andrew Pulrang

This episode was actually much better than I remembered it. In fact, the whole endgame of Season Three and into this episode made more sense on a second viewing. The Cordy thing still isn't great, and Conner himself is sort of annoying. But at least the story makes more sense than I thought.

Richard Lucas

I like Conner. There’s only one character in the entire Buffyverse that I’ve just viscerally not liked, and it would be a spoiler so I can’t say yet. I’m looking forward to watching this character again though to see if I can let go of some of my probably unreasonable hate from the original run.

Richard Lucas

“I’ll takr away your bucket” is one of the darkest and funniest moments I think I’ve ever seen on TV.

Richard Lucas

Let’s not forget that Angel has still spent more of his life evil than he has good. Angel ate Holtz’s baby son. (Angel and Darla probably ripped the baby in half playfully fighting over him.) Conner seems like a mostly good kid, just angsty. Don’t forget his first action in this world was defending that girl from thugs.