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there will be one TVD episode next week and 1x1 of the Originals. 

that is all i wanted to say.



I think I like the originals more than TVD

Tammy L. Faulkner

I just re-watched that episode... when it first aired I wanted to watch it and just had life take hold of me so I didn't keep watching. That was also when I stopped watching TVD. Now I'm on season 8 and starting TO over again. Your the only reactor who has things I like to watch. The others have some, but not everything... and to think, it all started because I was looking for someone that reacted to Buffy. More people are, but they're just not as fun to watch. By the way... speaking of fun, have you discovered your HOUSE on Pottermore? I'm just curious...


Please make sure you have people looking at your comments on here/YouTube in case of spoilers because if they spoil it for you then I will flip it really badly on your behalf because it’s an amazing show that I want you to experience for yourself without people ruining it for you.


I can partially reassure you on your concern. I'm one of her moderators on Discord and YouTube, and we're watching closely and removing spoilers as fast as we can. Unfortunately, there's nothing we can do on Patreon -- they don't have any way to make people moderators, at least not so far. But generally, people on Patreon seem to be better behaved and more invested in making sure we don't ruin things for Shannan. Hopefully things will stay that way and we can continue to keep her from getting spoiled.