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Soap S01E01 & S01E02 - Episode 1 & Episode 2 FULL REACTION.mp4 - Onehub

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Young BILLY CRYSTAL!!! Perhaps the ultimate spoof on all soap opera's. A show that dragged out every 'Trope' and made fun of it! (at a time when tropes where the hot topic of the PC). Plus there was even a spin off...'Benson"


...but by being ridiculous, did it actually create more...awareness(?)...understanding(?)...of actual issues(?); than any soap ever?


Hard to know after 40 years. Sometimes comedy has a serious side. But in 2018, can we tell the difference between 1970s humor that was subversive, and 1970s humor that was just wacky?


Benson got a spin-off series that lasted longer than Soap - standard sit-com faire, with a funny snarky lead. Billy Crystal is Jodie. He used to co-host charity events with Robin Williams. So very glad you weren't bored. Yes, another US TV show where people have houses much nicer than possible. And the laugh track - geez... I'd like to see the old sitcoms remastered without a laugh track. "Previously" and "In the next episode" take up a few minutes, making the episodes even shorter, But I like those parts. "Find out next time", but we don't find out because there's 4 or 5 story threads and about 17 minutes of story content. Not sure if Grandpa was the 1st TV character with crippling PTSD. The horrors of war made him insane. Ha! It's funny??? Well, at least they're saying PTSD exists, at a time when many 'Nam vets were struggling. And Grandpa show how 1977 is totally not racist compared to WWII... Its a quirky, goofy show.

Jarrod Wild

Watched Soap when I was a little kid (child of the 70s), along with All in the Family. Those were times when they were really pushing boundaries.

Tammy L. Faulkner

I think you got Billy Crystal and Rob Schneider mixed up.

Bruce Trogdon

I had a high school crush on Diana Canova, but otherwise Soap was too OTT for me but that style of comedy was probably the only way it could have made it on US television at the time. I remember it being considered very radical.

Nicole Garver

I loved Soap! It really was a boundary breaking show. Jodie (Billie Crystal - a wonderful comedian) was one of the first openly gay characters on network TV. You definitely have to put yourself into the right mindset to enjoy it, it's so silly and deliberately campy, but tackles some really important issues as well. My favorite character was always Benson. He ultimately got a spinoff (called Benson) and had a long run as that character. Thank you for checking it out. I hope you enjoyed it.


Well... at least it's better than Passions.

Richard Lucas

1) The show was interesting as often in these early episodes, Billy Crystal is forced to play stereotypical gay, so the audience ‘got’ that’s what he was, as in the quick scene with Benson, and it comes off flat. But in the scene with his mom in the bedroom, his acting was much better, and he got to do that more and more as the show progressed. 2) My favorite character in the show is introduced soon (I think), Bert’s other son from his first marriage. I won’t spoil the surprise if you decide to watch further.

David Boyd

Ah, Soap. I remember my father really loved that show. Saw only a handful of eps as my parents deemed the show a little too mature in subject matter for us kids to watch. The spinoff, Benson, was a favorite of mine. Two of the regular cast from that show wound up years later on the 90's Star Trek series where I appreciated their performances even more.


i think as a very young child i saw some of his show or it could have been Benson, the characters seem very familiar


never seen, never heard of it. This wasn't for me.


Love this show (I'm old) it was so groundbreaking for its time and may seem a bit tame now considering how crazy the soaps it is parodying actually became.