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Death doesn't mean anything when it comes to CW Shows. Supernatural is the definition of cheating death. The one that started it all. 🙂


All vampire related shows cheat death. How many times has Buffy died on BTVS? Also, Jeremy has already been brought back on TVD so that should've been your first clue that just because a character dies on this show that doesn't mean they'll stay gone.


When Silas says he thinks Damon enjoyed breaking Stefan's neck a little too much, I always think that Damon must have been enjoying a little payback for Stefan doing the exact same thing to him in 3x14.


I agree with you on two counts. That last scene was brutal. Damon and Elena trying to murder a human Katherine with zero remorse seemed oddly cruel. Also, I've never been a huge fan of Tyler's. The way you feel about Matt is how I feel about Tyler. He is useless. Even when he was on the show he was basically in a constant rage and a huge a-hole to anyone who crossed his path...even his own girlfriend.


I can understand people getting upset over Damon feeding Katherine to Silas and everything, but I don't. She may be human now, but she's still Katherine, and I don't give her a free pass on the 500+ years of evil she engaged in while she was a vampire. And I haven't seen anything that would convince me that becoming human has changed her. Not that what Damon did was "right" and if it had been just about anyone other than Katherine I would be horrified, but considering it's Katherine, and considering all the things she's done to both Damon and Elena in the past, I can't blame either of them for the way they acted.

Signe (Seena) Stewart

Damon and Elena feeding Katherine to Silas has always seemed like poetic justice to me. As that's exactly what she did to Jeremy. She's Katherine. Human or not, she's not exactly the poster child for human kindness. Only a few episodes before she tried to kill Jeremy (again) to save herself...

Tyrence Purnell

Klaus killed Tylers mother so yeah revenge is needed in my book.


I felt that the Katherine's daughter thing was one of the most interesting arcs this show ever did, and Damon killing her, or so he thought, was one of the most serious moments of the series.

Fly on the Wall

I agree with you about Bonnie. They effectively ruined the meaning of killing off a main character when they mourned Jeremy for half of season 4 only to bring him back that same season and immediately killed off Bonnie only for her to never go away. Now they're talking about bringing her back in exchange for Silas when we never got to miss her. You have to give real consequences for death or you teach your audience to stop caring.

Keith Engel

Bonnie's wave is one of my favorite Bonnie scenes.

Keith Engel

Though one of the other issues I have with this season, is the big deal that was made during Season 3 with Jeremy and Anna ghost relationship, and how upset that made Bonnie. Yet now that is what they are doing here with Jeremy and Bonnie.

Keith Engel

Poetic justice in what took place with Katherine, she used Jeremy to raise Silas so she could steal the cure killing him. The other hunter was there, she made a choice to use Jeremy, also not to save Bonnie. Then she is forced the cure by Elena as punishment as each wanting to kill the other, now she is "killed" in the same way she killed Jeremy to raise Silas again and cure him. I have nothing wrong with this and never felt sorry for Katherine she is the quint essential Narcissist, doing anything to survive, especially what takes place later in the season. She's had chance to redeem herself over and over again.

Josh Lomax

You do realize that its not even remotely the same situation, right? The ONLY reason it was a big deal with Anna is that Jeremy was dating Bonnie at the time. He literally cheated on her with the ghost of his ex. In this case, Jeremy is single, so no, not the same at all