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I am aware some things have not come out from last week.

I am working on it.

If I'm being honest here, I recorded about 28 videos in the span of about 2 different days and woke up to my father receiving death threats to the point that we had to call the cops so I have not really been in the mood to do more...

Please don't rush me, please don't ask me where is x reaction, I'm trying my best here but sometimes things get in the way. 

Things missing from last week.

  • Superman IV 
  • Smallville 2x13 (I messed up on the schedule, last week was suppose to be 2x13 and this week is 2x17).
  • Freaks & Geeks 1x1
  • Twin Peaks 1x1
  • Lost 1x1
  • Black Mirror 2x1



Renee Pope-Munro

Holy shit hon, hope you’re okay! Do whatever you need to do, self care (and family safety, WTF?!) first.


No problem at all. I know some people can be unfairly demanding, but dont assume that anyone who asks if a reaction is coming is giving you hassle, they might just be genuinely curious and making conversation. I almost asked about Black Mirror myself in chat, and I am completely chilled about the schedule, and not in any rush at all!

Tammy L. Faulkner

Like I said on Twitter... don't worry about us. We know your a human being and have issues in the world like the rest of us... WE will be here. You worry about yourself first, than your family. Make us your LAST thoughts. I know your probably burned out from watching and recording... how about you take a nice bubble bath, then make some popcorn with a Pepsi on the side while enjoying Princess Bride... no recording just relaxing. I mean who in their right mind doesn't feel better after watching Princess Bride. Hope that situation with your dads ok... You should both enjoy popcorn, Pepsi and Princess Bride. LUV YA GIRL! YOU 1ST! US LAST!!!


I’m just happy to watch the OMWF reaction on a loop, won’t need any new content for a while! Take your time, and take care of your life & family

Brandon Wiesner

I read the chat about what happened on Discord. That's so heartbreaking! I hope you and your dad are ok. Don't sweat it. Your reactions are always secondary to your life. Anyone that is demanding of you fails to realize, they are on your schedule, not the other way around. You are human, not a video making robot and as humans we sometimes need to step back because of life. Take care of yourself and your dad first and foremost. The content will come when it comes. We will be here and we all care about you, Shan. If I could give you a hug irl, I would but I'll settle for sending a virtual one. ({ })


Don't stress, take your time.


Omg, sending death threats to someone who haven't done anything is so childish. if someone had done that to my family i would have hunted them down and tell them. "No one hurts my family and get away with it, no one." If you need to talk, don´t be afraid to send me a Pm and don`t worry about the videos, just post them when you have the mood...


Woah, now I feel bad about asked about the pilots yesterday. I hope it goes without saying, but I didn't mean it in a "where the hell are they" type of way. More in a "huh, it's kinda weird they aren't upload yet, wonder if something is wrong". Don't fret. We're still here.

Nancy Nicolai

Sweetie I'm sorry that happened to you & your dad but like I said on Twitter you need to take care you and him first , rest and anything else is secondary but if know who made these threats and can block them I would do it bc you don't need the stress and what they did was not only illegal but so far across the line that they've erased it and I have no idea what's happening to peoples kindness ,compassion and empathy for others so just try not stress sweetie bc SO MANY OF US DO SUPPORT YOU AND YOUR DAD!!!💜✌🌹🌟


Seriously, is there any patron genuinely bothered by this? All of us who subscribe know you're one of the hardest working reactors out there, producing an incredible amount of quality content. If real-life occasionally intrudes and forces you to fall slightly short of perfection then it's only to be expected. Thanks for all you do and the professionalism with which you do it.


If you stopped having a schedule and just released things when you were ready ... I wouldn't mind that one bit. Adds a bit of surprise fun to it too.


Please take care of yourself, Shan!

Timotey Kuhn

Ditto and a half. Let them just be ready whenever they're ready at whatever pace needed for a sane level of life.


A lot of the time, especially when channels/patreons grow so quickly and put out content at the rate than Shan does, people begin to feel entitled. It sucks, because i'm sure most people can the amount of work that she has put in to grow this channel so quickly and sustain it, but other people are just gonna be jerks no matter what.

Timotey Kuhn

I don't want to pester Shan directly about any details as she clearly has enough things to deal with, but as I'm still a very newbie Discord user who hasn't yet really figured out how to get around in it in order to read what you saw, was this someone from her Youtube subscribers or a Patreon that made these threats?

Timotey Kuhn

Oh my f'ing god!! :O DEATH THREATS???? Are you bloody well kidding me?? ( I know you're not. It's just something that people say when they are outraged as hell that someone could be so monstrously scumbaggerly evil to you.) That is truly bloody evil if anyone would send you death threats, ESPECIALLY over something like a video. I feel compelled to apologise to you for the utter uselessness & evil scumbagged-ness that you have just exerienced at the hands of wastes of air who should truly meet a quick end. Please do whatever you need to do for you & your dear Dad to stay safe, & PLEASE don't worry about keeping to some kind of rigid schedule for when videos are released. Just do so whenever they happen to be ready. If life outside of the editing bay gets hectic, so be it. It'll take a while longer to get a video out. Who cares? If anything, I would be more than happy for you to severely cut back the current pace of your video releases, in half would actually be far better. We who are decent human beings don't need you to rush through everything so quickly. So please seriously consider cutting your current pace at least in half. You won't be so overworked, and we who love your reactions will get to keep you in our favourite shows for a good while longer.


Shan honestly i´ m amazed how much work you do in your channel, you make a lot of videos, charts, comments, and you are very responsible with your schedule. There are a lot of reactors on youtube and I think you are the most professional of them, so don´t upset about some delays, you are doing it amazing. Whats happened is horrible and you should take care of yourself and your father first, of course. I don´t think anyone could argue with that.

Brandon Wiesner

No, it has nothing to do with any viewer/subscriber. It's a prsonal family matter for Shan and I don't want to divulge any more than that, because it's not my place.

Chaotic Cam

Oh my god, that's horrible Shan, and I'm so sorry that this happened to you and your father. Please take your time and don't stress, and I hope you two the best in being able to recover from this mentally/emotionally as I'm sure it must be rough.


Holy shit. I'm so sorry! That's awful! I wish there was a way we could protect you. Why on earth would someone target you guys?


(not really a question, btw, just feeling aghast) please keep yourself safe.


Stop worrying about how we're doing, if anybody is pressuring you, they are not a fan. You take care of yourself and do your reactions when you feel like it. I want the real deal, not something you've had to force yourself to watch. Take care of yourself, your health (mental and physical) are your only true valuables, keep them safe? And to quote General Joe Stillwell "nil carborundum illegitimi".


I hate that you have to tell people to not rush you and give you crap. You don't owe us anything. As far as I am concerned, I pay for pre-recorded content. I don't pay for the right to demand anything from you. I might keep requesting my favorite movie, but no demands for sure. :)

Jarrod Wild

Shan you are so busy for our benefit, and I for one am very grateful. You film more reactions per week than most if not all the other reactors I follow. I'm so sorry that you are being pressured. I feel like I'm getting a great deal on Patreon for all that you do. You are awesome, and don't let the haters get to you.