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It was fucking terrible, let's be real. The SJW rape culture man hating theme was so offensive to me. The original Charmed was feminist yeah, but it respected men and didn't trash them to shit. Plus the acting was like 10000 times better and the leads actually had charisma and were likeable. I liked Charmed back in the day, it was comfort TV. This wasn't comforting, it grated.


There were some issues I had with it that as I was editing didn't occur to me. Things such as like - all the males are untrustworthy? Why must people push their political views down others throats. Why were they going on and on about consent... like basic things people should already know and not have to be plastered over walls.

Paul Gibson

OK I will give this one a miss then after reading that

homoerotic 80s volleyball scene personified

I respect your opinion, but I disagree when it comes to the feminism. I don’t think it was heavy handed at all. Consent is important to talk about because if we don’t educate ourselves then people will never be rightfully punished for committing rape, it’s always about the man’s future not the woman’s already ruined life, so I think it was great that they talked about it, and the sad truth is that we have to go on and on about consent because men and women who rape don’t seem to understand it even though it is so simple. It was also nice to see that Mel protested against a sexual predator (and of course vanquished him) and then at the end when they called out that one guy, doing the exact same thing to him as he had done to women previously (such as Mel early in the ep), that was awesome to watch. I honestly think this is the type of show we need right now because no other show dares talk about feminism the way this show is doing it so far.


I think you're missing the context of the episode. Mel protested against an ALLEGED sexual predator, plastering posters all over campus, essentially slandering him. He was acquitted by a court because the accuser was unable to testify. Rape trials often do come down to 'victim' testimony as the main source of evidence. And we MUST have evidence. We cannot just blindly and by default believe every rape accusation by every woman. I thought it was disgusting that the male character who said it was a 'he said, she said' was made out to be such a bad person. 'He said, she said' is not a good way to convict someone and if you found yourself falsely accused of something you'd be so thankful that courts have a higher standard than that.

Signe (Seena) Stewart

My favourite part of this episode was Robert Pine. Aka dad of Chris Pine/capt. Kirk. As the professor... I was really not impressed. Like you, OG Charmed holds a special place in my heart. I was 13 when it first aired and have a vivid memory of being on summer holiday and freaking out because i didn't know how to watch the 4th episode of charmed while we were gone. No such thing as setting up a vcr days in advance. Turned out they had a tv room and i shot evil eyes at anyone eyeing the remote 😂 I lost touch with it when I started college in 2003, but those early seasons are sacred to me And this just fell flat for me... I'll give it a few more episodes, then decide if I'm done. Orbing is essential! How can there be a whitelighter without the bluish-white light?! 🤔 And i agree. I need the whoosh of the freeze.

Signe (Seena) Stewart

Oh yeah, and they did force feed the whole feminist angle A. Lot. Too much. The original was about female empowerment and never had to be so explicit about it... Oh, and copper ex is no Andy! No way! She's just so... bland...


I usually watch your SPN reactions but haven't commented yet. I just had to with this though as how you describe Charmed is exactly how it is with me too, I was 8 when I started watching it and though now I completely see its flaws, it also holds a special place in my heart and will probably remain a favourite of mine despite said flaws. Not sure if you know since you aren't caught up with SPN but the CW turned down a SPN spin off in favour of the Charmed reboot which also probably adds to my bitterness. Yeah, it may be called Charmed but it is no Charmed. I thought it was pretty bad.


I completely understand, I think a Supernatural spinoff would have been great - idk what it would be about but i can imagine if the writers were the same it'd be better than this

Tammy L. Faulkner

I've been watching Charmed since 1998, it won me over just after my mom passed away... Its still my #1 show to this day and nothing can replace it... and as a fan I believe its real dumb how ppl wanna find one thing wrong with THIS episode and judge the entire show over it. I watched it and liked it. I will be watching the next episode and perhaps the ones after that. Not every episode is going to be wrapped around the same subject. I even have my favorite sister... She may not be Piper, but she's got my attention.


"feminist angle"? is that the right term? Whatever it is... CW is clearly showing its political leanings/agenda. Arrowverse is a softer version. I think Disney is heading in the same general direction (but with more skill). Sigh...


I won't say it was great, but first episodes often aren't. I think this has potential if it stops leaning on politics and finds it's footing in the characters themselves. All the girls are likeable. I also liked the fact that the White Lighter was older and there doesn't seem to be leading to one of the girls getting with him. I think that was done and they need to take this in new directions. They can have strong females without weakening men. In fact, making the men strong only makes the women look stronger because ultimately, the women are going to kick our collective asses. I am going to give this a go. It's not the old Charmed, and I am good with that. I am looking at this like it's own thing. A new show that just seems a little familiar (and no, I don't mean the cat) ;)


I'm going to give it a try and watching along with you knowing how you feel about the original Charmed will definitely help. They have attempted two spin offs now and both haven't worked out. I can't say much more than that because of spoilers but I will be interested in your thoughts for sure when you see future episodes.


OK. Here’s my Controversial opinion. “Limited Hangout” is the political term. The Charmed reboot is an example of the mindset that Rose McGowan has been complaining about. The people getting media time hating on men don’t want to hear from Rose. An investigation of her allegations would lead to some very powerful media people going to jail for a very long time. I think the bad guys will loss in the long run.

Nancy Nicolai

I have to say I didn't want to like this reboot but I did and it made recall the original first episode of Charmed and as I recall that wasn't all that woke or awesome either actually it was a little like this one only a little more lite in my opinion but as time and seasons passed that Charmed got better so may this one!?🙆🔮👢🌿🔬❤


I loved Charmed. I watched it when it first aired and rewatched many, many times. It does have a lot of flaws but I am defintely happy to overlook them as I love the show. I love that Misha Collins was in an episode although even though it was fairly cringe-worthy. I was in agreement with everything you said about the reboot. It had a lot of positives and negatives. I do want to give it a fair shake and hope that it improves so I am glad you are giving it a full season. I am excited to watch it with you.


'Show, don't tell', is the best technique for story telling (and educating people). This was a little 'Telly', whereas the original was more 'Showy', and fun to boot.


I will give it a chance, but I was not real impressed with the pilot. I thought the acting was wooden and the story and dialogue felt forced. i am not opposed to politics in my shows and i am very liberal but this was very heavy handed.


I feel like I'm missing parts of the story, but that's probably because I never watched much of the original series. Not enough to understand everything anyway. I may have to start watching both.