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my computer is being annoyingly laggy today and i am struggling to even edit this one video

i planned to record a bunch today but i cant even open the program.

i am so sorry for being late with some things this week i suck :( 



Don't be so hard on yourself, Shan! You know we love you! We're behind you all the way!

Timotey Kuhn

Stop that. You're an utterly awesome person who's just having an equipment snafu that EVERYONE inevitably has at one point or another. There's no need for the self flagellation. And you wouldn't have $5,128 in monthly pledges if you sucked. You're probably just about the most successful reactor out there on Patreon right now. You blow Torchwood Boy out of the damn water. Hell, even compared to our beloved Ian of Passion of the Nerd, you utterly annihilate ... So while it's good of you to let us know when there may be some delays due to technical problems, there is absolutely NO need to bring yourself down in the process.


And the fact that your post outnumber everyone else's on my feed (including mine) combined by about two to one in no way mitigates against your technical failure. ;p Seriously, everyone has crappy computer days. Draw a picture of it to burn in effigy, then roll your eyes, go out to a fun movie or something, and get some sleep. (Or, depending on the time lag to when you get this, go out to lunch, I guess...)


Computers suck, not you Shan - you rule! If it still isn't working, chill out and have a well deserved break, we love you!